Delving Deeper

Sweet Confections, Sweet Intentions


Serene's POV:


Yesung carefully lowers my trembling hand down onto the table and stands up.


“Time to go home. It’s past your curfew, missy.”


Laughing, I smack his back in mock-anger and follow him out of the restaurant. Although the rain stopped, the wind was blowing fiercely. While frantically pushing the hair out of my face, I scan the area to find a route to get home.


Where the heck are we?


“Are you okay? Your face looks like you’ve seen a ghost,” Yesung searches my eyes worriedly. 


“A-aniyo. Quick question though, where are we?”




Yoo ee what what?


“I don’t think I know my way home from here,” I admit, walking toward the nearest bus stop to check out the map. Yesung peeks from behind me and clicks his tongue like a disappointed parent.


“As much as I’d like to take you to my where I live, my dorm is crawling with over a dozen testosterone crazed men. It may be an ideal scenario for you, but not exactly safe, if you catch my drift.”


What? Take me to his home. . . ?  

Just laugh, Serene. React, do something.


“Ha... haha? I, um, wasn’t implying anything like that,” I reply lamely. “I’ll figure something out, don’t worry.”


I weakly smile and turn back to the map to trace my finger along the bus routes. With my poor sense of direction, I might find myself heading the opposite way. I tilt my head slightly and continue to stare at the poster, which is dripping with water from the earlier rain. Geez, why is Korea’s bus routes so extensive? Do I even have enough for bus fare? I rummage through my bag and retrieve my wallet. Sure enough, my bus pass is no where to be found. I whimper internally; I left it on the kitchen counter again, didn’t I?



“Yeoboseyo? Neh, Hyung?” I shift my attention away from the map and see Yesung on his cellphone, his body angled away from mine. Man, he has such an enticing profile. I’ve saved plenty of pictures of his jawline, but this is the real deal. And wow, he definitely looks better in person.


“Ani, hyung. I’ll be another hour or so. I’ll explain why later, I need to hurry before it starts raining again. Just tell manager hyung that I’m still managing the cafe. Gomawo, Jungsoo. Neh, kkeuneo.”


Yesung slips his phone back into his back pocket and looks up, seeing me gaping at his lifted backside. I shift my gaze to the nearby grass and he softens his expression.


“Are you okay?”


“Yes, you are so fine. Wait, I mean, yeah I’m fine.”


Yesung releases an enchanting laugh, which isn’t complete without his eyes crinkling cutely. Unconsciously, I smile. His laugh, no, his everything is just so addictive. To me, Yesung is like water: a refreshing necessity for survival. And boy, does he quench my thirst.


“Where do you live? I’ll take you home.” Yesung pauses to run his tongue along his dry lips. Like the creepy fangirl I am, my eyes follow his tongue instinctively. “You’ve had this uneasy look plastered on your face since we’ve left the restaurant.”


“Mianhaeyo. I’m just worried about getting home since I have a really poor sense of direction. Like, if you tell me to turn right, I’ll end up going left and start walking in a circle.”


Pursing his lips, he whips out his cellphone as I tell him the address of my apartment building. 


“Well luckily I have this handy dandy application called a GPS.”


“When I use it, I usually type in the wrong address by accident. I don’t think we need to delve deeper into that subject.”


“I do know a place where you should delve deeper,” Yesung wiggles his eyebrows. 


“Excuse me? Are you implying what I think you’re implying?”


Yesung fights a smile as he leads me away from the bus stop and down to the subway, swiping his card to pay for both of our fares. I release an exasperated sigh. 


“I’ll pay you back, promise. I owe you big time.”


“I look forward to it,” Yesung winks, a sly smirk appearing on his face.


We wait silently at the bustling platform. As a safety measure, Yesung takes out a cherry red scarf and wraps it securely around his neck until it covers his nose, probably so he wouldn’t be discovered by fans. But his action is a second too late. 


“Isn’t that Yesung from Super Junior? Oh my gosh, Unni! Let’s go ask for a picture.” A young girl stops in her tracks and stares at Yesung’s back, tugging a taller girl’s sleeve to get her attention.


“There’s no way it’s him. Yesung was dating an idol just last year. Why would he stoop down and go out with a girl like her? Plus, they need to prepare for their new album. Get it together you idiot. What kind of ELF are you?” The tall girl flicks her sister on the forehead, but watches us intently just in case.  


I bite my lip and scoot away from Yesung and the girls who are just two meters away from us. Yesung abruptly pulls me back and encloses his arms around my torso, his sangria red hair tickling my cheeks. 


“Hajima, you might get caught,” I whisper, but I secretly enjoy the feeling of his arms around my body.  His scrumptious scent envelopes my skin, my nose savoring the fragrance.


Yesung ignores my comment and snuggles up closer against me. With his right arm wrapped around my body, Yesung grabs my hand and stuffs it into my coat pocket, my body heating up quickly like a forest fire. 


“See? Yesung wouldn’t do so much PDA with a girl like that, he’s not an idiot.” The two girls continue to bicker and walk further away from us, oblivious to our snickering.  


“Your hands are freezing," Yesung points out after our case of the giggles stop. "My umma always told me, ‘Cold hands, warm heart,’” Yesung murmurs in my ear. Just the thought of his tongue being just centimeters away from my face makes my fingers begin to tremble. Assuming that I’m still nervous, Yesung gives my hand a quick squeeze to reassure me that we’re safe. My heart skips a beat as I draw courage to speak up.


“If you keep treating me so sweetly, I might fall for you.” I purposely knock my shoulders into his, making sure he gets that I’m kidding around.


“So you’re telling me that you haven’t already?”


Even though his mouth is covered, Yesung's low voice purrs a ‘mehrong.’ His fingers trace circles on my hands, and I shiver in delight. 


Such an annoying jerk.


The train finally arrives, saving me from the satisfaction of bruising his beautifully plump lips with my fist out of spite. Or even better, my lips. Yesung pulls our hands out of the pocket and drags me along, hastily racing for a seat.


“Oof!” I squeak as he pushes me down onto a seat. Yesung takes the seat beside me and squishes my cheeks in celebration. I swat his hands away, annoyed that he has succumbed to what everyone else does to me. In the midst of my diappointment, he catches sight of an elderly woman struggling to get on the train. Yesung immediately gets up and leads the woman to his abandoned seat. She smiles appreciatively and grasps his tiny hands in gratitude.


“Aigoo, such a kind young man,” the woman compliments Yesung. She then turns to me and gives me a toothy grin. “Ahgassi, treat your boyfriend well. I’m sure your will parents appreciate a man with such considerate manners.”




The ahjumma continues to beam at us, her eyes forming the cutest crescents. Yesung assumes a standing spot in front of me, holding the rail above his head. A couple people bump into him because of the shaky train, but Yesung avoids crashing into me. After one rough shove, he looks down at me protectively and I search his half-covered face.   


Is he blushing? I touch my cheeks. Ah, I’m blushing, too. 


Wanting to ease the tension, I poke his stomach childishly and giggle, covering my mouth from laughing too loudly. Yesung shoots me a glare but laughs with me under his scarf. After two stops, the ahjumma slowly rises up from her seat and pats Yesung on the back, and he helps her get off the train safely. I bow politely at the woman and grin. Yesung is far too perfect, better than I dreamed him to be. 


“Hey,” Yesung’s husky voice breaches my thoughts as he takes back his seat. He loosens the scarf around his neck and clears his throat. 


“Hey,” I reply quietly, still reveling in his perfection. I scratch my head awkwardly, upset that I couldn’t see his milky Adam’s apple due to his stupidly adorable scarf. Is that a normal thing to be upset about? 


“According to the GPS, we get off after another three stops, and then we do a bus transfer. How on earth did you make it all the way to Yeouido in the first place?”


“Let’s just say I took so long that my family got tired of waiting for me and cancelled our meeting.”


During those three stops, we talk about our family, which are practically polar opposites. His parents seem extremely welcoming and kind like him, whereas it’s a fact that mine are impatient and obnoxious. 


“Do you have any siblings?” Yesung inquires. 


“Yeah, a pesky younger brother,” I scowl, showing Yesung a disgusted expression. 


“I feel your pain, my brother can be such a nuance.”


“Your brother is such an adorable kid though," I tease. Now that I think about it, Jongjin is almost as much of a flirt as Yesung. "He’s cute as a cupcake; I could just eat him up.”


“What about me?” Yesung whines, and I chuckle. 


“I mean, you’re okay, I guess.”


You’d be tastier. 


I casually swipe his bangs out of his eyes to see his reaction, and he snatches my hands to stop me. Touchy, aren’t we? 


“Oh look, this is our stop, stud muffin.” He scrunches his nose at the sudden nickname and I wriggle out of his grip, skipping off of the train. Yesung scrambles after me.


“Hey, not so fast, sugar. Do you even know where you’re going?” 


“Good point. You think ahead, I like that,” I roll my eyes. 


Yesung pulls the hood of my coat from behind me and I stumble backwards, being tugged along like a stubborn dog on a leash. He stops abruptly and I bump into his back. Confused, I turn around. 


“We should run, the bus is pulling in as we speak.”


Yesung releases the hood and grabs for my hand. We barely make it onto the bus, but thankfully the bus is rather empty. Yesung chooses a secluded seat in the back and removes his constricting scarf.


“Finally, I can breathe!” Yesung exclaims, reaching his arms upwards to stretch.


While Yesung busies himself with his scarf, I stare outside the window and yawn. The bright sky is dimming quickly and my eyes are feeling heavier. Yesung disperses my fatigue by suddenly kneading his nimble fingers into my shoulders.




“A little bit,” I confess. “It’s been a long day. It was exciting though, thanks to you.”


A smile tugs on Yesung’s lips. He brushes aside a few wisps of hair away from my cheek. I breathe shakily as he leans towards me.


“It’s been a pleasure,” Yesung’s warm breath lazily lounges on my neck, his hand never leaving my face. “By the way, it’s going to be a twenty-five to thirty minute bus ride. You can nap if you want, I’ll make sure no one attacks you.”


“Why would someone attack me? There’s a higher probability that you’ll be attacked, babo,” I conclude, but Yesung just drums his fingers against my cheek.


“Because you’re beautiful.”


Did he just. . .? Shisus take the wheel. 


I yank Yesung's hand off my cheek and I avert my vision away from him, pretending to stare out the window. A deep blush infects my face and my heart beats fast, fast enough to give me a heart attack. Yesung’s tiny hands grips my chin and forces me to fix my gaze upon him. If he keeps touching my face like that, he's fingers will get burnt. 


“You’re not denying it, so you must know it too.”


“Yah! Not that’s not what I-”




Yesung places his index finger against my lips, shutting me up. I mask my urge to stick out my tongue and it so that he would stop touching me. I mean, it always worked on my brother. Wordlessly, Yesung rests my head against his shoulder and he begins to my hair. 


“Sleep. I’ll wake you up when we get to our stop.”


I nod slowly. Yesung delicately sings me a lullaby, the vibrato emitting from his chest almost lulls me gently off to sleep. After he finishes the song, Yesung rests his head atop mine. I stir slightly, keeping my eyes closed but trying to depict the situation.


Click! Click!


The familiar sound reminds me of an iPhone camera. When the clicking sounds cease, his hands entwine with my mine stealthily, his fingers molding perfectly to mine. I fall into deep sleep, comparing Yesung’s steady heartbeat beat to my fast paced one.


☁   Half an hour later   ◕ 


“Serene-ah. Wake up, we’re here.”


My eyes slowly open and I stare at the beautiful angel beside me, whose arms are wrapped around my shoulders.


“Have we arrived in heaven? Am I still dreaming?”


“You’re not going to heaven any time soon, I want you alive and well.”


I blink once, twice. I really need to fix this habit of talking out loud. 


“Let’s get off before we’re whisked off to some unknown land.”


“I’d be okay with that,” I reply as we hop down onto the sidewalk. “It wouldn’t be the first time.”


“Which way is your apartment building from here?” Yesung restrains himself from laughing.


“It’s fine, you should head home now, I actually know my way from here,” I declare proudly and salut to him.


“Not this late at night. You shouldn’t be wandering around by yourself when it’s this dark out. Someone might snatch you up and whisk you away.


Who? You? I still don't have the capacity to speak to him in such a way. Defeated, I hesitantly loop my arm through his and walk toward my apartment. We step in sync as we mutely make our way to my home. Soon enough, we’re at the lobby of the building. 


“Thanks for taking me home. Could I possibly get you some warm tea? It’s the least I could do,” I offer shyly, retracting my arm from his. Yesung sticks his hands into my coat pocket and roughly pulls me toward him. His action transforms into an embrace, and his hands rest gingerly by my waist. 


“Maybe next time. I need to rush back to the dorms or else Teuk is going to kick my behind,” Yesung speaks into my neck.


Next time. There’s going to be a next time.


I squeal internally and nod furiously. 


“Well, I would kick your too. You do have a nice behind.”


Yesung snorts, his shoulders shaking laughter. 


“Such a forward ert. You’re just like Eunhyuk, I swear.”


“I’m going to take that as compliment since Eunhyuk seems like a decent guy.”


"Define 'decent.'"


"Hey, I said you were okay earlier, didn't I?" I say forwardly.


Yesung pulls away from the hug and ruffles his own hair to camouflage his embarrassed face. 


“Text me when you’re ready to pay me back. I’ll make time in my busy schedule for you since you owe me,” Yesung jabs at me jokingly, searching my face for my reaction. My tongue remains numb, and I bite down on it and pipe up.


“At your most humble desires, Yesung-ssi,” I courtesy sloppily, sticking my tongue out in the process.


“It’s Yesung Oppa to you. You've been talking to me informally for the majority of the time already” he pouts. “Goodnight, Serene-ah.”


“Goodbye, O-oppa," I bid Yesung goodbye, the words still foreign to my tongue. "It was nice meeting you.”


I watch as his figure fades from my view, waving at him until his back becomes a dot in the distance. When he disappears from sight, I run into my now renovated building and skip happily to the elevators. I’m still reeling from this whole experience: I actually spent a whole afternoon with Yesung from Super Junior. No, Kim Jongwoon. Not the idol people see up on the stage, but a gorgeous human being that actually wanted to talk to me. 


I fumble for the key and unlock the door, rushing into my bedroom. I drop onto my bed and explode with glee. In the midst of my squealing, my phone rings from within my coat pocket. 


Wait a second, this isn’t even my coat. It’s Yesung’s. Oh no, he must be freezing. What if he catches a cold? Ugh, he’s been so kind to me while I’ve been such an inconsiderate idiot. 


I pull out my cellphone and stare at the case.


Huh, when did he give me back my phone? I think back and our hug in front of my apartment comes to mind.  So it wasn't my imagination when Yesung hugged me and touched my waist.


My body tingles blissfully and I do a little happy dance on my bed as I turn the phone over and look at the screen.


One new text message from ‘Cloud Prince 


Cloud Prince? I don’t recall saving anyone’s name as that in my contacts.


I open the text message, eager to see who it might be.


You owe me big time, Serene-ah. Leeteuk hyung is so mad right now. PS: Our date is a secret, arasso? 


Y-Yesung? And our d-date? Omo. . .


Did you get into a lot of trouble? Mianhaeyo, Yesung-ssi. ^^;; Your secret is safe with me. (#`ε´#


I change his contact name to Yesung Ahjussi. Just moments after I send a response, I receive another text:


I thought we agreed on Yesung Oppa!(>o< )


I breathe out heavily and smile stupidly at the screen.


If you want to be called Oppa, you have to earn it, Ahjussi~  


*⌒ヮ⌒* )  *⌒ヮ⌒*)  *⌒ヮ⌒* )  *⌒ヮ⌒*)  *⌒ヮ⌒* ) 


Goodness, this took quite a bit to revise. Not my best chapter, but it's the longest yet. (Almost 3000 words o. O) 

Aigoo, SM finally released the SPY music video, but I’m still upset that it was delayed for so long T^T


ps: check out some of my k-pop covers, your support is appreciated~


Comments are loved! All you silent, readers come out +_+ And thank you all for subscribing and waiting patiently as I churn out these chapters ^3^


IFeelSoCool: I have a Yesung photo album saved onto my phone, and it’s taking up most of my memory space :P

legendofv: thank you omg ;A; YES I STAN ONEW+YEYE, those flawless beings >///<

LYZAAA: I squeal so much, my family has got used to it by now. Fluff makes the world go around ^0^

hottest_elf: gomawo unni~ I’m glad you’re slowly coming around >:] (ps omg your fic i was asdfsdjh ok)

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gaofushuai #1
I miss your story, author-nim! ><
widagtmvlohmpoa3n UPDATEEEEEEEEEEEE awww comeon i miss this story!!
gaofushuai #3
Chapter 4: Not updating anymore ? Do update soon author-nim >< great story! ♥
infinitemelody #4
Chapter 4: you're such a great writer!! <3 UPDATE SOON JEBAL T.T
BeautifulNightmares #5
please update!!!!! I'm hooked on to this story!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 4: omg please update soon yeah! i love the way you write!! :D
Chapter 4: IT WAS HILARIOUS! Thank you for making me fangirl like a unicorn with redbull in its veins~~
Can't wait for the next chapter... hope you update soon!
Can't wait for the next chapter... hope you update soon!