I'll Rest In Your Heart Forever

First and foremost, I need to apologize to all my wonderful (and adorable. did you guys know i think you guys are adorable..?) readers for not updating this weekend even though i promised to do that last week.

I gotta be honest with you.. School and all this college crap is really stressful, and for my short-attention spanned me, writing a chapter takes a long time. I have a lot of the next chapter written out already, but to finish it and edit takes a while for me....

I do not think I will be able to update frequently until a lot of this college stuff has passed. I AM SO SORRY. PLEASE DO NOT KILL ME. thankyou..

No, you guys are too sweet to do that. Anyways, I will try really really really really hard to work to update, but please do be patient.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SUPPORTING ME AND THIS STORY. (don't leave me, okay? i love you..) :D

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i am going to try my very hardest to get a chapter up this weekend!!!!


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Chapter 5: Finally! Whoooooooooooooooo~ ~(^0^~)(~^0^)~~(^0^)~ I'LL BE WAITING ANXIOUSLY FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER^^
akirarika #2
Chapter 5: Yaaayyyy :) we'll be waiting patiently~
It's okay! Take your time and good luck with school! I'll still be waiting patiently for your next update! Gosh, I LOVE this story and I will NEVER abandon it!
Author-nim FIGHTING! <3

When I saw that it wasn't an update, I WAS FREAKIN' SCARED SH**... But after reading what you posted...*sigh of relief* THANK YOU FOR CONTINUING IT! I WAS SO AFRAID THAT YOU WERE GOING TO GIVE UP ON THIS STORY!!!
\(^-^)/ FIGHTING!! <3
UPDATE SOON!!! I love chapter 3 so much for no reason :)d
YAY!!!!!!!!!! You updated!!!!!! \(^0^)/ *reads*
Please tell me that wasn't Sungyeol's doing...TAT
WAE A CLIFFHANGER????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE UPDATE AGAIN SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG Why must Sungyeol be the one to kill Myungie's dad...
Now Myungsoo will hate sungyeol :'(
did sungyeol kill his dad??? oh no!
finally updated :)
hahaha myungyeol so cute, myungsoo woke sungyeol up just because he's hungry, hahaha :D

FINALLY! I CAN SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT! YEESH! THIS SITE WAS GETTING ON MY NERVES! Anyways... [This would be the third time I typed this comment XD]
My favourite part:

“Sungyeol!” Myungsoo yelled from his room.

Sungyeol groaned and rolled out of the comforts of his bed and pulled himself to Myungsoo’s room. “What?”

“I’m hungry.” Myungsoo was sitting up in his bed, pillows propping him up.

Sungyeol swore he felt daggers of lightning flying out from his eyes and boring holes in Myungsoo’s face. Or at least he hoped that was what was happening. “I’m going back to bed.”

AHAHAHAHAHA! XD Poor Sungyeol! I like my sleep too... XD