Soccer and the flaming charisma Minho

Speak Now


My phone buzzes suddenly and I picked it up
Hold on be there shortly  
it reads.
I lay down on the short, emerald grass as I take a deep breath of wind, waiting for Minho to get here. 
I first met Minho when I was eight years old, at the soccer fields because that's what my dad coaches. I'm not really a good soccer player.Actually I'm pretty good, but my lungs and running stamina aren't and the only time I was on a team was when I was four.
And I scored for the wrong team.
So I quit and decided to take up singing and dance instead.
Because I wasn't really interested in soccer, I sort of though it was boring.I don't like even like going to games, but every Saturday my Dad had to coach a game so I just ended up tagging along with him since my mom was at work. I never watched the practices because I'd rather sing, dance or draw under a big tree that provided shade when it got too hot.
 So three months after my fifth birthday my Dad kissed me goodbye as he left me under the cool shady spot under the tree.
From out of no where a little boy about your age kicked the ball into the goal in front of me. I watched him do all sorts of tricks with the ball for about thirty minutes when suddenly he missed the goal and kicked right towards me.
I got up, stumbling a little bit from my clumsiness and picked up the ball promptly staring at the boy.
 Being an awkward eight year old, clumsy legged kid I just stood there with the ball. The kid had short black hair and big doe eyes that reflected the sunlight, it sorta made him look like a frog or something, but it was undoubtably cute. 
"Kick it." he smiled in a sweet voice.
 Being the genius I am and to the extent of my little brain, looking down, I replied "I cant."
 "Sure you can." he said coming over to me.
 "My names Minho," he said, his doe eyes grinning "Here," he said softly taking the ball from me "I'll show you".
And he did. 
Every Saturday from then one I met him at that field and he showed me how to play soccer and sometimes I taught him how to dance and sing. We have been best friends ever since.
"Hey!" yelled a loud voice ripping me from my daydream.
I open my eyes as they unjust to the suns harsh rays and glance up. As I expect, I find froggy face waiting by the goal post smiling and waving. I try rubbing the sunlight out of my eyes and I wave back. 
He grew up to be a very nice young man.
Strong arms, a nice formed torso, held up by long sturdy legs and a gorgeous laughing smile. He always dressed nice, a T-shirt with jeans or a polo that fit him nicely accompanied by his thick brownish black locks. 
Of course I love him, but as a friend. The friend feeling is mutual, I think, and we have never friend zoned each other. Or gotten drunk enough to accidentally admit we're in love, so for now the friends feeling is mutual. I think. 
I do love him.
But lately I have been questioning whether it was as a friend or not... but we're each others best friends and I suppose that's how it would stay.
 Minho is pretty popular in school (the jocks) and many of the girls liked him, but he never dated. I would think he would go for the prettiest girls on school but all he ever did was flirt.mIt's weird. 
That kid's a heartbreaker, just as I guessed.  
He's gorgeous and talented and loved by many and I'm.... still just as bad at soccer as I was when I was four... 
Back to Minho, he comes over to me holding the ball we always practiced with and sat down beside me hugging his knees, like a total dork. 
"So whatcha do'n?" asked Minho annoyingly nudging me. 
I smile at his affection and rock to the side nudging him back as he chuckles. 
"Nothing. You're half an hour late. And now we cant play because I'm hungry." I reply blandly laying, on my back, covering my eyes with my forearm, efficiently blocking the annoying sun .
"Well ms grumpy I had rehearsal with the boys at SM academy." Said Minhos as he poked my ticklish spot. 
"Chinca!?!?!!" I say my eyes opening wide.
I shoot my head up to face Minho but instead of air, I hit something a bit harder instead. 
"Ouch!" We both say as we retract from each other rubbing our heads and I fall back to the ground. "Thanks for being late and giving me a headache." I groan, teasing him. 
"You're surprised I made it in?"Laughed Minho smiling as he hovers over me."Don't get above me!" I warn as I push Minho giggling. 
"That's what caused my concision in the first place!" I see Minho flash his perfect smile above me as he offers his hand and pulls me into my to face him.
"I'm so proud of you Frog-..Minho..." I stop talking.  He glares at me raising one eyebrow.
I make a nervous laughtng noise and reassure him Im happy for him and babble a little bit. Only I can call him Froggy-face and he still dislikes it, but he knows I call him that behind his back. 
Minho had been trying to get into Sm academy for a while now and I knew more than anyone how hard he tried and how much he wanted it. His dad didn't want him to have the tough life I a soccer player so that's when he came to me for help. I taught that dork every thing he knows. 
"When did you get the notification?" I asked intrigued 
"They called me down to day and told me I would be joining this group called SHINee!" said Minho standing up to face me, his big doe eyes smiling.
"OMO!!! that's so great I'm SOOOO proud of you!!" I suddenly jump go up to him and give him a tight hug.He held onto me tightly, he was warm and smelled like fabric softener, he gives the best hugs. 
 "Thanks for the support and  thanks for helping me sing and dance. I couldn't do it with out you" he smiled wrapping his arms around you tighter.
Minho suddenly pulls anyway and grabs something from his pocket and goes behind me putting something on my neck. I looked down an noticed a a beautiful silver necklace with pearls,flowers and diamonds. 
"I don't know what to say." I say almost smiling like an idiot and almost crying.
"Thank you." I tell Minho as I turn around and hug him again, which he happily accepts. 
"No. Really. It's beautiful." I admire it's curves an sharp little sparkling points and curves in the silver necklace."Thank you I love it." I say, sliding my head on his neck, whispering into his ear as the wind slightly tousles his hair. 
Minho smiled amused "No, thank YOU." he said putting his head next to mine."You know what lets go to my house to eat and then we can tell my parents I made it!"
Closing the Choi's door behind us, the smell of Minho's house fills my lungs, and something new. A new perfume Mrs.Choi is trying out?  
We both enter Minho's house  laughing about a joke we had just made and I turn to see the Choi's and girl, I have never seen before, sitting at the table. She was about my age and she was also accompanied by two people who I assumed to be her parents.
"Hello." said Minho's mom looking delighted.
"Annyeonghaseyo!" Minho and I say bowing and making your way to the table in an awkward silence.
"Umma, Appa, what is this?" Asks Minho as the new girl stares down Minho.  
"We have some news Minho." said Mr.Choi in a serious tone drastically changing the mood.
"Uhh yes dad?" asks Minho hsitantly.
"You are going to be married to HeeSun." he said gesturing towards the girl at the end of the table.
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Your welcome. Your welcome. Your welcome. I really love speak now and i hope the sequel would be just as amazing
Please update the sequel!! it's really good, hope though that it's longer, you know! ^_^
goody2shoes #3
"She's going to crash the wedding"
Omg I love you mom!!!! XDD
Aww!! Love it so super much! Hope there's a sequel to it
CB_Zinger #5
Your mine Minho! Don't you marry that ____ :D
This is really cute.
I really really love this dongsaeng. Soooo much. ^^ <3