Suited for a Broken Love


A young man's whole life went awry with his first love, with whom he experienced an agony unlike any he'd experienced before. His world was defined by the abuse he suffered, yet couldn't escape. With a wedding forthcoming, Kevin was forced to prepare himself, beginning with his suit. A brief trip to the tailor's would bring him closer to happiness than he'd been in years, and would present him with the renewed idea that life was a wonderful blessing that shouldn't be taken for granted.

Alexander was the answer. He was the answer to every misfortune Kevin had experienced, every ache he had endured. However, Kevin's future husband would learn of Kevin's involvement with the handsome tailor, souring Kevin's joy by ripping him away from Alexander. There was worse to come, though, entrusting you with the question, 'How far will one go to find one's lover and restore the love they once shared?'



Why do all beautiful things suffer a tragic end?

“Xander, stop!”

All I can hear is shattering glass, all I can see is crimson.

Kevin didn't recognize the boy kneeling at his bedside, couldn't recall the state at which had brought him here. More than that, the repeated attempts of the boy at inducing Kevin of his familiar relationship with him were beginning to agitate him.

 “Kevin, this is your husband. He’s come to see you.”

“No, don’t let Kevin leave with him! He’s abusive, evil! He’s unfit to care for him! Please allow Kevin to leave with me!”


“I’m very sorry, but you have no relation to Kevin, so I cannot allow him to leave with you.”

“You’re my husband, aren’t you? So why don’t you love me?”

“But I do, Kevin.”

“Is this what love is like?”

…because I don’t feel loved…



A/N: Hallo! Here is a very new, very angsty fanfiction for you all that my co-author and I hope you enjoy to the fullest degree! I, KPopElf, will write from the POV of Kevin. My co-author, MaximumCountdown, will write from the POV of Alexander. So, expect great things! ^^)

Please subscribe! We will have the utmost gratitude towards you if you do! ^o^ hehe


This will be updated...soon...I promise. I've just had no inspiration and school just has to go and ruin everything >_< lol


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