The Wedding

I married the brother of my little sister's mortal enemy

         Two weeks before the summer vacation ends, the wedding is announced to the public. Hebe was in her room looking at the newspaper crying when Gui Gui, Ella and Selina entered her room. Gui Gui hugged her sister.

"It's alright Jie(older sis), don't cry..."Gui comforted Hebe.

"Why are you still crying over the wedding? Aren't you emotionally prepared for the wedding?" Ella asked.

"Who says I'm crying over the wedding?" Hebe innocently asked.

"You're not?" we asked.


"Then why are you crying, Jie?" I asked.

"My favorite comic in the newspaper has ended. I'm never going to be able to read it again!!!!" She replied, then whined like a baby.

"She's really way too innocent!!!" Gui Gui thought.


+On the wedding day.... Hebe's POV+

          As I walked down the aisle, I remembered the day before dad announced us about the merging....


"Mom, why does my classmates whom already have everything, beauty, riches, lovelife and family, but still, they aren't happy?" I overheard Gui Gui asking mom.

"It's because GOD isn't the center of their lives. Even if you own the whole world, without GOD, you will never find REAL happiness. All the treasures in this world will never last forever but GOD's Love and GOD's Words will last forever. Without God, it's like there's a big hole in your heart. I've experienced it myself." mom explained to Gui Gui.

"But why is it that my God-fearing classmates which have boyfriends aren't contented to their man and at the end, they will break-up?"

"It's because they didn't asked GOD to give them the perfect man. So, if I were you, I will pray to GOD to give me the perfect ma n rather than finding him myself, because GOD is a perfect, HE can give you the perfect man at the perfect place at the perfect time, but you have to be patient though."

          I walked towards my room.... "perfect man?" I thought. Then I knelt down, bowed my head and prayed to GOD to give me and my sis to give us the right man for us.

+End of Flashback+

"Lord," I prayed silently as I walked, "If I know You have perfect plans for me, let Your will be done, In Jesus' name, Amen..."

Arron reached out his hands to me then we went in front of the priest, we gave our vows and our I do's. Suddenly the priest said:

"You may kiss the bride."

Oh no! I totally forgot about this part! I felt my nervousness to flow through my veins.....

"Don't worry," Arron comforted me, "I won't take advantage of your first kiss, but I'll have to kiss your cheeks it'll be a little near the lips so it would look like I kissed you on the lips."

My nervousness went down, Then I nodded at him. As we were about to kiss Gui Gui pushed my head a little, so instead of kiss on the cheek, something else happened.

+End of POV+

+Gui Gui's POV+

When the priest said that magic word I stood up from my seat but the jerk stopped me!

"Where do you think you're going? You still haven't paid for what you did to me at the dinner!" He said as he held my wrist tightly.

"Let me go! Okay! I'll have a duel with you when school is resumed but now I need to stop a great crisis!!!"

He let go of me, I pushed Jie's head a little so that Arron's lips will land on her cheeks. But I was TOTALLY wrong! I made a great crisis myself!!!!! Arron's lips landed on my sister's precious lips!!!!

+End of POV+


end of chapter 5

next chapter: New house, new life, new FIGHT?!

hope you enjoyed... keep on commenting! I appreciate all your comments! Thanks for all your support!


"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in HEAVEN..." -Matthew 6:19-20

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Aaron Yan <3
ZhangAoeka #2
hielooo #3
guiwanglove #4
And also i love GUIWANG because they are the best couple ever!!!
guiwanglove #5
HI! i hadn't been here for a long time so now i had came across this and i LOVE it. i was laughting when i was reading the first two chapter. Continue to UPDATE!:)
y u know update? T_T
princessKK #7
Can anyone post the latest updates/news bout our guiwang..? thaks...:D
dendenden #8
hello everyone!XD Im new here. Im also a big fan of guiwang. I REALLY like the story *^_^* im waiting for the next chapter. hehe. more power!
yaaay, I love your stories. Pls update it soon.<br />
I love Guigui a lot.
what happen to guiwang if bebu will get married???