
Everything happens for a reason

Dujun is a 22 year old guy, who lives by himself, in a small town, he was the same as every other guy. He had a job as a waiter, he had a normal sized house and was also in a relationship. See dujun was one of those guys who couldnt say 'i love you' so easily to the girl, because he had the thought ' if im dating someone they should already know that i love them, which is why im with them' but see because of that problem most of the girls he's been with didnt seem to like that, so they would always say to him " lets not see each other" or " lets take a break" etc.


Those words have started affecting him to the point where he does not want to date ' girls' anyore, so he thought "this time is the last time i date girls ever again", which meant ' if my girlfriend breaks up with me she's the last' and his statment comes true.


Today in the afternoon, dujun's girlfriend called him telling him to meet up with her at their usual place ' The Tasty Restaurant' by the way her voice sounded, dujun knew nothing good was going to come out if he went, but since he didnt want bigger problems to occur he went anyways. Along the way there he saw a black haired guy,  with a cute face and short height, being bothered by a guy around dujun's age " a few minutes wont hurt" thought dujun, so he walked up behind the guy and put his hand on his shoulder " is there something going on here ?" he asked, the guy just shooked his head and left, " t-thanks" the other guy said, dujun just smiled "dujun" he said putting his hand out, "y-yoseob" he answered while shaking his hand, " nice to meet you" dujun said, he then realized that he was late, he said sorry to yoseob and left, " hehe he's nice" yoseob said quietly.


As dujun was running he knew that his gf would be mad , well his ex. She's been like that eversince they met. So finally dujun gets to the place and sees his ex sitting down near a window with a mad look on her face, " uh oh seems im a little too late this time" i said queitly.


Dujun walks in and sits infront of her " h-hi there" he said nervously, she just looked at him disappointed, " well im gonna come right out and say it" she said, dujun already knew what was going to happen so he didnt care as much " lets", 'here comes the line' he thought, " break up" she said, dujun being the nice guy he is pretended to act sad " w-what?! why ? " he said surprised " its not me its you, i dont like how your always late for our dates, how you always trick me about not wanting to go out and last but not least how im the only one saying i love you and you dont" dujun still acting said " i-im sorry but its hard for me to say that he said sadly.


"Srsly?!? its hard for you to say i love you ?!" she said angrily, he just nodded " see this is why we should break up , you make excuses for everything" she got up and walked out the door, dujun ran after her and was able to stop her " YAH! wait ok just calm down " he said, while all that was happening, yoseob suddenly appeared a few steps away behind them, before dujun could say anything his ex screamed " I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN" and stormed off,


Dujun just sighed " finally" he said clearly enough for yoseob to hear, as dujun turned around he was shocked " y-yoseob?" he said, yoseob just had a weird expression on his face " oh uhhh we broke up hehe " dujun said weirdly " you wanna talk about it?" yoseob asked " nah its fine, how about i buy you hot choco?" dujun asked smiling " sure! why not hehe" yoseob said happily, so they both walk into the restaurant.

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