Amusement Park :D

I'm your Secret


It was Saturday and Tao was sleeping when a text message appeared on his phone, waking him up. He groaned and reached for his phone from a small table, next to his bed. He became really pissed off and threatens to kill the person who ruined his beauty sleep when he saw that the text message was from Kris. He started smiling and read the text message. 

From: Kris

Want to go to the Amusement Park tomorrow? I got two tickets. :)

Tao's smile grew wider (if that can happen) and replied. 

To: Kris

Ok, what time should we meet and where? 

Tao waited for his reply and dozed off to sleep with a smile on his face.

Soon, a text message came and an eager Tao shot up from bed, grabbed his phone and read the text message.

From: Kris

I’ll meet you at your house at 9 am and we will take the train to the amusement park~

To: Kris

Ok~ But what about Chanyeol?

From: Kris

Chanyeol has something to do tomorrow and I didn’t want the tickets to go to waste, so I wanted to know if you would come with me. ;)

Oh, well at least he asked me to go with him and not someone else. At least he remembered me.

To: Kris

Ok~ Well see you tomorrow :D

Tao quickly shot up from bed and went to eat breakfast. He became really nervous since he would be alone with Kris, tomorrow.

After breakfast, he quickly dialed Baekhyun’s number. After a few rings, Baekhyun answered.

“Bacon! I got something to tell you!” Tao yelled with excitement.

“Well, tell me,” Baekhyun said, eager to know what made his best friend excited.

“Kris invited me to go to the amusement park with him tomorrow,” Tao quickly said.

“Oh, so are you going to go with him?” Baekhyun asked, hoping that Tao declined the invitation.

“YES! I am going to go with him,” Tao yelled again.

“Oh, well,….have fun,” Baekhyun said, becoming sad.

Hearing Baekhyun’s sudden change of emotion, Tao said, “ Are you not happy for me?”

“I’m happy for you, Tao,” Baekhyun said, having to lie because he didn’t want to ruin his friend’s happiness.

Tao smiled, happy to hear that his friend was happy for him.

“Well, I got to go. I need to practice my wushu. Bye.”

“Bye,” Baekhyun said.


Tao couldn’t go to sleep since he was nervous being with only Kris, so he went to his living room and the TV. The channel was playing You’re Beautiful. Tao loved that drama and had watched it for more than 3 times.

As Hwang Tae Kyung kissed Go Mi Nam, Tao fell asleep on his sofa with a blanket and a giant smile on his face.


Sunday arrived and Tao rushed to get ready since it was already 8:30 AM. When he finished getting ready, Kris showed up.

“So, are you ready to go?” Kris asked.

“Yeah! Let’s go,” Tao said, with a ton of excitement.

They started walking to the train. Since Tao and Kris were next to each other, their hands would accidently touch and Tao would blush red. 



It's been really long! I'm sorry! I haven't updated for a long time because of some issues. I will update more at least once a week! And thank Asaba_Tetsu for motivating me~

 Please don't unsubscribe me

For my apology, here's some Taoris~



Wahh~ So hot -nosebleeds-

When my nosebleed finally stops, welp it's not stopping.


They match each other :D :D :D 

And some Baekyeol~

Soo cute~

HAHAHA I can't-



Until Next Time~



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i forgot my notebook at home and i didnt have math or eng today srry ill update as soon as i can :D


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JaeYong_TY #1
Chapter 4: poor beakyy
i want beaktao instead -_-
anyway please update

and i hope kris realises that hes not ment for chanyeol and tao realises hes not ment for kris
just to make things interesting
Chapter 4: yahh!!!what happend next update plz~>ㅅ<
Eshinco #3
Chapter 4: Omo those taoris pics omfg wow love them<3
Chapter 4: Ur welcome hwaiting for the next chap, UPDATE OMFG CAN'T WAIT
Chapter 3: I like where this is going :D
thejewelholic #6
Chapter 3: uwaaah it's getting complicated. Baekhyun loves Tao, Tao loves Kris, Kris loves Chanyeol. Don't tell me Chanyeol love Baekhyun~~~!!!
yebulge #7
Chapter 3: OMG So it's like baekhyun <- chanyeol <- kris <- tao <- baekhyun?? and possibly kris loves both chanyeol and tao? >.<
Chapter 3: UMMM Square love? LOL!
SillyAh #9
Chapter 3: This is like a love line, LOL