Get dressed, you're going out

NU'EST Protection Program

The next morning the boys all stood nervously at the bottom of the stairs to Yejin's room. They had fought for an hour about who was going to wake her up but all they got out of that fight was the frightening knowledge that Ren could beat them all in an arm wrestling match. Looking to each other nervously Minhyun and Baekho looked at each other mischievously and pushed Aron in front of them.

"The eldest should always volunteer for this." Minhyun said chuckling evilly with Baekho.  Aron cursed under his breath as he walked up the stairs and slowly slid the door open. He disappeared in the for a minute before running back down the stairs and straight into Ren's arms. "Hyung is such a chicken...guess the leader has to do it." Minhyun grabbed JR and started forcing him up the stairs Aron had just fled down. Seeing that Minhyun was being over powered the other three joined in and pushed JR up the stairs until finally he agreed. JR entered her room and stood stunned at the picture before him. Yejin was wearing pink and brown polka dotted  short shorts and a tight black tank top that was pulled up showing her stunning curves to him. JR had a mini panic attack by the door and was practically pulling his hair out but he refused to run out like Aron did. Instead JR cleared his throat hoping it would wake her up but of course it didn't.

"Oh come on." JR muttered and cautiously walked up to Yejin and went to reach her arm until he saw the band aid on her elbow and he felt a little pang of guilt. He knew she couldn't carry all those suit cases up the stairs but he couldn't help but . He lightly ran his hand over her skin and Yejin looked up to him with  blood shot eyes with black mascara running down it. Yejin quickly hid her face but JR saw it already and ripped the pillow out of her hands. "Look at me." JR ordered and when Yejin didn't listen to him JR grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. When he got a closer look at her and figured out she had cried herself to sleep her roughly let go of her. "Get dressed. You're going out." JR stormed out of the room and headed straight for the room all of the guys shared. "Baekho I'm going to the shooting range, are you coming with?" JR yelled and Baekho ran to his room to pack his bag to join JR.  Yejin looked at herself with one of the compact mirrors she brought and rolled her eyes.

"Of course I look like a crack addict in the morning." Yejin punched her pillow and silently cleaned the mascara off her face. As she climbed out of her room Ren, Minhyun and Aron were all still standing there just looking at her. "Yes?" Yejin said expecting a response but all the guys ran away too nervous to say anything to her. Yejin went back into her room to get some clean clothes and decided to pick out her favourite blue dress with a bow in the front making her waist look even smaller. She paired them with a pair of simple black heels and with her clean clothes in hand Yejin searched the fire station for the bathroom.

"Second door to the right." Ren called out from the first floor, Yejin looking over the railing and cute little Ren was sitting in his large chair staring at one of the many computer screens he  had.

"Thank you." Yejin called back and without looking back Ren waved his hand that was holding onto a yellow lollipop. "He's odd." Yejin mumbled and walked into what she was expecting to be a bathroom but looked more like those torture chambers from Saw. "OH COME ON!" Yejin yelled as she stared down the rusted pipes, dirty floor and toilet that looks like it had never been cleaned. There was a knock at the door and it was Aron asking it everything was alright. "If by alright you mean nightmarish than yes, everything is peachy." Aron laughed and walked away leaving Yejin gagging at the disgusting sight in front of her. "How can they live like this?" She asked as she stripped her pyjamas off her body and stepped into the freezing cold water. The water burned every inch of Yejin's skin but she didn't dare step out. If she was going to live like this she had to wash away any past she had as a real human being. When her skin was raw and her toes were frozen she stepped out and quickly changed so she wouldn't have to touch the floor. When she opened the door Minhyun was standing there with a towel.

"Here." He handed it to her and Yejin gratefully took it so she could dry her hair. "We're going out shopping today so get ready." Minhyun tried to smile but it was obvious he was awkward around her. Yejin nodded and Minhyun walked away stiffly as if he were impersonating a robot. Yejin walked down to the main floor and hung around Aron who was sprawled out watching television and Ren who was typing inhumanly fast when all of a sudden a lollipop was shoved in her face.

"You look like you could use it. Do you like Strawberries?" Ren looked up to her with an innocent smile on his face and Yejin smiled back at him. Ren seemed to be the only one somewhat comfortable with Yejin and it took a little bit of the pressure off her shoulders.

"I love strawberries."  Yejin replied and took the lollipop instantly popping it in making Ren smile brightly and face back towards his work.

"Come on Yejin let's go." Minhyun said standing by the door and Yejin glared at him because her hair was in no condition to be seen by the public.

"Just don't steal it." Ren said handing her the elastic band that was used only seconds ago to hold his golden hair together. Yejin took it and promised to return it when they came back. Yejin liked Ren, he was almost like a friend to her. But then again Yejin didn't really have any reference point for that.


~Please comment~

Short again I KNOW but hear me out.....I'm lazy XD I hope you like it~

NU'EST - I'm sorry Watch it...Love're welcome :)

I really like these pj's :)





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Chapter 8: Ren wants to marry me because he thinks I'm cute :) I wish <3 Loving these stories; I'm so happy I found you!
Chapter 1: Re-Reading. It's so hard to find great stories now a days. I was so glad to find this in my subscriptions! You are truly a great writer!
Chapter 28: Okay - a pretty strange question, but I can't help it - Are you a human being? Your storys are great. I'm glad that I found such an amazing story in a blink of an eye!
Jungkoyoung #4
Chapter 32: Amazing its inspired me on so many drabbles
Jungkoyoung #5
Chapter 12: Not fair both my bias are Jinyoung and Ren why!?!?!
But great story btw;)
Chapter 3: kyahhh hey Ann-authornim (lol that sounds so formal, r u older than me? can i just call u unnie?) anyway, i'm reading it and idk i just cant stop smiling. loving Ren to death. at this rate, i'll probs finish all 3 of these fics by ur next update on Born to Beat lol *fangirling*

btw any good nuest variety shows? i was trying to find Love Story but i couldnt find it subbed :( .
Angelz0715 #8
Chapter 20: Omg why are you in the hospital?
Angelz0715 #9
Chapter 17: Bigbang as the assassin? No way!! Please don't make more of my favorite group as the bad guy :(
Angelz0715 #10
Chapter 16: Omg I freak out when I read the last part where the crown pop up!!! I almost scream!!! FYI it's not really a food idea to read this at night -_-