
Don't Say You Love Him

Author's POV

When the school is over, Eunso dragged a boring looking Rina out of the class room.

Rina said to Eunso "Yah, can't i just go back to my home? I don't want to be a third, wait, a fifth wheel between you 4!! And beside i don't want to go to those places where couples go too!! i hate that kind of things."

"Unnie~~~Don't be like this, nae?? I already told Joonmyun oppa that you and Kai oppa will be with us! And if you don't come with us, Kai oppa will be lonely! You know he doesn't have much friends now, right?? Please unnie! Come with us, this once nae?? Unnie~~" Eunso whinned like a puppy.

Rina laughed at her childish puppy-liked whinning and then she said, "Ok ok, fine!! I will go with you guys!! I can't stand your whinning and pouting anymore, puppy Eunso!!"

Eunso pretended to be offended but then she immidiately smiled and said, "Thanks a lot unnie!! Let's go now! Oppa must be waiting!!"

Then they went to the school parking lot and Suho, Kai, Chanyeol and Sooyun are already there. Suho smiled brightly when he saw Eunso and then he waved his hands to her.

Eunso quickly go to his side and then she said, "Oppa, did you wait so long??  Mianhae!!"

"Nope, we just arrived here too Eunso ah! Don't be sorry!!" said Suho with his usual gental smile.

Rina playfully shouted, "Ok ok, we got super powers!! We are invisible to Suho oppa and puppy Eunso!!" and other laughed at her joke.

Suho asked her, "Puppy Eunso?? Wae,Rina??"

"Because she always whin and pout like a puppy!" Rina and Sooyun said in the same time.

Suho laughed and then he said "Well, it's somehow true though! keke!! But my Eunso is a cute puppy and i won't mind adopting this cute puppy too!"

"Oppa!!!" said Eunso while blushing and Rina said, "Ok ok, stop being lovey dovey! Let's just go to Lotte World before it's late!" and with that said, they went to Lotte World.

When they arrived to the lotte world, Suho said, "Ok, let's split in pairs, or do you want to stick all together??"

"Appa, we know you want to be alone with Eunso on your anniversary so i will be with Sooyun! Not that i would mind this though!" Chanyeol said with his usual big grin.

"Wait wait wait!! So if Sooyun is with you then i am with KAI???!!" Rina asked with wide eyes.

*No, i can't be alone with this guy!! It's impossible!!* Rina thought.

Eunso smiled apologetically to her and said "Mianhae unnie! If you want to stay with us, you can join us unnie! Joonmyun oppa won't mind this! Right, oppa??"

Suho smiles weakly but he still manages to says, "Yes, of course!"

Rina felt sorry for Suho so she said, "Nah,i don't think so Suho oppa! Your signature smile is gone! I know you are not ok with that! Don't worry, i will just be with this guy! I may be bad but at least i still know basic rules! Just go with your Eunso! I am ok!"

*So i will just be with Rina today?? It's just unexpected but it might be my chance to get closer with her too!* Kai thought happily. Rina also thought*It won't be a bad thing, right??*

Suho smiled brighter than before and then he said, "Well, let's go! We will meet again here at 6, ok??"

Chanyeol said"Ok,appa! See you guys soon!"

"Rina, don't act like a child to Kai. I'm worrying that you two won't get along." Sooyun said like a mother to Rina.

Rina pouted and said, "just go away quickly. Unnie has to take care of this giant kid!" with that she pointed to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol playfully flicked Rina's forehead and grabbed Sooyun to go away before Rina could do anything back.

Suho and Eunso already went to the soveniour shop to buy some couple head bands so this leaves Kai and Rina to be alone.

Kai cleared his throat awkwardly and said"Well, we must go to somewhere too, right?? Where do you want to go first Rina-shi??"

"Just call me Rina cause i feel uncomfortable with that honorfic behind my name! And let's go to the Roller Coster!! I want to ride that!!" said Rina.

"Ok, let's go!" Kai happily said and then after buying the tickets, Rina and Kai sat side by side in the roller coster.

When the roller coster start to go fast, Rina unconciously hold Kai's hand. Kai also tightened her grip unknowingly and when the roller coster arrived to its end, they both realized that their hands are enterwind. Rina quickly snatched her hand back and Kai also looked away awkwardly.
Then he said "Sorry.... Umm....let's go! Let's ride something else now!" and walked ahead quickly.

Rina smiled at his shyness and then she followed him while shouting "Yah, wait for me!!"

They rode several rides together and after riding a few rides, Rina whinned "Ahh, i am so hungry now!! I haven't eaten my lunch yet! That puppy Eunso dragged me here as soon as the class end!"

"Well, i am hungry too! Let's buy some corndogs to eat! And later, we should ask Suho appa to buy us stakes, right?? They dragged us here anyway!!" said Kai with a grin.

"Yep, definitely! He needs to buy us stakes for sure!!" Rina agreed.

Kai said "I will go and buy corndogs, which sauce do you want??"

"I don't eat sauce! I hate them! Just a corndog for me!" Rina said.

*So she doesn't like sauce! Ok, i need to remember this to get closer to her!* Kai thought happily. When he got back from the corndog shop, Rina was taking selca with her phone.

Kai chuckled at her cute face and Rina turned around to ask him "What? Why are you chuckling??"

"Nothing! Just you are cute with that face!" said Kai and Rina slightly blushed at that remark.

But she is still able to attain her pokerface and said "Yah, are you kidding me?! Stop talking nonsense!" while snatching the corndog from him.

Kai chuckled and said "Ok ok! I will stop now! But i am not kidding you though!"

Rina mumbled "Whatever!" while rolling her eyes.

The two of them just eat corndogs silently. Kai took glances at Rina most of the time.

"What time is it now?" Rina asked after she finished her corndog.

"Nearly 6. Just wait them." Kai said.

Rina nodded. Later, other 4 arrived back and they set off to have dinner.

As Kai said before, he and Rina asked Suho to buy them stakes and Suho agreed.


Your's POV

We have dinner together and it's time to go home. Suho & Eunso will go to watch movie, Chanyeol & Sooyun will go to Hongdae, so it turns out that I'm alone with Kai again.

"Both of us made one big mistake this morning. It's we decided to go with you guys!" I said angrily.

"Unnie, don't be mad." Eunso sadly said.

I sighed, "arra. Bye. Have a great date, Suho oppa & Eunso."

"Thanks Rina ah. Kai, please send her home." Suho smiles.

I bid goodbye to them and walked out of the restaurant. Kai quickly followed me.

I turned around and faced him, "by bus or by cab???"

"As you wish." Kai said.

I pouted, "you know what! I really hate guys who can't lead. They would say 'as you wish' , 'I'll follow your command' , 'your decision is also my decision'. Puff! It's just excuse. I really hate it. I don't respect that kind of guy."

"Ahh... sorry." He said and rubbed his neck.

I rolled my eyes, "okay! Just go with cab. I'm already late to go somewhere."

Kai nodded and obediently did my order. I can't help but smile and think that he is really funny and cute too.

Kai and I silently sat side by side on the cab.

"Btw, Kai, don't you have any photo of your puppies?!" I asked him.

He looked at me and nodded, "yes, I have. Do you want me to send it?"

"Yessss!!! I really really love them!! They're fluffy and cute!" I beamed.

"If you wanna see them, I'll take them tomorrow. I'll tell the driver to take them." Kai offered.

I smiled brightly and nodded, "okie~~!"

As we keep talking about dogs, we seem to get close to each other. I don't feel like being a bad Rina, but a cheerful one. I never open up quickly like this though Kai is the exception.

"Rina.... we are in front of your house." Kai said which made me awake from my thoughts.

I chuckled, "right!! Bye~ Goodnight, Kai."

I got out of the car and also he did.

I looked at him with questioning eyes and he said, "ah.. I'm going to Sehun. His house is at the end of this street."

"Yes." I said and rang the bell.

Still, Kai doesn't leave and I looked at him strangely.

He shyly rubbed his neck, "did you forget your promise?"

"My promise??" I tilted my head to the side and thought.

I remembered that I told him to have food together but I wanted to .

So I pretended like I didn't remember, "what promise, Kai? I don't know."

His face showed disappointment and he slightly pouted, "oh, you don't remember? Nothing, Rina. It's nothing."

I controlled my laughter and watched him.

"Bye.. Goodnight!" Kai said, didn't look at me and started to walk.

I giggled while tapping his shoulder. Kai faced me without looking into my eyes.

"Gi~yo~wo~~~!!" I said and pinched his cheeks.

He looked at me with wide eyes and I cupped his face, "I'm just kidding! But it's so cute to see your pouting face!!!"

His face heated up and turned red.

"Tomorrow, after school, let's have lunch together. With your two puppies. Okay?" I told him.

Kai finally smiled and said, "no problem!"

"Go now, Kai. See you tomorrow." I waved my hand.

Kai smiled sweetly before he went and my heart made a strange feeling.

I just shrugged off the odd feelings and went inside the house.

No one's POV

Chunji sighed for the tenth time and mumbled, "It's the new guy from EXO K. When did he and Rina become that close?"

Chunji had witnessed everything and he couldn't help but feel jealous to see you with other guy.

He never admits himself that he has feelings for you. He believes that these are just some pathetic feelings on you and doesn't notice that he also loves you.

Junghye was his first love. But Chunji still thinks that he loves Junghye. Because he loves Junghye, he follows her orders. He agreed to hurt you. But he now knows that it isn't good to keep giving you pains.

Chunji wants to stop playing with you. Whenever he sees you crying, it makes him go crazy. He just wanna go to you and hug you tightly. But there's always a girl in his mind who stops him. It's Junghye.

Now, Chunji feels like going nut because you're happy with Kai. He wants to be the one makes you smile, laugh and own your love.

Chunji blew out a heavy sigh and tightened his fist.

"Rina ah, I think I'm going crazy to have these crazy stupid rapid heartbeats as every time I see you!!!" He said to himself and looked at your picture on his phone screen.


Hey! I'm finally back~~~~!!!!! :D

Sorry for this short update! But I used all of my effort to write this!! And my friend helped me writing the half of this chapter~~ hehe!!! :D

And she is the one who helps me posting the updates while I can't do!! ^_^ thankie~~ my friend~~ ♥♥♥♥

Read, subscribe, and comment please~~~ Bye my lovely readers~~ give me feedbacks!!! I appreciate all of your comments even if it is about my bad work!! :)


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oh!! my readers and subscribers!! my chapter 3 is gone!! TT_TT please subscribe me again!! I'll update tonight. :)


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walaooo i like this
vachina #2
Chapter 8: Yay ~ It's Kai's birthday today :3 I like this update. Actually, I like all your updates, author-nim! ^^
Subscribed ya!!!! *_*
yangminyoung #4
Chapter 6: he was born in Jan?????????????????he he??Update soon!!!!!!!!!!!
lamlokXD #5
Chapter 6: Yay you updated!!! Please update soon
starry_diamonds #6
cute moments!!i love this chapter!!update soon!!
yangminyoung #7
hmm~ a bit of confusing bcos of too many OCs but so far, it's fine ^^

new reader here! :>
lamlokXD #9