Chapter two

I'm Stuck With This Crapped Up Fantasy Of You Being Mine


Kyuhyun’s POV

I lied.


Donghae didn’t fall in love with Hyuk Jae till he was 15.


Sure, they met in kindergarten and all but they were far too young to think anything further. As sappy as this sounds and as much as I mock Hae’s undying love for Hyuk Jae, I think they’re perfect for each other.


This is where y’all are supposed to go; “AWWWW” and you know what? You should (: It took me a while before I could actually say that and mean it. Yes, as a best friend, I’m supposed to be supportive of Hae’s decisions but when I was 15, I didn’t really look at him as a best friend.


I looked at him as something more.


I don’t know when it started, honestly. The way my heart started to beat rapidly when he was around, the way I started to imagine us being together in THAT way and the way I almost got a freaking as he took out his shirt.


I couldn’t accept myself at first though. No, not because of the whole ‘gay’ part, but rather, because I was crushing on my best friend. I was terrified that my feelings would come between our friendship, that things between us wouldn’t be the same. You have no idea how much I wanted to deny these feelings. But they kept coming back no matter how much I pushed them aside.


It was bloody irritating at some point, to be honest.


But Hae’s addictive you know? From his smile to his scent. At some point, I started to wonder about his taste.


So as I watched Hae slowly fall in love with some other guy, the pain was excruciating. No way in hell was I going to give him up to some other guy. Sure, Hyuk Jae was well known to be sweet, loving and of course, hot. But I couldn’t give Donghae up. I just couldn’t.


That’s what I told myself a million times. I repeated these words over and over again, reciting them until they were embedded in my heart. I detested Hyuk Jae; I hated him to the very core.


But that was all before I saw Donghae smile at him.


I’ve seen him smile a thousand times before but none of them were as heart-warming as the one he wore when Hyuk Jae was around. As he smiled, his eyes grew soft and were filled with love. It was like he had the whole world in his hands.


And that’s probably when I realized I could never stand a chance. Initially, it hurt like hell. But soon enough, something dawned upon me.


That smile.


That was all that mattered.


As long as Hae’s happy, as long as he keeps smiling.


I’ll keep smiling.


As long as he’s happy, I’m happy.


So as Hyuk Jae entered Mr. Kim’s office, I knew that he was going to be Donghae’s new partner. This means that they’ll spend more quality time with each other.


I haven't gotten over this crush yet but I still hope they find happiness. 


Donghae’s POV

My new partner

“Donghae! Meet your new partner!”


Hyuk Jae flashed his famous gummy smile and said, “Let’s do our best okay?”




I stop myself just in time and cleared my throat. Oh , I did not almost just blurt that out. I can’t even… I need to learn how to freaking shut my mouth.


Hyuk Jae raised an eyebrow and tilted his head to the side. “You love…?”




And being the complete moron I am, I said, “Erm. I like your hair.”


Hyuk Jae unconsciously touched his blond (y) hair. “Really?”


“Yeah. It’s blond and it’s so soft and all….”


Soft? SOFT?? Someone should just sue me for being so retarded. Why can't my mouth just stop talking? This is getting way out of control. I'm supposed to be impressing Hyuk Jae, I'm suppose to be sweeping him off his feet but instead, I'm embarrassing myself to the point where I'd do anything to just disappear from the room. Okay, okay. I WON'T be a coward this time. I won't.  


Just when I FINALLY gained the courage to make things go right, Mr. Kim decided to cut in and said with a bright smile, “Well, I like both your hairs!”


And that was my breaking point. This was way too awkward for me.


I bowed to both of them and made a break for the door.



Hellooooo (: 

Please do comment and subscribe~ 

I'm really scared this fic isn't good DD: please do leave commnets to tell me how I can improve alright? (: 

btw, I'm planning to make Eunhyuk top (; 

I'll write in Eunhyuk's POV a bit later in the story because of certain reasons (: 

Anyways, thank you so much for reading~ <3 


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efiana #1
kyaaaaaa u are so brilliant author...
donghae is funnnnyyyyy n incredibly cute.. and swo cool n chill like a TURTLE o.O wkkkk..
cant wait for hae's mission imposible.. yeah i'm sure there will be no cool music, but mr kim's dance at the background... wkkkkk
Donghae is so cute in this story!
I can't waitfor the next update :D
Pffffft!!.. Oh come on!!.. Dis fic is jst MARVELLOUSNESS at it's best (tho i dn't think dats a wrd tho.. Ehh W.E)!!!!!!... i was laughing sooo hard!!.. I absolutely love love lovvve ur sense of humor!! Da MARS line was an #epic cmback!! Criously even if it seems too early on, bt i hav 2 say i really feel dis fic is gna be one of my favvvv comedy eunhae fics ever!!.. I'm too excited to read ur next update!! :DDDD..
lisuju_29 #4
Hey, just to say that I kinda like this beginning, I just hope that you wont update at a low pace :)
HI! Is my first time going to newest fics list ( I mostly read recommended fics and authors) I was boring and here I'm, guess I'll subscribe to read when you update. But here comes the BIG QUESTION: IS IT EUNHAE OR HAEHYUK? @V@( not that I mind, btw)