

Kris POV

“Thank you EXO!” the host of our press conference said, bowing.

“Thank you!” we echoed, bowing back.

I glanced over at Tao, who was slouched in his seat, barely able to stand up. Before I could go to help him, however, our manager was ushering us backstage, herding us like sheepdogs. Unable to do anything but follow the crowd, I let myself be pressed into our dressing room. I was immediately surrounded by stylists and coordinators, handing me my hoody and sweatpants, demanding I change out of my stage clothes. I changed, scanning for Tao the whole time; he wasn’t there.

I gave my clothes to the noonas, thanking them as I practically ran to the main entrance of the stadium in search of Tao. I went past the bodyguard, forcing him to chase after me as I dashed to the car, ignoring the fans lined up; Tao was the only thing that mattered.

I threw open the door to the vehicle, searching frantically. “Have you seen Tao?” I asked, breathless. “He wasn’t in the dressing room –“

“Shh,” I was cut off by Xiumin, who stepped out of the car. “I brought him over here with one of the bodyguards. I knew you would come looking, so I was waiting for you.”

“Thank you,” I sighed in relief.

“Don’t mention it,” he replied. “I have to go change; I’ll see you later.” He waved as he walked away.

I turned back to the car, opening the door to see Tao, with his eyes closed, slumped against the window in the back seat. I carefully climbed over to him, pulling him against me. I cringed as his face distorted into one of pain. I gently ran my hand along his waist, feeling for the injury so I could gauge how much pain he was in.

“Mmm,” he groaned. “It hurts.”

“I know baby,” I cooed next to his ear. “I’m so sorry; I’ll make it better soon; I promise.”

He mumbled incoherently, gingerly turning his body to cling to me. He opened his eyes briefly, gazing up at me, before closing them tightly as another wave of pain went through him. I his hair feeling helpless, trying my best to comfort him.

A door slammed shut as the rest of the members filed in and the manager took his seat behind the wheel. We started driving along the highway towards our dorm, but it seemed that no matter how fast we went, it was never fast enough. Each turn we made had the boy in my arms softly crying out, my shirt in his hands.

“Is there any way we can get there faster?” I pleaded with our manager.

“I’m sorry,” he called back. “This is the fastest way.”

Tao whimpered, his grip loosening. “It hurts Kris,” he cried. “I don’t know how long…” his voice faded out.

“!” I cursed. “Tao, listen to me! You are going to stay conscious, you hear me?” I felt a weak nod against my chest, but his grip on me slackened. “You are going to be fine,” I continued. “Just stay with me Tao! Stay with me!”

We pulled up in front of our dorm when I felt him go limp.



Everything sort of came to me as if I was dreaming. I remembered Kris yelling at me to stay with him, but after that was a blur: Kris carrying me out of the car; him laying me down on our bed while he found bandages and other things; him leaning over me while my shirt was eased off; trying to remain conscious while he tried to locate the exact spot of the injury; and finally slipping into darkness.

The first thing I felt as I awoke was warmth along my back. As I resumed further wakefulness, I felt how the warmth radiating from my back continued to my waist, drawing me closer.

I allowed my eyes to flutter open, blinking in bright morning light. Looking down, I saw that the warmth on my waist was Kris’ arm, and that I was still without a shirt.

A puff of air was let out next to my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I felt him shift behind me, kissing the skin just behind my ear.

“Good morning beautiful,” he whispered, nuzzling my neck.

I placed my hand on top of his, where it rested on my waist. I leaned back against his torso, enjoying the heat his skin gave off. “Morning,” I breathed, closing my eyes in contentment.

He thumbed the bandages near my injury, being careful not to press too hard. “Does it still hurt?” he asked, concern lacing his voice.

“A bit,” I answered, wincing as a sharp stab of pain made itself known. “But not as much as before,” I added, rolling over to face him. “Thank you.”

His lips turned up in a smile as he looked down at me. “Anytime,” he murmured. “That’s what I’m here for.” His hand reached towards me, my hair.

I leaned my head forward, pressing my face into his chest, inhaling deeply. He smelled musky and like freshly cut cedar with spicy undertones; it was perfect and undeniably him.

His hand moved down my neck, trailing past my ribcage, before stopping at my hips. He traced slow circles there, his fingertips lightly brushing as he went.

I turned my face to the side, my ear against his chest, listening to the steady thrum of his heartbeat. I watched as my hand ran down his muscled torso, following the shape of his abdomen as the muscles contracted and released under my touch. I looked back up at him, at how his eyes were closed while I touched his skin. I carefully scooted up more, and then placed my lips on his.

I felt him relax into the kiss, although his lips remained insistent against mine. He switched our positions, being mindful of my waist, leaning over me as I sank into the bed. He nibbled on my lower lip, tugging it teasingly before letting go, only to bite it once more. I traced my tongue along his lips, asking permission; I was easily granted access. I took full advantage of this, enjoying the sweet tasted he left on my tongue.

He seemed to agree with my unspoken thoughts, sliding his tongue over mine to mingle tastes. I reciprocated, attempting to deepen the kiss before he pulled away, both of us breathing hard.

He gazed down at me, caressing my face. “Tao,” he breathed, lips ghosting over mine. “Manager said a hot shower would help the healing process.”

“Did he?” I whispered back, wanting nothing more than to feel his lips again. “Then I guess it’s shower time.”

“Guess so,” he said, kissing the corner of my mouth.

He placed one hand on my lower back, helping me into a sitting position while searching my face for any indication of pain. Finding nothing, he put my arm around his shoulders as we hobbled over to the bathroom.

With every step I took, pain shot up my back and along my sides; it took all of my control to keep my expression from changing into a grimace.

“Here we are,” Kris announced, letting me lean against the counter while he went to turn on the water, letting it run until it stopped being ice cold. “Need help?” he asked, noticing me the waistband of my pants.

I nodded, permitting him to slide them down for me.

He led me towards the shower, checking the water temperature before standing aside to let me in.

My hand caught on his arm. “Are you gonna come in too?” I questioned, pausing in front of the shower door.

“Do you want me to?” he replied, looking slightly shocked.

“I might need help washing my back.” I widened my eyes at him, trying to make myself look innocent.

He smirked, stepping out of his own pants. “Well,” he smiled. “We can’t have that, now can we.”

I tugged his arm, letting him shut the stall door behind us. “Ahh,” I sighed, closing my eyes as warm water sprayed my face.” I felt Kris come behind me, pushing my wet hair from my face. “You’re right,” I noted, leaning back as he pulled my hips to his. “It feels much better already.”

“That’s good,” he replied, backhugging me. “Anything better than yesterday is an improvement.”

I felt him put his chin on my head, going silent for a moment. “I was so worried,” he finally said, lowering his voice. “You…” his voice trailed off as he swallowed, shaking his head. “You are never allowed to be in pain ever again; I hate it. Just…no. Never again.” He tightened his hold on me as if that would prevent anything bad from happening.

“It’s okay,” I said, reaching for his hand.

“No, it’s not okay,” he whispered passionately. “I love you, and when you love someone, you protect them from things that hurt them. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?”

My insides went all fuzzy at his words. “I don’t know, but as of right now, you’re officially the best boyfriend in the world.”

I felt him smile, kissing the top of my head.

Tipping my head back to kiss his jaw, I nuzzled his neck, enjoying the husky sounds that came from the back of his throat.

He gently pushed me against the wall of the shower, gazing into my eyes with a hungry look, before ducking his head to my neck.

I gasped as his lips made contact with my throat, leaving a trail of openmouthed kisses along the sensitive skin.

“Ngh,” he groaned suddenly, ceasing his movements. “We can’t.”

“Why not,” I panted, breathless.

“You’re hurt –“

“So make it better.”

“I’m not going to hurt you, especially not right now.” He shook his head my I opened my mouth to protest. “Sorry baby, only after you’re better.”

I pouted, but couldn’t argue with his logic. “Can you wash my hair?”

He chuckled. “That I can do.”


We were outside, lying in the sun while our hair dried.

“I bet you’d look good in a Mohawk,” he teased, playing with my hair until it stood up.

“No!” I half whined, half laughed.

He continued to muss up my hair though, knowing I wouldn’t move my head out of his lap.

I covered my eyes with my hands. “If I can’t see you, you can’t see me!”

His hands moved lower, passing my ribs. “I don’t know,” he said skeptically, tickling me.

“That’s not fair!” I claimed while laughing.

He continued to tickle me, laughing with that gummy smile I loved so much.

“Alright you win!” I claimed defeat.

“Of course I win,” he grinned. “I have you.”

I crinkled up my eyes in a smile at his cheesiness, but knew he meant it with all his heart. “As I have you,” I responded.

He leaned down to peck my nose. “I love you,” he whispered, my cheek.

“How long will you love me for?” I whispered back, tracing around his lips as I spoke.

“I will always love you.” He pulled my finger to his plush lips, kissing it softly before lacing our fingers together. “Always.”




hey there

sorry, I know you've been waiting for a while; I hope it was worth the wait

it's my first time writing Taoris, so hopefully it was okay :3


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and thank you so much for reading and supporting me<3

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thank you for waiting; will update soon ~


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Taoris forever ❤️
Chapter 1: Cyut
TalkativeChibiko #4
Chapter 1: So fluffy and cute ! I loved it :)
Eshinco #5
Chapter 1: Soo cute love it=)