
Jealousy ---HIATUS--- :P





"Seungri, where are you?" 


Seungri was a bit surprised by Jiyong's call as the older usually doesn't phone that much, unless it was to tell him to hurry up and get to practise, but that would usually be by text most of the time. 


"Studio. Why?"


"Which studio?"


"My one in YG."


"Okay. Good. Um, are you busy?"


"Hmm... Depends. What do you need?" he said as he smirked. 


Jiyong rolled his eyes. Of course Seungri would be like this, he shouldn't have expected the maknae to do something so easily. 


"I just need you to go to the cafeteria."








"Just because. Can you go?"






"What for? I'm going to need a pretty good reason for stopping writing lyrics just to go to the cafeteria."


"You said you wasn't busy."


"I'm not."


"Then what's with the writing lyrics? That's being busy."


"I was just about to stop my break when you called so maybe I can extend my break, that is if you tell me why I need to go cafeteria."


Jiyong let out a frustrated sigh. "Look, Seungri, just go there. You'll know exactly why I sent you there. When you realise, tell me every single detail."


Seungri was confused. "Huh?!"


"Just go!! You'll know what I'm on about when you get there."


"Hyung, what are you-"


"Please. Just do this."


Seungri sighed and got up on his feet. "Fine."


"Thank you. Remember, text me every single detail." 




"Alright. Bye." 




Seungri scratched his head, looking at his phone as he walked to the elevator, still confused about what they were talking about. 


Jiyong, on the other hand, had put his phone back into his bag and rushed to his position, apologising to the dancers and choreographer for taking long to get ready. 


* * 


Seungri was in front of the cafeteria door, he looked around at every detail of the door. 


"Is this what he wanted me to do?" he asked himself out loud. 


"Who asked you to do what?" 


Seungri looked behind him, completely startled. 


He let out a breath. "Yah, hyung, don't do that! You seriously scared me."


"Sorry," said Daesung. "What are you doing?" 


"I don't know."


Daesung raised an eyebrow. 


"Jiyong hyung asked me to go here, he didn't tell me why cz he said that I'll know straight away why he sent me here." 


"Do you know?" 




"What exactly did he tell you to do when you get here?"


"To tell him every single detail."




"No idea." he shrugged. 


Daesung shook his head and sighed. 


"What do you think it is?" 


Daesung thought for a minute. "Hmm..." he looked around the door, just like what Seungri was doing, then a trainee opened the door to enter the cafeteria and Daesung caught a glimpse of Dara and Lee Minho sitting down on a table, a table that was secluded from everyone else. "I think I know why he sent you here." 


"Why??" Seungri asked. 


Daesung turned Seungri around and opened the door slightly. "Can you see?"


Seungri peeked through the door, his eyes wandering around what was on sight until he finally focused on a specific spot. 


"Ahhhh~ I see." 


"I'm guessing hyung wants us to spy on these two. Let's not make ourselves obvious, okay?" 


"Okay. Where should we sit?"


"Over there. The other side, we'll hear what they're talking about that way."


"Good idea."


The two came into the cafeteria, totally unnoticed by Dara and Minho as they were too focused on their conversation, not to mention looking at each other. 


Daesung and Seungri sat on a table that was separated from Dara and Minho by a wooden board. The two youngsters sat next to each other, the side closest to their table, allowing them to fully hear their conversation. 


Although Daesung felt a little bad for spying on Dara, curiosity got the best out of him as he wondered whether or not she likes Lee Minho or if they were dating. Plus, this was for his hyung, who seemed to really want to know what the two were up to. 


As for Seungri, he didn't really mind spying on his noona, although he didn't really have to since he knew she'd tell him later on as the two were extremely close. But he wanted to know how she acted towards this Lee Minho guy. He'd never seen his noona flirt before, or how she acted with a guy she liked so this would be the first.


Both Seungri and Daesung had no clue as to why Jiyong seemed to want to know every detail, or even that Jiyong was planning to break up with Kiko, the only people who knew were Teddy, Minzy, Bom, CL, Taeyang and T.O.P. It's not that Jiyong didn't trust the two, it's just he got caught, and Seungri definitely had a big mouth so for now he wouldn't tell them. As for CL, Minzy and Bom had informed her, she was trustworthy and wouldn't tell a soul. It would just be a matter of time till everyone knew, but right now, everything was kept a secret. No one ever talked about it, or when they see each other, they would just pretend that nothing was said. 


Daesung and Seungri sent each other KakaoTalk messages in order to communicate without having to speak, they figured it'd be the best thing to do in order not to get caught, especially since Seungri has quite a loud voice. 


The two listened in on the unknowing pair near them. 


Dara and Minho had already been in the cafeteria for 20 minutes before Daesung and Seungri came in. 


The two had bought food, a sandwich and water for Dara while Minho had gotten just vitamin water, as they conversed in different discussions. Most of the time Minho didn't exactly know what they were talking about as he was just captivated by her beauty and he loved listening to her talk as her voice was really so very addicting. 


Dara looked up from her nearly finished sandwich to Minho, she was munching but stopped when her eyes finally settled at Minho's face. He was just staring at her. She let out a small nervous laugh as she asked "Why are you looking at me like that?" 


To which Minho replied, "You're just really... Beautiful." 


Dara let out another nervous laughter from shyness, she began to blush and stare at her unfinished sandwich. 


Minho chuckled at her cute actions and just let her be as she'll talk again when she wanted to. 


Dara felt comfortable with Minho, he liked how he had complimented her and the fact that he didn't ask what was wrong or anything to make her feel even more shy. He let her have her space. It was if he knew her so well, to know when she needed time or when she needed to be pushed into talking. How can someone know her so quick after only knowing her for less than two days?


"Uh... Thanks." she finally mumbled. 


Minho smiled. "You're welcome." 


Seungri and Daesung wanted to burst out laughing at Minho's cheesiness, although they did think it was very nice of him to compliment her. 


S: It really seems as if he likes noona. 

DS: I guess...

S: Do u approve? 

DS: No. 

S: Why? I would approve of him. 

DS: We're here for GD hyung! I bet he likes her, that's why he's telling us to spy on her. Can't u see???

S: Oh. 

S: That's true. 

S: But, with noona... Idk if she likes him like that :/

DS: Did she say anything to u about him? 

S: No... But when I talk about hyung, she does have that type of smile. 

DS: We should read in between the likes. 

DS: I think they're meant for each other!! :D

S: But hyung has Kiko rn. 

DS: Tbh, I don't think they're gonna last. Don't tell him I said this but she puts him second from work.

DS: Yh, work is important but most of the time, hyung puts her first, even before work! I don't think it's fair. He seems to be the one who gives while she just takes. It isn't right in a relationship. It's about giving and taking, not just one of them. 


Seungri looked at Daesung, and Daesung did the same to Seungri. They both gave each other a look, a look of understanding and agreement. 


It was true that Kiko hardly ever put Jiyong first. That was why when Kiko came to visit him in Korea, everyone was shocked, but then again, she didn't have any work schedules so that was probably one of the reason why she had even bothered to go surprise Jiyong. 


The two listened once again to Dara and Minho, although they seriously found this quite boring considering they were just talking about likes and dislikes, basically those getting to know each other questions that neither Daesung or Seungri were interested in. 


"You're leaving tomorrow, right?" Minho asked. 


Dara nodded. "During the afternoon. I can't wait. I've missed Philippines so much!" 


Minho smiled. "It's pretty nice there. Guess what?"


"What?" she asked, leaning in a little as she was curious to what he wanted to say. 


"I have to go Philippines too." he whispered. 


Dara leaned back and looked at Minho. "What?!" she asked in surprise. 


"Mhmmm..." Minho said as he nodded. 


"Why? What for? When?" 


"Boys Over Flowers got really popular there and well, they asked me to go over there for a fan signing. I'm leaving like a day after you I think and I'll be there for a week."


"Oh, really? So lucky, I'm only spending 5 days there and for two days I have to appear on shows but I guess that's alright since I'll be meeting up with friends too."


"When are you gonna do the shows?"


"Well, I get there then rest of the day and then the next two days will be tv appearances and then I get two more days to enjoy." 


"Ah... Well, why don't we meet up during your free two days?" 


"Won't you be busy?"


"Only for like four days but I don't really start any schedules until the last four days of being there."


"Why would you have schedules during your last few days? Isn't that the time when you want to enjoy your last remaining days?"


"Well, truthfully..." he paused as he stared at Dara in adoration. "I meant to go there a day before my schedule and spend a week but I told my company I want to go earlier."


"Why?" Dara asked as she titled her head slightly. 


"Because... I want to meet up with you. If I went before schedule, you would've been gone by then."


Dara felt butterflies in her stomach, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. It felt as if everything was going so quickly. 


Two days. 


That's how long they've known each other but a couple of minutes from the first time they've met was all it took for Dara to like Minho, and the same went for Minho, although it seemed as if Minho took a shorter amount of time to fall for Dara. 


Dara blushed, she bowed her head so it wouldn't be noticeable but Minho noticed and he smiled, feeling happy that she made her blush. 


"But you'll be leaving before me while I'll be staying in Philippines for just a couple of days, which means we'll have to arrange our date at a later time."


"Date?" Dara finally looked up, confusion evident on her face. 


"Remember I said we'll have dinner as soon as you get back from Philippines?" he reminded her. 


"Ohhhh! I remember!" Dara said as she pointed up a finger then put it back down again just a few seconds after. "Okay, we'll have it as soon as YOU come back from Philippines then." 


Minho chuckled. "Okay. It's a date." 


Dara smiled. Minho was such a nice guy, and he was so straightforward about his feelings towards her which was all new to her and she just loved it. 


They were about to start on another conversation topic when Dara's phone rang. She held up a hand to Minho and said a quick "sorry" before picking up her phone and answering it. 


"Hello? Oh! Sorry, I'll be there in a minute. Bye." Dara ended the call and placed her phone inside her bag. 


"You have to go to practise now, right?" asked Minho. 


She looked up. "Yeah, everyones there already." She placed the bag onto her shoulder as she stood up. 


Minho stood up as well. "No problem. We'll talk later on."


"I'll show you to the entrance." She said as they walked to the door of the cafeteria. 


"No, no, don't worry about me. I don't want you to be any later than you might already be. Plus, the others are waiting for you." he said as he opened the door and held it for Dara. 


Dara walked through the door, Minho following behind. 


When the door closed, Daesung and Seungri quickly got out of their seats and headed towards the door, staring at the two without being noticed. 


"Talk to you later?" Minho said once again. 


"Yup, later." Dara smiled. 


Both of them were standing there. Neither of them really wanting to go but they had to choice. Dara was the first to make a move. 


"Okay... Later..." she repeated once again. 


"Mhmm. Later." he repeated as well as he smiled down at her since she was shorter than he was. 


Dara smiled more, she was swinging a little from side to side since she knew she had to go but her body just wouldn't let her. Minho took a step forward and wrapped his hands around her shoulder for a hug. It was the first hug they've ever shared and it felt nice. Dara wrapped her arms around him to return the embrace and smiled contently, she loved his warmth around her. He tightened his embrace slightly, as if he never wanted to let go but sadly, he had to. He let go and she did as well. Then he kissed her on the cheek, surprising Dara as she looked at him as he backed away. He gave one of his goofy yet y smile before slowly backing away even more as he had his hands at the back of his neck. 


"See you in Philippines." he said, as he winked and turned around, walking away. He mentally did a fist pump in the air as he thought his exit was awesome and unforgettable. 


Which Dara also thought, as she stood there for a couple of second, awestruck by Minho's manliness. He was always so shy towards her but something changed in him, and Dara didn't mind it one bit. 


She cupped her cheeks as she felt her face burning from the obvious blush on her face and shook her head, before turning around and walking off in the direction of the practise room. She was in such a bad mood before but Minho made her forget her earlier feelings and nothing was going to change her mood now. 


* *


Daesung and Seungri on the other hand just stood there, with their mouths slightly opened in surprise. 


They knew one thing for sure. 


Minho and Dara were definitely bound to go out. 


They didn't really know what to feel. Happy for Dara since Minho seemed like such a nice guy, or sad because this made them think that Jiyong and Dara couple will never happen. 


They both looked at each other, they didn't want to tell Jiyong this but he had specifically told Seungri to tell him every single detail. Seungri couldn't just lie to him, Jiyong wanted to know everything and that's what he will tell his hyung. Although he was a little scared of what Jiyong's reaction will be. 


"Damn, sorry, Seungri." Daesung said. 


"Why?" Seungri asked, totally confused. 


"Cz you're the one that's gonna have to tell hyung." Daesung said. 


Just then the cafeteria doors opened, making both of them stumble back a little as they forgot that they stood right next to the door. 


Once they caught their balance, they looked up and saw Jiyong. 


"Hyung!" Daesung and Seungri both shouted in surprise. 


"Hey. What are you guys doing by the door?" Jiyong asked as he looked around the cafeteria to see if Dara and Minho were still there. 


Seungri caught on with what the older was doing and told him that they were gone. 


"Oh." was all Jiyong could say. 


"So, want to know every detail?" asked Seungri. 


Jiyong looked at him and nodded, then motioned for him and Daesung to follow him. He walked over to his usual table and sat down. 


Seungri and Daesung sat in front of him. They were silent for a moment until Jiyong asked them what happened. 


So that's what they did.


The two of them both told their hyung what had happened with Minho and Dara. 


Jiyong listened and took everything in, but he could've sworn that he heard his heart break in two. Yes, he did see this coming but he didn't think they'd happen so quickly. He figured they'd take more of their time to get to know each other but it seemed like they knew each other so well already. It's true that both Dara and Minho wasn't actually together yet, but to Jiyong they might as well be. 


For now, Jiyong would have to let Dara go. He couldn't have her, yet again. 


But he wasn't going to give up.


If they both didn't end up well in the end, Jiyong would make sure that he was there for Dara. Though not as a rebound but as a friend she could have as a shoulder to cry on or just talk to. 


He knows he hasn't been a good friend lately and he now regrets that, especially since he just found out she was going the next day. He knew she was going to Philippines but he had completely forgotten that it'd be tomorrow considering he's been busy for the past couple of days. 


Five days without Dara. Five. Can he live for that long? Jiyong was over exaggerating but this would be the first time Dara was going to go abroad without speaking to him so he had to get her to forgive him. He wondered what he should do or say, he was so deep in thought that he completely forgot about the two maknaes presence in front of him. 


Daesung and Seungri stated at their hyung who was deep in thought. They were quite worried but then a light bulb popped on top of Daesung's head as he clicked the pieces together. 


"Hyung..." he started, bringing Jiyong back to reality. Jiyong let out a quick "hm?" to say he was listening so Daesung continued. "Do you like Dara noona??" 


Jiyong looked at the two, and nodded. He didn't even hesitate, he simply nodded. 


Both of them wasn't exactly shocked but a million thoughts ran through their heads and Seungri asked them out loud. 


"Since when? Are you gonna tell noona? What about Kiko? Did you two break up? So what are you gonna do? Minho and noona... I mean, are you just gonna let it happen? Aren't you gonna stop her?" he asked quickly. 


Jiyong held up a hand. "Yo, chill out, Seungri. One question at a time." 


Seungri nodded. "First, since when?" 


"Since trainee days but I decided to forget about it since she had a boyfriend at that time."


Daesung gasped. He knew Jiyong liked Dara but he didn't think it was for that long. 


"Next, did you break up with Kiko?" 


"No, but I'm planning to. I can't do it by call or text, that's an idiot's move." Jiyong replied. 


Seungri and Daesung nodded. 


"So what are you gonna do?" Daesung was the one to ask the last question. 


"There's nothing I can do. I'll be a friend and I'll wait for her. I'm not saying I'm wishing them to break up in the future, but if they ever did, I'll be there for her. As a best friend. And maybe after a while, I'll tell her how I feel." 


The maknaes nodded once again. Then Seungri decided that this atmosphere was way too sad and too awkward for his liking. 


"Hey, hyung, just pour out your feelings by creating a song for our next album, then we'll be sure to get another hit!" he said as he grinned. 


Both Daesung and Jiyong laughed, and Seungri was happy that he had succeeded in getting his hyung to forget about the whole situation just for a bit. 


"Thanks, guys. What would I do without you?" Jiyong said as he smiled at his two group mates, actually scratch that, his brothers. 


The three of them talked, catching up on each other as they haven't been able to do so in a while. It was a great distraction for Jiyong as well, so he wouldn't think about Dara. 


He thought about whether he should go apologise to her before she left but he decided against it. He'll just wait until she gets back, he felt as if they both needed time to be apart and he needed time to be okay with the whole Minho and Dara situation. 


He'll be nice, he made himself promise that.


A/N: Hello, um, sorry I haven't updated in such a long time but this chapter took more time than I thought it would. Also, I was busy spending time with my family and packing for our little trip with some friends. I promised that the next chapter would be long and this is like 3,000+ words so I hope it's long enough for you guys. Also, I finished it like two days ago but I was in some other part of England, in a countryside hotel, with the most iest (dont even know if that's a word) internet connection in the whole world and my dad wouldn't let me connect to the hotel wifi cz you know, you have to pay. Plus, I hate updating fics by phone cz it doesn't show the paragraphs and it makes it all one big paragraph which I hate >< 


Bad news though, I'm starting college again next week so that means I'm probably going to take even longer to update OTL. However, I only need to attend college three times a week, so it would give me time to still write and update here, but since it's college, and I'm doing a chef course (which is like my dream), I intend to focus on it cz I really want to be a chef so I hope you can understand that I'll take a while to update. 


Btw, thank you so much for subscribing to my fic. 102 subscribers omg! I never even expected to get 100 tbh so yeah, I'm really thankful and I'm glad you guys are enjoying my fic :) 


Anyway, don't forget to comment and tell me what you think! Till next time... ^^ 

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(Jealousy) NO INSPIRATION OMG. But I have other oneshots of Daragon that I've written O_O


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LumosStorm #1
Chapter 14: new subbie here!!! i came across this fic quite some time ago and i was soo happy to a new chapter up! (well, a new chapter that i haven't read yet that is.)
i really love your stories author-nim and i hope you can spare some time to update this one.
animeloveeer #2
Chapter 14: New author!!
Update juseyoo~
It's been a long time now. *sighs*
Fighting!! We will wait ya!
Red_Butterfly #3
Chapter 14: Authornim.. When you r gonna continue with this story ? I miss it T.T
Chapter 14: omona~
can i jump from my seat >o<

i don't know whether u still on ur hiatus or not, but i'm subscribing this FICs.. so, whenever u got an idea or plot or whatever it is for the FICs.. just.. update a.s.a.p!!

anw, i love it..
janerubi #5
Chapter 14: soo cute waiting ..
Chapter 14: Btw.. i love the way you write you're story, and I'm an avid follower of yours ::>_<::
Chapter 14: Please update soon authornim...
Chapter 13: I'm looking forward for your update NEW authornim*^▁^*
Chapter 14: I think you done the right thing to continue on this fic~ Totally unpredictable and wow, amazing!!
paxpax00 #10
Chapter 14: wooooahhhh...so i hope to read updated until 2013 ... way to go... my heart is pounding really fast... ^____^