We Meet Again..

Fainted At First Sight


*Playing guitar*

It been like..a week? Since you last saw Myungsoo and you were really bored to death.

*Playing guitar*

*Aigoo..I don't think I have a schedule today.* You thought and blew your bangs.

You jotted some notes and lyrics on your journal. Your unnie was going to be in a variety show while our mom worked her off and you were left alone. ALONE. BORED.

*I wonder if I will see him again..Aigoo, I'm out of my mind, maybe visiting Yeollie will refresh my mind..*

You got your phone and dialed his number..but then you got a text.


From:Yeollie/The Choding


Haha,Were you gonna visit?Sorry I'm kinda busy today :( How about I make it up to you and both of us have a date at the our secret hideout? Tomorrow.


To:Yeollie/The Choding


I Hate you...you make me sad. Come here and do your FANTASTIC owl face, and if you do that I will freking love you LOL and sure a date.


From:Yeollie/The Choding


Okay I will do that face for you :) And plus  your sister called yesterday and asked me something but I absolutley forgot LOL but okay..I freking LOVE you too Laurennie.<3


*Unnie?Asking about what?Tsk, Nosy unnie..* you thought.


To:Yeollie/The Choding


I Hate you still..but what did she ask?


From:Yeollie/The Choding


Idk..I forgot, Sorry gtg <3 u still..


*Like literally..* Sungyeol thought and headed out the door.


To:Yeollie/The Choding


I'll see what she's trying to find out..but still I hate you <3 You ..and also at our old hideout.Tomorrow and hmmm...12:00 And you have to make me food!Okay now go ahead and do your thing..party pooper :P


From:Yeollie/The Choding


OKAY!<3 You too! 


*Aigoo..so boring,* you thought and put your phone in your pocket.

You felt like going outside but your were kinda scared about ...The fans and mostly the gangsters.

But you faced your fears and headed out the door.


Good thing you had your glasses so that fans wouldn't spot you so easily.You went to the nearby park and kicked some rocks and sat on the swing. 


"Hey, you didn't get enough sleep, Sleepyhead?" a random person said.

You didn't bother to look up. "Hmm?" you said kicking rocks.

The rocks hit the person's foot. "Ouch.."

"OH!Mianhe!Sorry I was kinda half aslee-" you said and looked at the person. *Oh..* 

"How's life?" L said.

You blanked out like if you were in cloud 9.

*I thought I wouldn't see you again.* you thought.

"You weirdo stop staring," L said.

"Hey! You pabo!" you said and hit him.

"Violent as always," L muttered.

"What?! Do you wanna die?" you asked evily.

"Hey calm down.." L said and chuckled. "Are you bored?"

"What do you think?" you asked.

"Then come with me!" L said and grabbed your arm.


"Finally they meet again!Must make this moment precious..MWAHAHAHAHA!" Taeyeon said.


MyungU moment next chapter :D




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clyne22 #1
Chapter 26: Omo I missed you and your story! Thank you for updating!
Chapter 25: OOOOHHHH I see progress between those too ;D
Chapter 24: Been reading your story for 4 hours straight and it's now 11:05 here. Aigoo~ it's really cute and fluffy~! Update soon, author-nim!!
Chapter 24: LOVE IT and I'm so happy you're back :3
Chapter 23: You had me freaked... but please do update soon!
Chapter 22: So addicted to this!!! Please update soon!
Sehun_lisp #8
Chapter 17: Adventure Time!!!
Update soon^^
Sehun_lisp #9
Chapter 16: Heart chu~ both are jealous > . <
I Heart you too ^_^