
Falling In Love with a Total Jerk (Discontinued)
Had a good day today so I decided to update V^o^V



Minhyuk pulled me away from the group and Misun. "What is it hyung?" I asked. "Are you seriously dating her?" Minhyuk asked. I nodded with a serious look on my face. Minhyuk sighed. "She's too young for me anyways. Take good care of her." Minhyuk said and smiled. I smiled back and nodded.


"So how did Minwoo get to be your boyfriend?" Ilhoon asked. *Gosh! When is he going to stop with the damn questions?! I don't know how to answer this one.* "Ilhoon." I heard. I turned around and saw Minwoo. *Thank you TK! You saved me.* "Yes?" Ilhoon asked. "Where will Misun sleep?" TK asked. I mentally face palmed myself. "With you of course! In your old room.. Well.... Actually, you and Misun will sleep in Minhyuk's room since we use your old room as a closet now." Ilhoon said and blushed. TK rolled his eyes and brang his bag into Minhyuk's room.

I tried to enter his room but Minhyuk stopped me. "You can't go in!" Minhyuk yelled. I cocked my head and tried to look inside but he was covering the view. "I forgot, Minhyuk has a lot of your-" "WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!" I heard TK yell and cut off Eunkwang. I pushed Minhyuk and entered the room. My eyes grew big as I saw a lot of posters of me covered the walls. *This is going to be interesting vacation... VERY interesting..* "I-I c-can explain!" Minhyuk said. I turned around and smiled. "It's okay oppa! Atleast I finally met my #1 fan!" I said. Minhyuk calmed down and smiled. "What are you talking about?! He's cra-" I covered TK's mouth from finishing. "I'll unpack my stuff and try to make myself feel at home." I said and started to unpack my stuff. TK was standing there stunned while thinking that both me and Minhyuk are insane.

After Minhyuk left the room, TK started to talk again... More like yell. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!" TK yelled. I looked at him innocently. "I'm perfectly sane Minwoo." I said and continued unpacking. "NO YOU'RE NOT! YOU KNOW MINHYUK IS OBSSESSED WITH YOU! BUT NOOOOOO! YOU STILL-" TK fell backwards when I threw one of Minhyuk's shoes to his face. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" TK yelled. I smirked. "Don't talk about Minhyuk oppa like that!" I said and rolled my eyes. "Lunch is ready!" I heard Peniel yell. "OooOoooooOoooOoOOO!" I said and ran out Minhyuk's room. TK rolled his eyes and went to the dinning room.

"So Misun. What year were you born in?" Sungjae asked. "I was born in 1997." I said. "Wow! So young!" Eunkwang said. "Where did you grow up?" Sungjae asked. "I grew up in San Francisco, California. It's a nice place but my parents didn't make it seem that way." I said. "What do you mean?" Peniel asked. "My parents would always tell me and my little brother that San Francisco was full of hobos and homeless men. Everywhere you look was a homeless person sleeping on the ground. It wasn't like that though. That was just an excuse to keep us inside the house everyday and do ALL of the work. My parents only cared about us if we didn't do the cleaning and cooking. That's it." I said and pushed my food away. It made me sick to talk about my parents again.

"You must have had a hard childhood.." Minhyuk said. I felt his pity but I didn't say anything about it. "Yeah. I'm just glad I finally got away from thise monsters. Me and Kwangsun have a better life without them. I just wish Kwangsun was with me right now.." I said. "Where is he?" TK asked with a worried manner. "He is in San Francisco right now. But.... I haven't talked to him late-" Then my phone started ringing.

I answered it. "Hello?" I asked. "Noona! Do you have a computer with a webcam?!" I heard Kwangsun yell. "Aish! Calm down. Let me ask." I said to him. "Do you guys have a computer with a webcam?" I asked the guys. "Yeah we do. It's right there." Eunkwang said and pointed to the computer. I went to it and turned it on. "What now?" I asked Kwangsun. "Ok! Let's videochat!" Kwangsun said. "Um.. ok... How?" I asked.

Kwang explained the website and how to use it. Then a screen popped up with Kwang and his girlfriend on it. "Hi noona!" Kwang yelled and waved. I smiled and waved back. "Noona.. Where are you?" Kwang asked. "WITH US!" BtoB yelled and showed their faces. "B-BtoB hyungs?! Noona!!!!! You didn't bring me?!" Kwang whined and pouted. "Unnie!" Aly said and smiled. I smiled and waved. "Oh look it! A cute couple!" Sungjae said. Kwangsun and Aly blushed. "Wait... Both of you are really together? Woah.." Sungjae said. I rolled my eyes. We were talking for hours until it was time for me to sleep.

I entered the bedroom and saw only two beds. "Ummm....... Where's my bed?" I asked. "Oh! You're going to sleep with your boyfriend! Why?" Minhyuk said. I stared at TK in shock. "Uhhh...." I said. "What's wrong?" Minhyuk asked in a sarcastic voice. "We.... uh..... Haven't gone that far yet. Yeah." I said. *I almost said that we weren't dating! Oh my gosh!* Minhyuk cocked his head and smiled. "It's just a bed with both of you in it." Minhyuk said. I looked at TK and saw him blushing. I groaned. *For the freaking promise I made.* I went to the bed and layed next to TK. I saw him blushing like crazy. I rolled my eyes and closed them. I felt my heart and it was beating rapidly fast. *Aish. This is going to be a long night.*

I felt someone shaking me. I fluttered my eyes open and saw TK's face a few centimeters from mine. "Yes?" I whispered. "I can't sleep." TK whispered. I glared at him and closed my eyes. "Misun!" TK whined. "Ok! What do you want to do?!" I whispered. TK smiled and shrugged. I groaned but stop since our faces were closer. Then TK closed the space by kissing me. My eyes grew HUGE! I did not expect this. But I kissed him back. *WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!* TK hugged my waist which made our bodies touching. I felt something poke my leg. *Oh God no....* But I couldn't help myself. We kept kissing and I got on top of him.

We didn't stop until Minhyuk threw a pillow at us. "DON'T DO THIS ON THE FIRST NIGHT! YOU'RE DISGUSTING! ESPECIALLY WHEN I'M INSIDE THE DAMN ROOM! WAIT! LET ME CORRECT MYSELF. MY DAMN ROOM!" Minhyuk scolded us. I rolled my eyes and got off of TK. TK groaned at the pain was giving him. "S-Sorry Minhyuk oppa..." I said and hid my face under the blankets. *This was not part of the plan!!!!!!!* I thought. My shut my eyes and replayed what happened a few moments ago. Feelings and my heart rate was out of control. *Damn it. I thought this would make me choose who I want to be with. I DON'T KNOW!!!!!* I wanted to bang my head on the wall a lot but I couldn't.

I woke up the next morning and saw TK sleeping next to me. I smiled and touched his cheek. *His cheek is so soft...* I got out of bed and noticed Minhyuk wasn't in his bed anymore. I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom to get cleaned up. After that, I went to the kitchen. I overheard Minhyuk talk about last night.

"They were about DO IT last night!" Minhyuk told the guys. "Are you serious?!" Eunkwang asked. Minhyuk nodded violently. I entered the kitchen and stood frozen when the guys were staring at me. "What?" I asked. They then smiled creepily at me. I backed away. "How was last night?" Changsub asked. I shrugged. "Alright I guess. I can't remember my dream sooo... Yeah." I said. Ilhoon stood up and gave me a pedo look. "What?" I asked him. "How was your and Minwoo's time together last night?" Ilhoon asked. My eyes grew then it became cold. "MINHYUK!" I yelled. "Run." Eunkwang whispered to him. *You better run.*

I was chasing him all over the dorm. "I'm going to kill you!" I screamed. "Not if you don't catch me!" Minhyuk yelled and kept running from me. I was chasing him until he ran into TK. "Why are you two running?" TK asked. Minhyuk grew very scared and nervous. I smirked, "Minhyuk oppa here told the guys what happened last night." TK's eyes grew big. "YOU WHAT?!" TK yelled. "Now now! I can explain!" Minhyuk said. "Yeah. You'll explain... WHEN I SHOVE MY FISTS UP DOWN YOUR THROAT!" TK yelled and started to chase Minhyuk. *Yup. This is going to be an interesting vacation.* I thought. "A VERY interesting vacation." I thought out loud.

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theexoticbacon #1
Chapter 16: Maru and TK had an indirect kiss with Misun's lips!!! LOL
Chapter 52: It's a shame you discontinued this story... But at least you're making another Maru fanfic :) HWAITING author-nim!! Can't wait for your next Maru fanfic~

~ <3 Roselle <3 ~
Chapter 40: Why is your format like that?
Chapter 1: Sooooooooo.... He's Prince Charming is Maru
bangtits #5
I hope you update. Lol new reader here! Its hard to look for c clown's fics. I'll definitely read thiss ^^
PolarBears #6
Chapter 40: Wahhhh, so dramatic. I love this story even though I got to a sad part. but I love it! Since C-clown is still a rookie group, it's hard to find fanfics about them, so I decided to write my own. I don't regret subscribing to you! Please update!
TsuTsuMio #7
Chapter 40: -tears fall down face- so conflicted!