

Jonghyun somewhat kissed Taemin.

It was fan service. It was something that happened in the spur of the moment. It was just in the right moment. It just happened.

But the effect was disastrous. Key was mad. No, he was more than mad. He was furious! He never expected Jonghyun to do that with Taemin. He forgave him when he pecked Minho because Minho is just … Minho. But this was Taemin. Key’s baby boy. Jinki’s lover. It was so wrong and Key couldn’t take it. He wanted to just shout at Jonghyun but he kept shut until the end of the concert. Once they were in the van, Key just blew up.

“What the hell did you do, Kim Jonghyun.” Key hissed with venom etched in his words.

“What are you talking about, yeobo?” Jonghyun said innocently with slightly puffy eyes, after all the crying he did.

“Why did you do that to Taemin?” Key and Jonghyun were seated at the back of the van, side by side just like usual. But this time, when Jonghyun tried to lace his fingers with Key’s, the younger man pulled his hand away.

“Oh. It’s just fan service, Key. Don’t worry about it.” Jonghyun lightly said and tried to reach for Key’s hand again but Key still dodged.

“Don’t worry about it? Don’t worry about it?! You kissed Taemin, Jonghyun!” Key raised his voice. The whole van could hear him but no one dare to speak.

“Kiss? I didn’t kiss him, Key.” Jonghyun answered. Key scoffed and rolled his eyes.

“Your lips touched his. Counts as kissing to me.”

“So if I accidentally fell down on top of Jinki hyung and our lips brushed by accident it’s still a kiss?” Jonghyun asked.

“No. That’s different.” Key glared at Jonghyun. Jonghyun replied the stare with a disbelieving look.

“What’s so different with this one?! I don’t see any big deal about this, why are you being a about it!” Jonghyun started to raise his voice too.

“You did this on purpose! You know what, Jonghyun? Don’t talk to me. Just don’t talk to me!” Key screamed back at Jonghyun and he turned his body around, his back to Jonghyun.

“Fine then! Go sulk about something stupid!” Jonghyun grabbed his iPod and plugged in his earphones. The van was left in a deafening silence.

Key banged the door open and ran to the living room. He threw himself on the sofa and started rubbing his temple, desperately trying to soothe his pounding headache. But he wasn’t sure it was the headache that was bothering him. Because he swore if he would bang his head on the wall as hard as possible, he wouldn’t even feel a thing. It was his heart that was hurting and it made him numb. But how on earth he managed to get the headache, he had no idea.

Jinki followed silently and walked over to sit beside Key. His jaw was clenched tightly and his gaze was empty. He was sad but he didn’t want to be upset over the event that occurred during the concert. He’s the leader of SHINee, for goodness’ sake! He needed to be able to stand strong and be the force that keeps SHINee together. But then, he didn’t feel like being a leader that day. He wanted to cave in, just for that night.

He didn’t talk to Taemin at all. He just couldn’t talk to him without having the image of him and Jonghyun on stage like that. It was a blow to him in the most unexpected, unpleasant way. Taemin knew why his hyung wouldn’t even spare a glance at him and he just left his hyung alone for a while. Just until he cooled off enough.

Soon after the rest of SHINee went in. Minho just disappeared into the bathroom without saying anything. He didn’t want them to fight or argue, but he had no place to interfere with their problem. He could only pray that they would finish it fast.

“H-hyung… Can we talk?” Taemin was the one who made the first move. He stood in front of Jinki and took his hands in his. Jinki didn’t move, still didn’t even look at Taemin’s face.

“Please hyung… I have to talk to you…” Taemin tried again. Jinki nodded slowly and got up to follow Taemin to their shared room.

Jinki went straight to sit on the bed while Taemin closed the door behind him. Taemin sat down beside Jinki and they just sat there in silence. Neither one not know where or how to start.

Taemin felt guilty. He knew that he was the one who caused Jinki to be sad. He knew that he should’ve at least pushed Jonghyun away. He knew he should’ve done that and now he felt guilty because he didn’t do anything to keep the distance between him and Jonghyun. He felt ashamed of himself, he felt like a traitor, he felt sick to his stomach.

“So, Taemin. What do you want to talk about?” Jinki said with a voice much calmer than he expected.

“H-hyung. Jinki hyung… Don’t be mad at me, please… I’m sorry, it’s all my fault…” Taemin tried to apologize.

“No. I’m not mad. Don’t worry about it, okay?” Jinki tried to get up and leave because he couldn’t see Taemin just yet. He was being childish but what kind of person wouldn’t be at least a little hurt by that kind of display?

“No, hyung, I’m really sorry!” Taemin jumped up and hugged Jinki’s back.

“I’m sorry, I should’ve done something hyung. But instead I just stood there and went with it even if I knew you’d be watching. I’m sorry, hyung, I should’ve been better. Please forgive me, I won’t do it again! So please h-hyung, d-don’t… Don’t stop loving me…” Taemin’s voice cracked as he tried his best to explain. His tears started to wet Jinki’s t-shirt and Jinki could feel it.

“Taemin… I’m sorry… I’m just really sad that I had to see that with my own eyes. I understand it’s for fan service and everything, but I couldn’t help getting hurt because of it… So please, just for tonight I’ll sleep on the couch, okay?” Jinki said slowly. His heart was still heavy and he didn’t like it one bit.

“Hyung, don’t go! I want you here. And you… You’ll have a back pain! Don’t go. I will sleep on the floor, okay? But please don’t go out…” Taemin’s grip on Jinki tightened but Jinki gently shoved them away.

“Just for tonight, okay? I love you, Tae.” Jinki walked out from the room even though he knew his little angel was crying in the room. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t stand it. He would survive a night without seeing Taemin’s face. So he knew Taemin would survive one night without him in bed.

He walked slowly to Minho’s room, just waiting for the other man to finish bathing. He heard no sound from the living room. Jinki just entered Minho’s room and tried to aid his broken heart.

Meanwhile in the living room, neither Jonghyun nor Key made any noise. Key was just trying to regulate his breathing and calm down while Jonghyun occupied the seat next to him.

Key was far too tired to make any noise, let alone move. He didn’t feel good. He wanted to puke the contents of his stomach out. But he was just stuck by then. Not a single thought of moving.

“Key.” Jonghyun called out barely above a whisper. But the dead silence in the room made Jonghyun’s sound echoed through the walls.

“Didn’t I tell you not to talk to me?’” Key spat.

“Key, stop. I’m sorry you had to see that, okay? But get over it. It already happened, there’s nothing else I could do!” Jonghyun exhaustedly said. Key turned to Jonghyun and it was his turn to have disbelieving stare in his eyes.

“What? So you won’t be sorry if I didn’t see that?”

“Stop twisting my words!” Jonghyun raised his voice. He was so exhausted. He didn’t want to deal with this.

“You sounded that way, Jonghyun! I was just stating it!” Key also raised his voice. It was getting a bit noisy but he didn’t care.

“It just happened, okay, Key?! It was fan service! They liked it! I was just trying to give them what they wanted to see!”

“Yeah, and you’re okay with breaking my heart just for them, Jonghyun? Them, people you don’t even know? You’d rather sacrifice me, a person you call your boyfriend for a bunch of screaming fangirls? Those stupid fangirls who has no idea what’s going on with us?!” Key was screaming by now. It was so overwhelming and he had no idea how to cope anymore.

“Don’t call Shawols stupid! How could you even say that?!” Jonghyun stood up in front of Key, towering over him.

“Oh, now you’re backing them up? Those bunch of strangers who encouraged you to break your boyfriend’s heart? Think about this Jonghyun. Once SHINee is over, once your career is over, those people won’t even acknowledge you. They won’t even remember your name or your face anymore. And you’ll regret breaking my heart because I could be there and stay by your side no matter what you do. You’ll regret backing them up when I’m not by your side, Jonghyun!”

The harsh sound of Jonghyun’s hand meeting Key’s cheek echoed throughout the dorm.

Taemin who was crying in his room covered his ears and tried to block out all the sounds.

Jinki and Minho who were talking in Minho’s room flinched once they heard the slap.

Jonghyun was breathing heavily, his palms throbbing from the force of the not so light encounter.

Key? Key was holding his throbbing cheek, tears free falling.

There it was again, the painful, deafening silence.

“K-Key, I’m sorry… I didn’t…” Jonghyun didn’t know what came over him. He snapped. He was so tired and suddenly Key said all those words to him. Jonghyun snapped.

“Don’t come near me.” Key mumbled. Jonghyun tried to reach for Key but Key cowered away.

“Don’t come near me.” Key said once again. Jonghyun kneeled in front of the crying man.

“Kibum, Kibum please….”

“I said don’t come near me!” Key shouted at the top of his lungs. Jonghyun kissed Taemin and now he slapped him right in the face? Jonghyun ignored what Key said and enveloped the younger man in his arms. Key thrashed around and he kept hitting Jonghyun over and over again. But Jonghyun stood his grounds and kept his arms around Key.

“It hurts, Jonghyun! It hurts seeing you like that! Why won’t you understand that it hurts me so bad!” Key said in between sobs. It was heart wrenching. It was sad. Jonghyun’s heart broke along Key’s. They were so in pain.

“I’m sorry… Kibum, I’m so sorry, baby… I love you and you only, please believe me. I’m sorry for what I did…” Key finally stopped hitting Jonghyun and hugged his torso instead, crying his eyes out in Jonghyun’s warm embrace.

“It hurts, Jjong… It’s painful…” Key sobbed. Jonghyun moved to sit on the couch so he could scoop Key in his arms and planted kisses all over his face.

“I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry…” Jonghyun rubbed Key’s back until the younger’s sobs quieted down. Not long after he found out that Key fell asleep with tears staining his face. He carried the younger into their room and laid him down on their bed. He slipped under the blanket and wrapped his arms protectively over Key as the younger snuggled closer to Jonghyun.

“Hyung, I think you should check up on Taemin…” Minho said to Jinki once they couldn’t hear the screams anymore.

“Minho I just told you-“

“Go, hyung. He needs you the most right now. Understand him, hyung.” Jinki turned to Minho only to see the encouragement in his dongsaeng’s eyes. Jinki nodded and got up to his own room.

He opened the door to a heartbreaking sight. Taemin was still covering his ears with his hands, shaking on the bed facing away from the door. Jinki walked over to the bed and lay down beside Taemin. The younger one tensed for a while until Jinki wrapped his arms around him.

“Taemin… I’m sorry…” Jinki whispered. Taemin hurriedly turned to Jinki and hugged him tight, tears once again falling down from his eyes.

“Jinki hyung, I’m sorry. I’m sorry… Please don’t leave me. I love you, hyung.” Taemin mumbled repeatedly. Jinki nodded and kissed Taemin’s forehead.

“Don’t say sorry. There’s nothing to be sorry for. I forgive you. But please forgive me too, for leaving you like that Taemin…” Taemin shook his head and his sobs died down.

“As long as you’re back, hyung. Everything’s okay when you’re with me.” Taemin just closed his eyes and felt relieve wash over him.

“Sleep, Taemin. You’ve had a long day.” Taemin nodded and drifted off to sleep.

It was a complete disaster.

But they all got through it.

A/N : Yep, cuz I just have to ruin your day. I got really angsty after spazzing over SHINee's SWC 2 in Seoul (congrats by the way, SHINee, awesome as usual), Jonghyun's abs and y performance on his solo where he got into action with Taemin, B.A.P's performace on Music Core and B2ST's new MV. Yep, too much spazzing leads me to depression. And Jongtae was there so yeah.

I wanted to make a short drabble and it turned into quite a lot... So yeah. *ahem*

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Chapter 1: i love thiss!!!! ;D
just like simple but amazing!! very well written <3
Chapter 1: How come I only read this now? Like duh? This is soooo amazing.. and stufffff...
Okay, how come it that I never commented on this story before? And I read it like 5 times! Oh my!
This is amazing, like seriously, one of my favourite one-shots ever! Thank you for this, and sorry I didn't comment earlier ^^ shame on me.
Chapter 1: You know what.......I already disliked jonghyun but now.
Chapter 1: <3 This is so sad, </3 But I love it. Thanks for writing.
ps: I didn't know that too much spazzing can leads to depression.
Beware,fangirls. XD
minniedubu #6
So cute I had butterflies the whole time and it also made me want to cry:,) so good!
Dubuu12 #7
;_; awww. Nice one-shot!
BAPelite #9
*bawling my eyes off* thank you for this beautiful fic author-nim~