
Please Take Care of My Girlfriend


^ To add effect ^_^




~At 9:00 PM~


You're in your room studying for your test you have tomorrow. You're frustrated and can't seem to concentrate. Then, you heard a little tap on your window. You went to go outside and check who it was. You saw no one until you heard someone yell in your ear. You screamed and saw it was your boyfriend, Onew.

"Omo! That scared me!" You gently hit his arm.

"I'm sorry." He went through your window and layed on your bed. You went back to your desk and started studying. Onew took off his shoes and threw it on the ground. By the way, you are a MAJOR clean freak. You heard the thud that Onew made when he threw the shoes on the ground. You looked at it and raised an eyebrow.

"Oppa. Please pick up your shoes and put them in the corner."

"Aish, you're such a clean freak. You go do it."

You let out a big sighed and stood up and walked over where Onew's shoes were. Since it was right next to the bed. Onew quickly grabbed you and you fell on the bed with him. He hugged you tightly while he was snuggling you like you were his own pillow pet. You tried to get out of his arms, but he was too strong for you.

"Aish, Onew let me go!"

"No. Not ever! I love you so much, can you believe it's been 3 years already?"

You laughed and stopped struggling to get out of his arms, so you let him hug you. You lightly pushed his chest saying,

"Yah. 3 years and 5 days to be exact!"

Onew chuckled and gently kissed you on the forehead,

"Hey, you're birthday is coming up. What do you want me to get you?"

You raised an eyebrow and smiled,

"Yah. You've been with me for a long time, I think you should know what I want."

He gave you a confused look. You laughed and rested your head on his shoulders.

"You don't have to give me anything, all I really want is you." 

Onew smiled and leaned in to give you a kiss. He gently put his soft lips onto yours.

You leaned back to break the kiss and smiled, he smiled back and said,

"Do you remember when we first met?"

"Of course I do! 3 years and 5 days ago!"

He laughed and said,

"You know what I mean."

"Yes. I do remember."


You were walking home from your Tae Kwon Doe lessons and you saw Onew walking alone while crying. You felt really bad so you walked up to him,


He looked down and stared at you with red puffy eyes.

"Are you okay?"

He didn't say anything and walked past you. You scoffed and kept on walking.

The next day, Onew saw you walking home from school.


You turned around and saw Onew walking towards you. You smiled and said,


"Are you busy?" Onew looked down and put his hands in his pockets.

"No. Why?" You said.

Onew looked up and smiled, he took your hand and walked to the ice cream shop. He ordered 2 vanilla ice cream cones, the nice lady gave him the change and the two ice cream. Onew handed one to you and sat down at a table. You guys didn't say anything, and it was an awkward silence. Onew broke it and said,

"Uhmm. About yesterday-"

You cut him off and said,

"Why were you crying?" You're a fast eater so you already finished your ice cream cone. Onew finished his too.

"Let's go outside and talk about it." Onew stood up and took your hand. He walked to the park and then stopped, he turned to you.

"The reason why I was crying is, yesterday was my birthday. My parents weren't here for it. They had to leave for some stupid business vacation. They didn't even bother to call. No one asked why I was crying or even said Happy Birthday to me."

Tears welled up in his eyes, he looked at you and said,

"You were the first person to ask me what was wrong. Thank you."

You smiled and said,

"No problem."

You turned around and walked away, but Onew grabbed your shoulder to pull you in for a hug. He hugged you tightly and didn't even bother to let go. He put his chin on your shoulder, you felt awkward because you hardley knew him and he's already hugging you. He let go but he still had his arms on your waist.

"I know this is too early but, would you be my girlfriend?"

You thought about this, you weren't so sure about this. You just met him and now he's asking you to be his girlfriend. He is hot and he does seem like a guy who can cheer me up at sad times. You decided to give him a chance and said,

"Yes. I would." You said while smiling.

Onew pulled you in for a hug,

"Thank you."


He smiled at you and gave you a wet kiss on the lips, he put his hand on your stomache and slowly slid down to your pants. You broke the kiss and got off the bed. Onew pouted and said,

"Awhh c'mon baby! We've been together for about 3 years! Still no ?"

You smiled and laughed,

"Stil no ."

You winked and went back to studying.



Imma update sooon ! <3

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locketblingermvp #1
Chapter 10: This is soo sadddd!!!!
I like the idea of your story! You gained a new reader!
thank you for that beautiful but sad story
I really love it even tought I have to cry so much richt now =)
pinkpajamas #4
it's been a long time since i cried without me knowing that my tears already sliding down my cheeks. thaaaaaaaannnnkkkkkksss for ze awesome story. really tore my heart into pieces. TT_TT
@michaelatheinguchia<br />
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LOL WOT BRAH ? I don't know whut u mean by the tkd..<br />
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Michaela..... This is a story.. NOT A FREAKING AJSKDKLSDSA..<br />
God.. I made this story longs ago.. I DON'T DO RESEARCH.. JUST PLAY ALONG WITH DUH STORY. Picky ._.<br />
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o__o defibriallatad ? woh ? LOL.. i dont get it.. <br />
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gee. thanks for bringing me down... -.-"<br />
thank you... ing 1st degree black belt ??<br />
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ALL OF MY READERS = dont worry. michaealtheadklaskldas is my friend irl. ^^<br />
so don't bash LOL.<br />
...You spelled Tae Kwon Do wrong...YOU TAKE TAE KWON DO NOW. EDIT IT AND MAKE IT CORRECT! D=< (is on the first chapter) <br />
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Did you do any medical research at all? xD Brain tumors aren't hereditary. =P Huntington's would have been a better disease. xD And is Taemin not a part of SHINee?<br />
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LOL, she's supposed to randomly go into a coma the day before she's supposed to die? xD <br />
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...a tazer? LOL? You mean the defibrillators? Yeah, it's called a defibrillator. xD<br />
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Even if you have cancer, it'll take more than two weeks for you to die. Unless, you WANT to die/just give up. >_>; <br />
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I'm probably going to get shot because of all of the comments above. xD <br />
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Actually, this is a pretty good story. ^^ If it wasn't for all the medically horrible things in here, I probably would have cried too. xD I usually dislike "you" stories as well; I think they are annoying, but this was really good. ^^ Good job, White Belt~
Tagongluv #7
Omo! This is sad:'(
aejasuju #8
So sad. Having my daughter now i try for no tears, but this story... I love this story
@Tellmeimwrite<br />
When you said "Congrats"<br />
i thought i was featured for a second.<br />
i was like<br />
You got me excited LOL xD<br />
But thanks :)