Molla... Pabo...



Young Min's POV


This afternoon, the Girlfriends seems to be fine. We're here now at the gym for the club meeting. While waiting for the members to come, Min Yu and Minwoo are playing like kids, Chan Ra noona and Hyun Seong hyung are still asking Dong Hyun hyung to change their partners, but hyung looks like he'll never change their partners. Haha! Min Lee is with Kwang Min buying some foods for us, Yun Chae noona and Jeong Min hyung are finalizing the list of agenda for this meeting with Hae Lee noona, while Yoo Min is just sitting and watching Min Yu and Minwoo.


"Aren't you joining them?" I asked Yoo Min and she laughed.


"Ani.." she answered shortly with a smile.


"Why?" I looked at her and smiled. She smiled and just shook her head.


"Yah! You two! Stop running around!" Dong Hyun hyung shouted at Minwoo and Min Yu. Me and Yoo Min laughed at them.


"Yah.. Do you ever had a yeojachingu before?" Yoo Min asked me out of the blue.


"Where did you get that question?" I asked her with a slight laugh.


"It just pop out." she laughed. "And also, I'm curious." she looked the gyms door.


"Honestly, I did have a yeojachingu." I answered honestly.


"Jinjja?" her voice seems not to be surprised, but just really asking.


"Nae." I nod and I also looked at the gym's door.


"So what happened to the two of you?" she asked curiously.


"She decided to have a cool off. I don't why, she just said that she need to have some time to think. And even though it's against me, I gave her the time she needed." I told her.


"So you are waiting for her?" she asked not looking at me.


"Nae.. Actually, it's been a year since it happened, but I'm still waiting for her." I answered.


"You must really love her that much." she said with a smile.


"Maybe.." I said looking at her. But actually, I don't know if I still love her the way I loved her before. "How about you? Do ever have a namjachingu?"


"Uhmm.. Molla." she said then she laugh.


"Molla?" I asked puzzled.


"That's what I said, molla." and she laughed again.


"How come you don't know?" I asked.


"Haha! Kunyang." she answered.


"Kunyang?" I was like 'huh?'.


"Haha! Why are you repeating my answers?" and she continue laughing.


"Because you're not giving me the answers I needed." I answered but she only laughed at me.


"Guys! Come here! We have to finalize some things." it's Hae Lee noona.


"Ka ja.. We are needed there." She said and she stand up and walk.


"Jakkaman! You're not answering me!" I said and I catch up with her.


Aigoo.. This girl is really full of mystery.


End of Young Min's POV


Yoo Min's POV


Honestly, I really don't know if I had a namjachingu before. I never asked my friends about that. Haha! Mianhae Young Min-ah, I really can't answer your question.


End of Yoo Min's nPOV


Minwoo's POV


Haha! I think I found someone who matched me. Min Yu is just so hyper this afternoon. Before we go here in the gym, she and I have been playing around. Aigoo.. And now we're inside the gym, we're still playing like running and doing childish things. Haha!


"Yah! You two! Stop running around!" Dong Hyun hyung shouted at us. We stopped running and we sat down on the chairs.


"Pabo…" Min Yu said and she laughed.


"Nu gu pabo?" I asked.


"Neo." and she laughed again.


"Yah.. Nan pabo-ga anida." I said and I knock her head softly. She just rub her head and laugh more.


"Aigoo.. Why are you laughing?" I asked looking her.


"Nothing.. I just seem to found someone like me." she answered still laughing and I looked at her with puzzled eyes. She cleared before speaking again. "You're just as hyper as me. My friends says I'm the most hyper among us, and they can't ride with my trips.." Now I'm the one laughing. "Now you're the one laughing." she said with a smile.


"Haha! Mian, it's just that, that's the same thing I've been thinking." I said still laughing.


"Jinjja?! Haha!" she said laughing too.


"Guys! Come here! We have to finalize some things." Hae Lee noona.


"Nae noona!" I shouted. "Ka ja pabo.." I said to Min Yu and she laughed.


"Nae PABO!" she said to me and we walked to Hae Lee noona.


End of Minwoo's POV

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Update soon :D
good story ! :D
love boyfriend !
Wow... That last Chapter was just full of drama.
I hope Yoo Min is OK.
Nice story!
But I have a question :X
What is the boyfriends' club about? There's so many members in it but it is never stated clearly what is it about.
Subscribed! :D
@farraidda99: thank you.. ^^
like it !
@TheYoungKwang: haha! Let's see what will happen on them. hehe

@ForgottenInspiration: I don't know if I made the other chapters well interesting and exciting. hehe.. Thank you for your comment. It is really appreciated :)
TheYoungKwang #9
hohoho so that
person is Hyunseong
haha!! i wonder what will
happen to the two of
them ^^ Chan Ra meet
Hyunseong in the store
so thats why shes angry
what an unexpected
meeting that time haha...
and now Jeongmin and
Yun Chae and Jeongmin
hmm... do they meet like
this andgonna be a
couple?? wohohoho so
curious... ^^ update
soon Ppyong ^^
The slow of ideas are just nice. Keep that up, surely more people will enjoy reading this fanfic. I really hope the next chapter can be more exciting. :D

Oh, I kinda get confused with who's POV it is. I think it's only me, because I don't work well with POV. ^^ Anyway, it's still all good. :)