First Period

Tied to You


Tiffany enters the front door of the school and tries to find her way to her first class.


She enters the class room and everyone focuses their attention on her, especially Taecyeon whose jaw dropped once she walked through the door, he tried to shake it off but he couldn’t stop looking at her.

Tiffany awkwardly walks to the teacher’s desk and does a 90 degree bow.

“Annyonghasaeyo Boa Sungsaengnim, Hwang Tiffany Imnida. I’m the new transfer student from America.”

“Oh of course, Hello Tiffany, nice to meet you. You seem like a promising student. Let’s see, where should I seat you… Taeyeon ssi?”

A cute brown haired girl immediatly looks up, “Neh Sungsaengnim?”

“Tiffany, go ahead and take a seat next to our Taeyeon over there.”

Tiffany bows at the teacher and walks toward the seat next to Taeyeon. Taeyeon gives a welcoming smile as Tiffany sits next to her.

Taecyeon and Wooyoung who sit in the back of the class quietly consult what they think about this new girl.

“Wow, yup, she’s hot.” Wooyoung says.

“I know, what did she say her name was? Tiffany?”

“Yeah. Damn it. She is sitting next to Taeyeon. Who is looking beautiful as usual today~ Anyways, If they become friends, she will never even consider people like us.”

“We should talk to her.”

“Woah what’s up with you? You practically rose from the dead as soon as she walked in;”



Taecyeon POV

So this new girl’s name is Tiffany? Why does that name sound familiar. It’s probably nothing though; Tiffany is a very common name for an American. My heart is racing. There is something about her; it’s as if she is glowing. Taecyeon! What are you thinking? Remember, the girl I met 6 years ago is the only exception. Just close of your feelings like you do with every other girl. For all I know, she could be a terrible person when you get to know her. Well, I guess there is only one way to find out.

End of POV


“Hi Taeyeon, I’m Tiffany. Nice to meet you.”

“Hi Tiffany, Wow.”


“You are really pretty. Is everyone in America lucky like that?”

Tiffany smiles, “Thank you. I should say the same about you.”

“Keke Thanks.”

“First day and first person I meet tells me I’m pretty. That’s a good start.”

“Haha, funny, I like you. How about you hang out with me and my friends at lunch today, hang with us, and you will do just fine in this school.”

“Thanks that means a lot.”

“So how are you with good looking playboys?”

“Please, I’m from America, remember? Players here aren’t nearly as bad as L.A. guys. Trust me. I think I can control myself.”

“Well here comes your first challenge.”

Taeyeon motions to Taecyeon and Wooyoung who are making their way to Tiffany and Taeyeon.

Taecyeon leans on Tiffany’s side of the table as Wooyoung stands in front of Taeyeon's side of the desk.

“So you’re the new girl everyone is talking about?” Taecyeon asks Tiffany.

“The one and only, I’m Tiffany.” She eye smiles at him.



Tiffany POV

Taecyeon… why does that name sound so familiar? He is very good looking though, but like I said, I can control myself.

End of POV


“Hi I’m Wooyoung.” He shakes Tiffany’s hand.

“Yah! I don’t get a ‘hi’?” Taeyeon pouts. Wooyoung quickly turned to Taeyeon and he turned from cool guy to shy little boy within seconds.

“Oh! H-h-hi Taeyeon!~” His face turned red.

“Kekeke Hi oppa.”

Taecyeon facepalms himself.

“Anyways, So Tiffany, what part of America are you from?”

“Las Angeles, California" You can see the pride on Tiffany's face.

“Taecyeon lived in Boston for 7 years.” Taeyeon informs Tiffany.

“Ahhh good to know.” Tiffany smiles and Taecyeon returns it.

Suddenly the first period bell rings and class officially starts.

“Well, we gotta get back to our seats. Talk to you later?”


Taecyeon and Wooyoung get back to their desks and the teacher begins teaching.

“Good job.” Taeyeon praises her.

“What did I tell you?” Tiffany winks at her and they focus their attention at the teacher to learn.


Grr... idk what i'm doing. All i know is that i'm done writing for the day. Now to think about what's going to happen the next couple chapters.

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Writing the next chapter afdsfasasd thought of some new ideas and i think you'll like it^^


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I really wish you would update! :( I miss this story!
Chapter 13: update soon~ make more wootae moments pls :D
Chapter 13: :O i would.... But.. Indont even update my own stories -.- otl.
B3Ast_FAnY #4
i know u said this will be on hiatus, but update soon~ i really like this story~~~ xD
Its me again. lol. oh Leo xD
Lolol. Awww why'd Fany hang up on Taec?!? >_< poop I don't like Siwon either -.- hahaha.
So I never knew that Leo was ACTUALLY Tiffany's brother. I thought it was made up. Hahahha xD.
They get to have so much fun *^*
LOL don't worry, everything should start happening pretty soon. Chapter 7 will have some Taecfany and chapter 8 is where sifany will start taking action in this. Also, thanks for commenting guys<3 and i'm glad you like it. and thank you for actually thinking its funny xD
B3Ast_FAnY #9
omg. i wan real action!! Like Sifany or Taecfany!!! <33333
Challey #10
that's funny- mr.2weeks??? haha
and cute- tae slipping her tongue... <3
update soon:D