Chapter 4

First Time


(Meanwhile at HyunA and Hyosung's tent)


" Mm…mrrr….rrrrr….. RAAHH! Will someone please silence that obese woman!?

  I can't concentrate with her like this!" HyunA said sitting cross legged trying to meditate with Hyosung

  outside the tent.

" I can't sleep either, IU is so loud," Hyosung said rubbing her eyes.

sigh and I'm hungry too, maybe I should have eaten a little bit of that curry," HyunA said.

" I don't think we would have lived through it considering what happened to the guys," Hyosung said.

" Aguh! We can't sleep, we can't walk around. Sigh I wonder what Yoseob's doing right now, being all alone

 must be pretty  rough, I remember one time he-."


" AUGHH! That's it, Hyosung, we're out of here! " HyunA said.

" Where would we go? I don't think walking down the mountain is a good idea," Hyosung said.

" It's too unsafe for us. We might get caught by Mr. Song," Hyosung added.

" Ugh, do you think she'd stop snoring if we covered and nose? " HyunA asked annoyed.

" Unnie, you shouldn't say things like that, " HyunA said.

" hm! Something's here! " Hyosung said immediately getting up in a fighting stance.

" Huh really? " HyunA asked. 


" Huh, who's there!? " Hyosung said.


( Back to Kikwang and Joon's tent )


" ……… Hm? " Kikwang looked up and saw two familiar people.


" HyunA, Hyosung? What are you two doing here?" Joon asked.

" Shhh, quiet, we don't wan- oh wait no one can hear you. Look we need your help " HyunA   whispered.

" S-sure, but what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on the other side? " Joon asked.

" Whoa hold on? How do we know you're Hyo and Hyunnie? " Kikwang asked.

" Wha- who else could we be? " Hyosung said annoyed.

" How do we know you're not some imposters? Maybe we should search you," Joon said.

" ert! " HyunA hits Joon's arm

" Ow… Okay you're HyunA… but how do I know you're Hyosung? " Joon asked

* WHAM * "OW OW, OK OK, fine you're legit," Joon said.

" Let us in, " HyunA said.

" Don't be ridiculous, if Mr Song finds you here, we'll all be expelled. Go back to your tent," Kikwang said.

" We can't, " Hyosung said.

" ARE there any rotten apples out there!? Any indecent students out here!? I know you're out here

 somewhere! " Mr Song yelled out.

" Oh crap, I thought I knocked him out, " Joon said.

" Alright fine, hurry up," Kikwang said.



HyunA and Hyosung quickly entered the tent and zipped up the door.

" If you do anything stupid, you will pay for it," HyunA said threateningly.

" Why are you looking at me? " Joon asked.

" Do you really need to ask that? " Kikwang said.

sigh fine… so why are you two here? " Joon asked.

" Well, it's Yoseob and IU, they're both out cold, " Hyosung said.

" W-What? " the two said.

" We don't know what happened, I mean HyunA knocked out IU because she thought she was a threat, then 

  Yoseob fainted," Hyosung said.

" That poor brave noble soul," Joon said.

" So there was no way we could just sleep there with him lying there you know, if he had woken up he  

  would have made a fuss, that's why we left him there," HyunA said.

" Wait that doesn't make any sense, he just walked in and fainted? " Joon asked.

" Are you sure you didn't kick him or anything? " Kikwang asked.

" LISTEN UP, being indecent and being intolerant are very different things! " Mr. Song yelled.

" Oh crap he's right outside!" Joon said.

Kikwang quickly turned off the lamp but they still sensed Morooka coming closer.

" He's not stopping, " Hyosung said.


" Joon, try and lead him away," Kikwang whispered.

" Right, " Joon responded.

" I know someones out here being a little brat, someone- *bap* AH, What the? " Morooka felt something hit 

  his head.

" Huh… who's *bap* AH, WHO'S DOING THAT!? " Morooka turned around

" Heheh, this is pretty fun," Joon said throwing pebbles on him

" It's like beating up on a drunken blind guy, " Joon said hapily.

" Huh, who's there!? I swear when I catch you you'll be in a world of pain! " Mr Song said.

*rustle* Joon threw pebbles on the bushes leading away from the camp sight.

" I got you! " Mr. Song ran off towards the rustling leading himself nowhere.

" Oh man… that was too close," Kikwang said.

" I think I lost a few years of my lifespan," Joon said.

" No joke, we were nearly expelled," HyunA said.

" Hey this is all you're guys fault," Joon said.

" W-Well what are we supposed to do? Anyway we can't sneak out, we'll leave before everyone else wakes

  up and go back to our tent tomorrow, is that good enough for you?" HyunA said.

" What are you so pissed off for? " Joon asked.

" And you better not try any funny stuff while we're asleep, you got that? " Hyosung said.

" Fine, you owe us," Kikwang said.

" Oh come on Kikwang, are your really going to let an opportunity like this go away!? *WHAM* OW JEEZE

  THE  PAIN! Stop doing that! " Joon said.


Kikwang and the others split apart from the school group and headed towards the streams.

" Looks like we're the only one's here," Joon said.

" Perfect," Joon added

" Hm? You Okay Yoseob? " Kikwang asked.

" What happened last night? I thought I ran off pissed but when I woke up I was in your tent. Was it all a

  dream? " Yoseob asked.

" And I was thrown into the bushes," IU said.

" U-Uh it was a dream," HyunA said.

" Yes, a dream, it's the only thing that could make sense," Hyosung said quickly.

" Alright then, let's go swimming, " Joon said.

" Ugh, I'll pass, I still can't get over from last night," Yoseob said.

" hm… why are you looking at us for, if you wanna go swimming go right ahead," HyunA said.

" You know you two still owe us," Joon said.

" For yesterdays problems," Joon added said.

" Huh? Whoa whoa whoa hold on there's no way we're going in there," HyunA said.

" Oh HyunA, are you saying you're ungrateful for the things we did for you?" Joon asked.

" What no, I mean- we don't even have our swimsuits with us, man of all the luck," HyunA said.

" Y-Yeah it really is unfortunate," Hyosung said.

"Oh I see how it is, we put up with your awful dinner, and we saved you from that freak, and you won't

 even have a little fun with us?" Joon asked.

" You better watch what you say," HyunA threatened.

" So we do all this for you and you just brush us off? " Joon asked.

" N-No it's just, we don't have any swimsuits, so there's nothing we can do," HyunA said.

" Oh really? " Joon said. "TA-DA, I got you covered," Joon said pulling out two bikini swim suits.

" What the?! What are you doing with those!?" HyunA said.

" Oh my," HyunA said flustered.

" I was wondering what you were doing that day," Kikwang said.

" They're HomePlus brand originals from our brand new line of swimwear that just came in for the summer, I

  had a clerk friend of mine pick em out, Joon said.

" Dude, that's just wrong," Kikwang said.

" Were you carrying those the whole time?" Hyosung asked.

" Come on, let's go swimming," Joon said.

" You're treading in hot water you know that right?" Kikwang asked.

" Oh don't act like you aren't thinking the same," Joon said.

" YOU! This was your idea wasn't it?" Hyosung said angrily.

" Hey, I only suggested the idea to him once…… because that's all it took," Kikwang said.

" It'd be no problem if I just had a swimsuit'," Joon said imitating HyunA's voice poorly.

sigh what should we do Hyosung?" HyunA asked.

" There's nothing to decide! You can't just do this just because of a few incidents," Hyosung said.

" You know we really were looking forward to dinner that day, fortunately we have someone like Kikwang"

  Joon said. 

" W-Well- T-that wasn't," Hyosung  stammered.

" And I wonder what would have happened if we weren't there to help you girls last night," Joon said.

" That… that's very true," HyunA said shyly.

" Are you sure you won't do this one thing for us? After all we did?" Joon said in a pathetic tone.

" OK we get it, you never let things go do you?" HyunA said.

" Alright that's more like it," Joon said.




Joon and Kikwang changed into their swim trunks, while the girls left to change somewhere else.

" Man how far did those two go to get changed?" Joon said.

" That's none of your concern," IU said.

" Why didn't you go with them?" Yoseob asked.

" To make sure you don't go peek on them," IU  said.

" I find that accusation offensive," Joon said.

" Are you saying you wouldn't try something like that? " Kikwang asked.

" Oh hell yes I would, I just find her accusing me so early before I do it offensive," Joon said.

" They're gonna kill us, you know that right?" Kikwang said.

" Oh please they wouldn't do that," Joon said.

" Yeah, when people threaten to kill you the most they'll probably do is give you a savage beating," Yoseob 


" That's not exactly much better," Kikwang said.

" Dude you sure you don't want to join us?" Joon asked.

" Huh? Yeah I'm sure, I'm not feeling good enough for a swim," Yoseob said.

" He doesn't need to trick women to get them, he could get any girl he wants," Kikwang said.

" Yeah yeah we get it," Joon said.

" We're back," HyunA said.

" Yeah…let's go swimming," Hyosung said dully. HyunA and Hyosung came back both wearing their

  two piece swimsuits.

" Oh yes, this is just perfect- DON'T HIT ME!" *WHAM* HyunA whacked Joon on the head again.

" Whoa man," Yoseob said.

 Even Kikwang couldn't help himself from looking at the girl's, Yoseob just turned his head away from the


" S-Stop staring like that!" HyunA said blushing.

" H-Hey," Hyosung said.

" Why are you acting embarassed?" Joon asked HyunA whose face was starting blushing.

" Well… you look cute Hyosung," Kikwang said unconsciously

"H-Huh? S-Stop it," Hyosung said blushing.



" I told you to get them," Yoseob said.

" I'm glad you did, this really makes up for Mystery Food X," Joon said.

HyunA and Hyosung looked at him annoyed.

" Oh come on you guys gotta admit I picked some good suits. These girls might act childish on the inside but

 I bet they're gonna turn into some fine looking women in no time. Don't you think so Kikwang," Joon said. 

" Uh, yeah, I guess,"  Kikwang said 

" Oh now you just crossed the line," HyunA said angrily.  

HyunA and Hyosung both nodded their heads at each other and charged at Kikwang and Joon.

" Whoa-WAIT!" "AW CRAP!" *SPLASH* *SPLASH* Kikwang and Joon both fell into the lake below into the cold


" GAH, I-I-It's f-f-freezing, y-y-you didn't need to push us in!" Joon yelled.

" I hate you so much right now," Kikwang said.

" Who cares? you were going into the river anyway!" HyunA yelled.

" Kikwang, are you OK?" Hyosung called out.

" I'm f-f-fine,j-j-just freezing to death," Kikwang said.

" This is what you get for taking advantage of a situation like that!" Joon called.

" Wha- IT WAS YOUR IDEA YOU j-j-j-JERK!" Kikwang said.

" Tell you what, I'll take credit for the idea when it makes me look good," Joon said.

" SCREW YOU! " Kikwang yelled.


" The nerve of them, can you believe that? Kikwang said rubbing his head.

" Did you really need to push them both in?" IU asked.

" They brought this on themselves, sheesh, aren't they the worst Yoseob?" HyunA asked.



" Hm? Seobbie? Are you OK, you've been quiet," IU said.

" Huh? Y-Yeah I'm fine," Yoseob said, when he turned around his nose was bleeding.

" EWW!" Hyosung immediately pushed Yoseob over the side when she saw him.

*SPLASH* Yoseob landed under the water along with Kikwang and Joon.

*gaspcough cough What was that for!? I didn't do anything!" Yoseob yelled.

" Seobbie, are you still alive!?" IU said.

" Course I'm still alive, does it looks like I'm dead!? *Achoo* Aw great," Yoseob  said.

" Hmm? Hey do you hear something? " HyunA asked.

" Hmm? Yes I hear something too," IU said.

" HUGAAAGGHH!" The sound of a man vomiting was heard up the stream over the waterfall.

" Ah, I forgot that Joon lead Mr Song in this direction," Hyosung said.

" That explains why no one else is here," IU said.

" Joon," Kikwang said angrily.

" Don't say it " Joon said.











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Update soon!
Update soon!
Lol so funny...joons a ! :p
Update soon!!
Oh My your story is great! xDDD I can't stop laughing!Exspecially Joon with his naughty behavior!
Update more!!
Mind blowing..I laugh hard at the part Hyosung and HyunA cooking! Hahax. I can't hold it anymore!
ichiru #7
update soon....!!!!!!
Wow. You update fast ;)))
Update soon! Kikwang is pampered by his father. Hahax..^^
Update soon :))