Forever Young

[Super Junior Oneshots] Guess Who

"Ah! Is that my hair mousse?" I say as I approach him and run my fingers through his hair.

"Don't touch my hair!" he yelled as he ducked away.

"Then don't use my stuff!" I yell back. "Hmm, only half full now."

"It was already like that when I opened it. And I'm only borrowing a bit of it," he argued. I deeply sighed and placed my face hair mouse into my locked makeup drawer. I knew these guys liked looking good, but I didn't think they'd be this the point of "borrowing" my stuff to use.


"Aye, what was that?" he asked, annoyed that it caught him off guard.

"Ahh, my dying mobile...I forgot to charge it last night." I reply, fiddling with my low battery mobile. "Hey...could I please 'borrow' your one for a bit?"

"No way!" he quickly replied and scuttled out of the bathroom. Ahh that selfish guy. Hmm, where did run off to? Nope, not the kitchen. Ahh maybe he's hiding in his room.

"Hey!" I call.

"Here." in his hands was a white mobile phone. "Use this."

"I was joking.." I stammered. Hmm, this guy does have a heart.

"My number's already in there," he announced. Ahh, maybe he doesn't.

"Thanks." I say as I cautiously take the offered mobile and rush into my room around the corner. 

Bluebird to Crane, mission begin. I quickly pressed the send button and placed the mobile into my pocket.

"I'm leaving!" I call out loud.

"Wait for me!" He calls back, rushing down the stairs. I couldn't help but stare at him. Only he could get away with dressing like that in public. "You won't catch any flies like that."

"W-what?" I said in disbelief and rushed after him out the door.


"I'm gonna go checkout some jewellery stores!" I exclaimed. 

He gave a roll of his eyes, "Yeah, I'll just be around the usual store. Let's meet back at the food court at 4pm."

I smile in response and head off towards the row of shops whilst he headed in the opposite direction. 


Ooh, a message. Package for Bluebird. Ahh, I see. I head into the giant bookstore looming ahead and wander into the Music section. 


I head in the direction of the voice.

"Belgium Finest White." The voice said from behind a row of books as a hand pushed a package through a gap in the shelf.

I grab the package and quickly hide it in my bag. "Thanks Crane. I'll see you back at the nest." 

"Mobile?" Crane asked curiously.

"It ran out of battery." I replied. He whistled and walked off. I exited the bookstore and headed to my other destinations. 


Hmm, what to get him? Earrings? No, he doesn't seem too fond of those. Necklace? Ahh, but he already has one of his name that he always wears already. Oh, how about some hair mousse? That way, we can both have nice hair.

I head to the hair product aisle and try a couple of different mousses. 

*ring ring*

Ah! A call, but my hands are dirty, he'll kill me if I get mousse on it! Ah, what to do? What to do? Oh, I notice a little tissue dispenser on the shelf further down the aisle and rush to it, but by the time I had gotten the mousse of my fingers the mobile had already stopped ringing. Hmm who could it be? Crane wouldn't call me unless it was something urgent. Oh no, please let it not be him. I stare at the screen for a good 10 seconds before putting it back into my pocket and throw a gift pack of hair mousse onto the counter to be paid. 

I type and send a text at the speed of light - Bluebird to Crane. Mission Complete. - then rush down the rows of stores back to the food court.


Where is he? I open up the address book and dial his number. 

"Hey, who's this?" his voice on the other end asked.

"It's me! I'm really sorry! I got a little carried away in some of the stores and forgot the time." I explained whilst taking a walk around the food court.

"Huh? I don't know what you're talking about," he innocently said.

"Yes you do, it's me!" I said sternly as I walked up to a figure that looked like him.

"I don't know anyone called Mi," he toyed, "unless if you're a guy."

I tapped the figure on the shoulder, and he turned around laughing hysterically. Ahh, I've found the right guy. "Why are you so mean to me?"

"I'm like this to everyone. You know the deal, if you don't answer or reply to my call then I will delete you from my address book." He shrugged.

"Yeah, but this is your number too!" I reason, waving the borrowed mobile in his face. 

"See, like I said, no exceptions. Can we go home now? I feel like there's people staring at me." He said. 

"There are. Now stop with your paranoia. Let's go home." I replied as he stood up from his seat and proceeded in the directions of the exit signs.


I loudly jiggle the key in the lock and then let ourselves in. Once he was inside he jumped onto the couch and splayed himself across it.

"Ah, it's good to be home," he mumbled.

"SURPRISE!" We all yell.

"Ah! What's this? I was trying to sleep!" He said in an annoyed tone whilst some of the guys tried to remove his cowboy hat for a birthday one.

"Tadaa!" A voice sings from the direction of the kitchen. We all turn to look at the origin of the voice and see a big cake lit with many candles being brought out to the dining room table. 

"Argh! You guys didn't have to put so many candles on it!" He said as he looked at the number of candles in dismay. We all started singing happy birthday and then everyone's gifts were placed on the table. Mine was the Belgium White Chocolate and Hair Mousse gift pack in the Disney gift bag.

"Thank you, thank you." He thanked. "Now let's take a picture for my followers!"


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Chapter 2: My baby siwon oppa. As soon I saw the bible in his luggage I knew it was him
eunsihae1987 #2
Chapter 2: defintely siwon
eunsihae1987 #3
Chapter 1: yesung is the first one
Chapter 8: It's Donghae^^
Chapter 8: i deleted my earlier comment because i got confused on this chapter..because i don't really have the idea what is the hint here...i have to reread and rethink ..

is that considered cheating??
Chapter 8: The one who can't tell lies ~~
Chapter 6: The pretty boy ~~~~
Chapter 5: The pumpkin soup itself~~
Chapter 4: The Lee~~~
Chapter 3: Old~~~~~~~~~