I want ramen

[Super Junior Oneshots] Guess Who

It slowly rolls down her cheek at the pace of clouds on a peaceful, sunny day.



Hmm...what's this? I wipe away the warm drop. As I slowly regain my consciousness, I notice the shaved arm and leg wrapped around my body...and also, the cheek resting on my cheek. 


"Ahh," I said with slight agitation, "You drooled on me again." I unwrap myself from the s arm and leg to turn around and face the fountain of drool. 


 "Wake up." I said as I tapped on his cheek lightly. "If you don't wake up on the count of 3 I'm going to post this on your twitter." I reach for my phone on the table and prepare to take a gorgeous snap of him, but before I could start, his hand shot up and grabbed the phone - stuffing it under one of the many pillows he was resting on.


"I just want to sleep," he mumbled and whined.


"it's already 12pm!" I say to him as I grab his arm and drag him off the bed and onto the floor.


"I want ramen!" he ordered with his eyes still shut and his arm waving in the air.


"There's no more ramen. I ate the last packet yesterday so if you want ramen we'll have to go out to a restaurant." I say as he grunted and heaved himself from off the floor.



"Looking good~" I compliment as he walked down the hall towards me. He had on a silver, design-printed white tank and black cargo pants with a stylish, cropped blazer hung over his skinny frame.

"Ahaha...thanks" he said blushing and stuttered the words, "you, y-you look pretty t-too."


We head out down town to the best ramen shop in all of the city, Ramen King. We are escorted to a private 2-seater booth by the kitchen and order 2 large, steaming bowls of the Chef's special ramen.


"Ahh, so good!" he said as he began to devour his ramen. "This place really should just do midnight deliveries already!"


"Mmm" I agreed, slowly getting through my bowl.


"Another one please!" he shouted out the door and waved at a waiter. "Wait, make that another two!"


"Ah, you and your big appetite...are you sure your stomach can fit 3 large bowls of ramen?" I said whilst just barely halfway through my bowl of ramen.

"Yes, and I can bet that I can beat you while I'm at it~" he said confidently, staring me down. 


"Bet's on!" I say and then starts the ramen eating competition.



I've figured out the maths. On average, for every 1 bite I take, he takes a bite that equals 3 of my bites. Maybe it's because I'm a slow eater? Maybe it's because I eat neater? Maybe it's because I like to savor every bite? Maybe it's because he was distracting me? But whatever it is, I know for certain that I have lost the bet against him.


"So..." I began.


"So~ I told you I could beat you~" he interjected boastingly, "you, you are to be my slave!"


"Until...?" beginning to regret accepting the bet.


"Until I say 'stop'" he smirked. "I feel like a big glass of strawberry milk!"


"I know just the place for that!" I smiled and grabbed his hand, leading the way to an ice-cream dessert bar.



"Oh!" he gasped as his eyes light up when the glass reached our table.

"Here's your 'Strawberry Milk Float', enjoy." Said the waiter, setting down the big glass of strawberry-flavoured milk with vanilla ice-cream on top.


"Mmm~" he hummed with a contented look on his face. "I've never had it with ice-cream before."


"It's good right?" I said, watching him happily in bliss.



"Let's go buy more instant ramen!" he said, hooking his arm in mine.


"You can wait a few days...The dorm caretaker always buys a big box of them every few weeks." I reasoned and turned us the other way around to head back to the dorms. 


"Ahh, alright." He said, giving up on the idea. "I want a piggyback ride..."


I give him a hard stare to make sure he wasn't joking. He's serious about it. I turn so that my back faces him and bend slightly for easy climbing. He nervously wraps his arms around my neck and then jumps on. He's not light and not heavy. I piggyback him for a few minutes of the way home then decide to have some of my own fun. I start speeding up and headed towards the park. I notice the small water fountain to the right of the playground. Great. This is perfect. After bouncing towards the playground, I start spinning around and around very quickly.


"Woah, slow down." he said, showing signs of nervousness. "I'm starting to get dizzy."


I keep spinning and slowly inch towards the fountain.


"Watch out for the water fountain." He warned as we spun closer and closer towards it.


I spin as close as I can get towards the fountain.


"St-stop! Stop! We're going to fall in!" He yelled, strugling on my back.


"Ahh!" He exclaimed thinking that we were going to fall into the water fountain, as I topple us to the ground right next to it.


I double over laughing. He laughs along too, showing me his gummy smile.


"What's so funny?" He asked after our laughing fit.


I smiled at him, "you're so guillable."


"No I'm not," he said.


"I'm not your slave anymore because you said stop~" I beam, then roll facing away from him, "Oh look, a silver snail!"


"Where?!" he said excitedly as he grabbed my shoulders trying to climb over me to get a look.


Another laughing fit ensued.


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eunsihae1987 #2
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