Painfully Tantalizing

Sweet Confections, Sweet Intentions


Satisfied with my unexpected reply, I giggle and slowly pull away from his loosening grip, until he latches back onto my wrist. 


“Shiny? You like my shiny eyes?” Yesung squeezes my wrists. Can he feel how fast my heart is beating? “You have some beautiful eyes yourself.” 


As if on cue, my glasses slide down my nose in shame. Yesung just laughs and pushes my glasses back up the bridge of my nose. I wrinkle my nose in response. 


"No, Turtle Ahjussi," I jab at him, "Like ‘Noona Neomu Yeppeo,’ don't you know?" 


“Indeed, you're very pretty,” Yesung gently pushes a strand of hair behind my ear, “But I'm pretty sure I'm your oppa.”


Angry at his teasing and my failing attempt to change the subject, I swat his hand away and give him the stink eye. 


“No, you babo, 'Her whisper is the Lucifer.’” Try to work around that, big boy.


“We've just met and you're already giving yourself a nickname?” The back of his hand traces my right arm, from my shoulder to the tips of my fingers. I shudder and blink rapidly, averting my gaze and looking everywhere but him. “But from what I see, the name doesn’t suit you. You look pure as an angel.”


Uh-oh. Cheesy. He's striking me right where it hurts. Not to mention that his voice is painfully tantalizing. I raise my bulging eyes again to meet his, and I drown in his irises. 


“I-I.... I like Onew. If you think about it, SHINee trumps over everyone in Super Junior, so therefore Onew beats you out, too. So...uh... mehrong~” I weakly respond.


Yesung twirls the ends of my hair, and his eyes flit around, thinking of a response. 


“And why is that you like him to that extent?”


My body relaxes as I think about my favorite SHINee member, thoughts of that fluffernugget of a dubu making me forget that my ultimate bias is my hair. 


“Although he's a bit weird at times and his dancing isn't the best, Onew deserves more recognition for his amazing talent in singing. I mean, he has this gorgeous voice that melts my soul. To top it off, that super precious aegyo bunny doubles as an attractive beast.” I ramble, recalling the concert I attended months ago. 


Yesung places his hands on my shoulders and releases me from my memories. I clamp my mouth closed. He’s not the person I should be telling my fantasies to.


"Are you sure you aren't describing me?" Yesung questions seriously, his head inclining toward mine. 


I review my description of Onew: Weirdo, voice of an angel, lacks recognition, attractive being. The blush that I was trying so hard to keep under control flares up, filling my cheeks, which are the size of dumplings. Wordlessly, Yesung's fingers lightly tap on my fiery cheeks. Giving it a final tap, he finally backs up a whole two feet and gives me a one last look. 


"I should probably close up the cafe." 


I blink once, twice, and he picks up the tray and walks away. I look up at the clock. Six o'clock.


Why is it that time seems to speed up when I stare at Yesung, whether it be on my computer or real life?


I observe the cafe; it’s vacant.


How awkward.


My body slumps and I sigh. It's still raining and I have no where to go.


I pull open the door, but a hand behind me nimbly takes the door handle and slams it closed, leaving me no chance to escape. I stumble back and prepare for impact, squeezing my eyes shut. A few seconds pass, and I open one eye. I see Yesung's face too close to mine with his arms wrapped around my body, tilting me away from the ground. My eyelid flutters closed. I must have died and gone to heaven. I could've sworn he had wings on his back, only those kind of tricks happen in movies. Keenly, I remove my glasses and clean them with the end of my shirt to make sure my eyes aren't deceiving me. I place them back over my eyes, and I see that I must really be in heaven. Yesung's eyes search my now calm face. I reach up and touch his chin, tracing his scrumptiously sharp jawline. 


"If this is heaven, I should've died sooner," I whisper to myself, enjoying the view of his flawless face.  


"As comfortable as this position is for you, my arms are about to give out."


Oh schnitzel. Speedily, I stand up and wobble back onto my feet, almost tripping in my three inch heels. Yesung steadies me once again and smiles. 




"I'm glad you're comfortable with me already." He chuckles at my immediate informal form of speech. "Where did you think you were going without an umbrella?" 


I bow briskly and thank him, letting his question hand in the air. "It was great meeting you, Yesung-ssi." 


I book it out of there, turning a corner to catch my breath.


Shisus, when did I become such a creepy ert? No, now isn't the time to fangirl.


I fan my face and think of a place to stay. Maybe a *jjimjilbang? I open my wallet and check how much I have left. Ten thousand won. Definitely not enough. I sigh and walk mindlessly around, searching for a place to go. I reach for my phone; maybe it'll provide some suggestions as to where to go for cheap. But it’s not in my pocket. I inch under a tree, patting the pocket of my jeans a second time and rummaging through my bag. 

*Note: jjimjilbang = A sauna-esque place where you can eat and sleep




Aish, it must've fallen out of my pocket when I fell back at the cafe.


Fudge balls. If he sees my phone, he'll really know I'm a freaky geeky fangirl.


My phone is plastered with Super Junior stickers, which is somewhat socially acceptable.  It's just that if Yesung just happens to decide to take a look at the background of my phone, I'm a goner. 


Crap. I don’t even have a passcode on my phone. I blame my lazy self.


What if he sees those pictures and everything else I have saved? 


I dash back to the cafe, no longer caring if the rain pelts on my glasses and blinds my vision. 


Luck really isn't on my side today. 


*⌒ヮ⌒* )  *⌒ヮ⌒*)  *⌒ヮ⌒* )  *⌒ヮ⌒*)  *⌒ヮ⌒* ) 


Quickest update I've ever done. Like, ever. XD

This acutally only took thirty minutes to write in the car (ugh, buying furniture stuff), and I have the next chapter mapped out as well. So the updates should could very soon ^^ 

Anyways, although there wasn't much going on in this chapter (skinship, woohoo!), I hope you still enjoyed this chapter, and let me know what you think!

ps: Thank You <3  I have lots coming out here as well :3


LYZAA: aha, thanks. I really like writing fluff XD

IFeelSoCool: Isn't being a Cloud just the best feeling? I'm happy that my writing made you happy >///<

TasLuq: This story was based off of my dreams with Yesung (I've been having a lot of dreams of him lately :D), and I happened to be so quirky in my dream. Glad you enjoyed ^0^

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gaofushuai #1
I miss your story, author-nim! ><
widagtmvlohmpoa3n UPDATEEEEEEEEEEEE awww comeon i miss this story!!
gaofushuai #3
Chapter 4: Not updating anymore ? Do update soon author-nim >< great story! ♥
infinitemelody #4
Chapter 4: you're such a great writer!! <3 UPDATE SOON JEBAL T.T
BeautifulNightmares #5
please update!!!!! I'm hooked on to this story!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 4: omg please update soon yeah! i love the way you write!! :D
Chapter 4: IT WAS HILARIOUS! Thank you for making me fangirl like a unicorn with redbull in its veins~~
Can't wait for the next chapter... hope you update soon!
Can't wait for the next chapter... hope you update soon!