Chapter One

Dramatic Precauations


As I lay in my bed, there was only one thought on my mind. Him. My friend who's name was Yang Yoseob. I loved him before his debut and even up to this day I still do. Confessing is however, out of the question. All those female idols he works with... I can't compare to them. 
That's why I had this plan. To debut in a group so I could be someone he would be proud to call his. I was halfway there. I became a trainee at CUBE near the end of January thanks to Yoseob. 
"Anything to help a friend with a dream," he'd told me.
Now his hair was orange and he was about to start promoting Beautiful Midnight. But back to my plan.
Next was my weight. I stopped snacking at night- actually stopped snacking period. I was on what I'll call the trainee diet. My friends told me I was fine but I wasn't. And it's not like I was being told by Yoseob that my eating habits had turned bad.
Now that I mentioned food, some steak would be great. But I can't!
My lack of sleep didn't do well with my busy schedule of training. I was dancing with bags under my eyes and my stomach begging for food- seeing as my breakfast was two yogurts.
"Eat," one of my trainee friends told me as she held out a a granola bar. 
If it weren't for her death stare, I'd have declined. All us trainees were surprised with a visit from Beast themselves. I smiled and stayed back while the others rushed to greet the six boys. Mostly because I feel like if I stood up I'd regret it. Yoseob said hello to all of them as he made his way around and over to me.
"Why didn't you run to see your best friend?" he asked sitting down next to me.
I shrugged my shoulders, not sure what to tell him. What would he say if told him I had no strength?
"Well I'm treating you to lunch so we can catch up before things get too crazy with this comeback."
"Sweet but I don't think I can. I'm training right now and I'm on a diet."
"And I hereby claim you as nuts. You have no need to diet."
I bit back my smile as Yoseob got up from the floor. He extended his hand out which I was hesitant to take. Once I was up, I felt a little dizzy but I shook it off. Yoseob looked at me cautiously but I smiled at him to show him things were good. I actually felt like passing out but that wasn't something he should worry about. 
With Yoseob's arm linked with mine, I was able to walk out without drawing too much attention to myself. 
"How is trainee life treating you?" Yoseob asked as we seated ourselves at our favorite restaurant.
"Good," I answered.
Yoseob didn't believe me though.
"You look exhausted," he said.
Before I could reply the waitress came to take our order. I tried to order a salad but Yoseob interrupted me and bought me steak. I wanted to object but the look on his face was daring me to do so.
"Is something wrong?" I asked him.
"As a matter of fact, yes," he said, "I'm worried about you. I hear you aren't sleeping, won't take breaks, and now I learn that you aren't eating."
I had to look down and away from his face which showed his concern for me. I didn't want him knowing any of this. 
"I eat," I mumbled.
"Not enough. This isn't like you. I know being an idol is your dream but I don't like what all of this is doing to you."
I sighed and began messing with the bracelets I had on. He had no idea. He may think he does but really, Yoseob doesn't even know. 
"The other girls are on diets too," I argued.
"Maybe they are. But since when do you follow the crowd?" 
I had no answer for him. My plan that had once seemed so perfect, was falling apart before me. 
"I'm going to be right back," I told him getting up.
I was planing to head to the bathroom and take a minute but that all changed the moment I tried to walk. I felt my knees wobbling and next thing I know, I'm passed out. 
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