
Feather of Love


Sorry, it took me long to update this *bows* still, thank you for waiting and I hope you like this even if is angst :)

Is only a one shot, but a bit long ^^ enjoy it please :)




A cute young man were coughing very hard and sweating in pain, his dark hairs were wet by the fever and his cheeks red, his hand was being hold by some younger boy with dark brown hair and a worried face, he squeeze the hand of the one in pain.

“Min, you are going to be ok, I swear” he said convinced and the other smiled sweet at the younger.

“I believe in you Kyu” the named kissed the other’s hand and went out of the room, he loves this man so much that he can give his life in exchange of his, Sungmin is his beloved one.

Kyuhyun was walking by the aisles when someone approached him with familiarity and joyfulness.

“Kyuhyun-ah!” and the named just watched the brown haired man without emotions, nodding in greet, prepared to walk away at any minute.

“I found it!!!” shouted the man and Kyuhyun widened his eyes.

“Is it true, tell me Donghae” and the latter nodded happily, because they finally found how to cure the fiancé of Prince Kyuhyun.

“It’s true, I had search a lot, in books, in towns, in every place, and I had finally found not the cure itself but the person that can cure him” he said from happy to frowning “but… he never leaves his place, nobody knows why tough” and Kyuhyun frowned, how can the only person that can save his beloved be like that.

“I will go and bring him here” said firmly Kyuhyun and Donghae widened his eyes.

“But… he needs you here” and Kyuhyun shook his head.

“He needs all I can do for him to being fine and I will bring that person by myself in order to do so” it wasn’t after so many hours that Prince Kyuhyun had already say the news to his beloved and told him to wait for being and fight against his illness, the boy nodded and smile, saying to his fiancé:

“Be okay”

Prince Kyuhyun say goodbye to his castle and lover with hope to bring health  to his loved, he was known for being heartless except for the person that he loves and that was his fiancé; Sungmin.

He travelled just half a day on his horse, it wasn’t so far, it was just that the person lived separated from town or the castle, in a mountain.

When he arrived at the place indicated by Donghae, he left his horse and walked to the small house next to some lake, then he saw some young man with his back at him and some herbs on his hands, the man was singing, not the most melodious chant but it was nice to hear, and he felt relaxed for some reason and he smiled tenderly without noticing.

Then the man stopped and throw by surprise the herbs, gasping and widening his eyes, running inside the house, and Kyuhyun just stood there, blinking, his heart beating more than usual and his mind still processing the beautiful face that he has seen and the blond hair that seems so soft being away from him and he snapped of his own thoughts when he was struck by the motive of why he was there.

So he walked to the door of the house and tried to open with no success, so he shouted.

“Yah! Don’t be exaggerated! I just need some help you peasant”

“I can’t” shouted the man, his voice was afraid and Kyuhyun question himself why.

“It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you, I just want your help” the door were opened slowly, showing the young man and Kyuhyun breath stopped for some seconds, he was… beautiful.

“You really just want my help, you don’t want to kill me?” he asked nervous and Kyuhyun watched him confuse.

“Why do I wanted to kill you?” and the door opened fully, so the young blond man answered.

“The people think I’m some kind of sorcerer so they sometimes try to kill me” Kyuhyun muttered.

“How someone would want to kill some beautiful being” and the blond young man blushed but smile, letting perplexed the prince.

“So, what do you want me to do?” asked this time the young man and Kyuhyun observed him.

“I want you to help my fiancé to get over his illness” and the man nodded, watching from side to side, smiling;

“Where is your fiancé?” Kyuhyun frowned at the memory of his fiancé in pain and answered “in my castle” the young blond man shook his head.

“I can’t go, he must come here” Kyuhyun stood angry and shouted the man that it was an ugly being for not help someone in need and the young blond man bit his lower-lip, watching the heaven through the window, mouthing; I’m sorry.

And he ran after Kyuhyun before he could ride his horse.

“Take me with you, I’ll help your fiancé” Kyuhyun smiled wide, finally Sungmin will be fine, when they were meters away of the young blond man, the place behind went dark and a small light went to heaven, and angel from heaven went to collect the light and drop tears to the dry land.

“You must return before a week”

Heard the young blond man, nodding at the heaven, feeling a bit tired for being away from his home on earth given by heavens.

“What is your name?” asked Kyuhyun to the man in front of him, so he will not fell from the horse.

“Eunhyuk” and Kyuhyun smiled, repeating on his mind the blond man’s name.


When they arrived at palace, Donghae watched the beautiful man and he asked Kyuhyun.

“Where is the person I told you, I did not say you to go and bring a new fiancé” Eunhyuk blushed and Kyuhyun snorted signaled him.

“He is the one, and I would never change my love for my fiancé” for some reason Eunhyuk felt sad but smiled, that day he went to visit the fiancé of Kyuhyun.

The man smiled at him and told him he was welcome on the castle, Eunhyuk was touched, no one ever told him that, maybe because humans believe he was some kind of cursed being even when he was an angel and he giggled, confusing Kyuhyun’s fiancé.

“Did I say something wrong?” asked carefully the fiancé of the prince but Eunhyul shook his head, holding the hands of the other.

“Is just that your kindness makes me happy and I feel welcomed” and the man on the bed giggled too, smiling softly.

“My name is Sungmin” he introduce himself.

“Eunhyuk” the two talked about the kingdom and Sungmin even told him how he met Kyuhyun and how at first he was a bit cold but after he knew him, he show having much love and Eunhyuk smiled at the words, glancing the window, seeing the sky and closing his eyes; yeah… he believes the prince hold a lot of love and he is glad Sungmin is the receptor of that love.

Eunhyuk felt weak and dizzy, so he went to his room and even when his health wasn’t fine, he pray for Sungmin, he did want that the young man could surpass his illness and be happy.

Eunhyuk fell asleep praying, the next day he went to check Sungmin’s health but Sungmin didn’t recovered at all, but now he didn’t have fever, so Eunhyuk showed his gratitude to heavens by praying for heaven itself.

That day Kyuhyun passed all day with his fiancé and Eunhyuk went to pray more, he closed himself on his chamber; praying all day and night.

The third day after he arrived; Sungmin was fine and everyone in the palace was very happy, because the fiancé of the prince was healthy and then, they started to make the preparations for the wedding.

Eunhyuk was watching the blue sky, he was on the balcony of the ballroom, his eyes were closed and he was breathing the pure air with joy, this place wasn’t contaminated like some places on earth and he liked that, then he felt a stare and he opened his eyes, finding Kyuhyun at his side; watching him.

Eunhyuk blink cutely and tilted his head to the side smiling.

“Is Sungmin-ssi alright?” and Kyuhyun nodded, without avert his gaze from the beautiful face.

“He even is helping with the wedding preparations” said smiling but inside his heart he started to feel uncomfortable and Eunhyuk lowered his face touching his chest; saying.

“I’m glad you will marry the person you love” but his eyes for some reason were watery and Kyuhyun sighed.

“Yeah… my beloved one” Sungmin entered then, smiling and showing a groom suit, Eunhyuk excused himself and walked away and even when Kyuhyun smiled at his fiancé, his gaze never left the shape of Eunhyuk until he fade by exit the ballroom.

“Is something wrong?” Kyuhyun shook his head, watching the suit.


And he glanced again the door.


Eunhyuk was on his room, crying and squeezing the fabric of his clothes at the height of his heart, what was this feeling, why he was feeling like if something there were breaking and he lay on his bed.

“It hurts… so much” and a flash of Sungmin smiling to Kyuhyun was on his mind and tears flowed from his eyes, wetting the pillow under his face.

At dinner time, everyone was gathered on the table and eating in silence; Kyuhyun couldn’t fail to notice the puffy eyes of the beautiful blond man and he sighed without noticing.

“Are you okay, Kyu?” asked Sungmin and the named was confuse at first, faking a smile, nodding and holding Sungmin’s hand.

Eunhyuk stood polite and went out of the room, his chest still hurting so much that he really didn’t wanted to eat or it was more that he didn’t need to eat since the first time.

“Kyu, I guess he is sick, the first time he came here, he was full of live, but every time we eat, he left the food and now his face is pale” Kyuhyun then nodded, thinking and he smiled, separating his hand from Sungmin’s one.

“I will asked him if he is alright and since he saved you, I will deliver his food to his room” and he walked away, letting his fiancé and Donghae there.

“He forgot the food though” murmured Sungmin watching a smile on Kyuhyun’s face, one that he didn’t see since he arrived days ago, one smile that was for him always and now was gone.

“Hae, do you think Kyu still loves me?” asked Sungmin afraid of being heard but the named watched him with a happy smile:

“Of course!! He loves you!”


Kyuhyun walked to the room of Eunhyuk, and he choose not to knock the door but opened it and he watched then; the sleepy young man with a peaceful expression but some tears on his eyelids and even trace of them on Eunhyuk’s cheeks and he sat on the bed, wiping away the tears and caressing the soft skin with his fingertips and he closed his eyes at the sensation.

He then softly the blond hair and he kept watching the beautiful face, lost in the features of the other and he asked in a soft whisper for himself.

“Why did you cry?” and he trace the nose and jaw line of Eunhyuk “Did you even know you are more beautiful smiling?” and without thinking, he kissed the other’s cheek.

“So beautiful that I guess… I…” but the face of Sungmin crossed Kyuhyun’s mind and he stood, shaking his head and biting his under-lip.

“I will keep this secret only for my heart” and he steal a glance to the boy and walked away of the room.

When Eunhyuk awoke, he felt some warm on his chest even when he didn’t know why, he smiled and went out of the room, suddenly he felt very dizzy and he uphold his body on the wall, everything was blurred and even breath was a hard task, he fell on his knees, gripping his clothes because the pain was too much, the last thing he saw was the empty aisle and he lost conscious.

When he awoke up, he watched the ceiling of his room and a pair of brown eyes watching him, it wasn’t the one he wanted to see but a superior of his and he tried to stand but the other angel signaled him to not.

“You are weak for being here” statement the angel and Eunhyuk avert his eyes from the other face, the angel sighed.

“Eunhyuk, if you stay here more days, you know the risk” and the named nodded, watching the window, then his superior smiled a sad one.

“You… love him?” Eunhyuk widened his eyes, surprised and then his gaze softened, he smiled touching his chest, so that was the answer, he…

“I love him” and the words went out in an harmonious melody and tender.

The other angel sighed and left a tear fall from his eyes.

“You know what that mean, right?” Eunhyuk then watched the other eyes and nod.

“I know, I…” and the other shook his head.

“He doesn’t love you back” but Eunhyuk smiled, this time a sad one.

“I know, he loves…Sungmin-ssi” the other angel embrace the blond one and kissed his forehead.

“Your duty was to wait until the end of time to save the people on the land you were guarding, now…” and Eunhyuk left tears fall “you will remain here, blessing the future marriage and later returning to heaven like thin air” Eunhyuk nodded and embrace the other angel too.

“I’m sorry” Eunhyuk apologized and the other angel shook his head.

“Is not your fault, maybe you were many centuries alone in that place and your will become weak or maybe it was… your destiny” the angel caressed Eunhyuk cheek and say good bye, disappearing, letting Eunhyuk there; alone.

Suddenly, the fiancé prince fell sick again and Kyuhyun went running to Eunhyuk chamber, founding him talking by himself at Kyuhyun eyes and he widened his eyes, but he shout for Eunhyuk’s help and the other confused asked what was happening, they run to Sungmin’s chamber and when they entered, Eunhyuk watched the same angel than before but with dark wings this time next to Sungmin, the angel mouthed a; sorry and Eunhyuk shook his head.

“It can’t be…” muttered Eunhyuk and the presents on the room watched him confused, Kyuhyun got near Eunhyuk shouting him and shaking him.

“What it can’t be! Help him!!! That’s why you are here!!!” and Eunhyuk came back after those words, yeah… he was there with only one purpose, but…

He observed the worry on Kyuhyun’s face and how the tears were almost falling from his eyes and he wanted to touch him but he refrain, he walked to Sungmin and hold his hand, watching him first and then the dark-angel.

No one in the room could heard the angel of raven wings not see him, so Eunhyuk asked the presents to go out and reluctant, most Kyuhyun, they were out of the room; just Sungmin, the angel of blond hairs in human form and the angel of death.

“Why?” asked Eunhyuk, Sungmin watched him confused but for some reason he knew the question wasn’t for him because Eunhyuk was staring something at his side, so he kept silent.

“Is his time, heavens told me when I arrived after seeing you”

Eunhyuk said a loud that it wasn’t possible but the sad gaze of the other angel told him he was wrong.

“But, you said I will need to bless this wedding, then… why, why do you must take away the beloved person of him?” The angel didn’t answer and Sungmin knew Eunhyuk was talking about him but his illness were making him weak and almost lost conscious, so he just tried to heard everything the blond man was saying.

“It’s an order from heaven, is his time” Eunhyuk stood and stare the angel of dark wings, determinate he said:

“No, it isn’t, you can change that” the angel widened his eyes very wide.

“If I do that, then your soul…” but Eunhyuk interrupted him.

“I don’t mind, I just…” he bit his lower lip and with teary eyes, complete “want to see him happy”

The other angel understood nodding but feeling very sad.

“Your soul will be ripped and you will have no right to reborn or being an angel no more”

Eunhyuk nodded and smiled seeing Sungmin already asleep.

“Just… give me one day, I want to showed my feelings to him, then, you can take my soul away and left his one until he grows old with his future husband, the two happy with each other” and the angel agreed, fading away.

Eunhyuk wiped his tears away and fake a smile, when he went out of the chamber, Kyuhyun were the first to reach him.

“How is Sungmin?” he asked, tearing the heart of the angel in two but still smiling he answered.

“He is fine, he is sleeping now, let him rest” and Kyuhyun nodded, relaxing, showing a soft expression of relief.

“I was so worried, Sungmin is for me like –” Eunhyuk turned his face away, he didn’t want to hear from Kyuhyun lips how much he love Sungmin, but he didn’t know Kyuhyun was going to say something different; “a brother” murmured under his breath Kyuhyun, watching sad the back of the blond man that now was walking away from him and Kyuhyun felt his heart squeeze and his breath being taken away, why it was hurting him so much see that man away from him? And he chuckled, saying to himself that he is a fool, because he already knows, he has fell in love but his mind still is trying to negate that fact.

Kyuhyun watched Sungmin chamber and then Eunhyuk’s back, he closed his eyes and even when his heart told him to chase the blond man, he listened to his mind and he entered to Sungmin’s chamber, finding the sleeping man there and he smiled, caressing the hairs of his fiancé and tears formed on his eyes but never fall, his heart wasn’t racing, his soul didn’t feel long, he was just content because Sungmin was fine, but he knew the feeling he was one thought were real, now were gone.

He watched Sungmin and felt guilty, he was the only one for his fiancé, Sungmin had suffered and lost his family after being engaged to him, even so, he always smiled at him, always cheered him up, he can’t cancel the marriage, he can’t because… he loves Sungmin.

Kyuhyun sighed, yeah, he loves him, but like a brother, he knows now that always his love was like that; affection, but he knows too that his love, the one that makes you feel silly and in heaven is for someone else, someone new, someone with blond hair and soft feautures, someone with a beautiful name; Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun sighed, it was a shame Sungmin wasn’t Eunhyuk, because then he will be in no need to choose.

He went out of the room and went to the garden, he then saw the beautiful man; object of his confusion and feelings, he smiled and got near the man that were watching the flowers and giggling, telling them how beautiful they were.

“I know someone more beautiful” said Kyuhyun playful and Eunhyuk was surprised of see him there, he smiled afterwards and even when the words were sad for him to pronounce, he expressed them.

“Sungmin-ssi is more beautiful” and Kyuhyun watched then startled, tearing his gaze away, he didn’t replied a yes but with a nodded, because inside his heart, he was shouting; you are the one.

They stood for hours maybe, just sharing a few words because the really important were the mutual company of the other and their hearts were in calm, almost in sync.

“Come with me” said Kyuhyun showing his hand, Eunhyuk took it doubtfully.

Kyuhyun then ran holding Eunhyuk’s hand, they reach a different garden behind some bushed and Kyuhyun never letting the hand go, show with pride the garden with his other hand.

“This is my secret place, when I come always that I have a worry or want to be alone” and Eunhyuk lifted an eyebrow.

“I guess is no secret anymore since you already show it” and Kyuhyun frown, getting near the man, making him blush.

“You will keep the secret, even from Sungmin” Eunhyuk widened his eyes very and opened his mouth just to close it again. Kyuhyun laugh like a child.

“Your expression is cute” he said, making Eunhyuk more flustered than before.

“Oh, how much I would like to this moment last forever” Kyuhyun murmured but was heard by the other and Eunhyuk smile really happy; showing his gum.

“This moment can be forever, because we are here now” and Kyuhyun smiled very bright, he got near Eunhyuk, his eyes set on the other’s one and he was getting closer, almost less than an inch were their lips away and their foreheads resting on the other.

They were closing his eyes and the breeze were caressing them, suddenly a squirrel jump out, startling them and they were separated, laughing at it, when their laughs were gone they just smiled at each other.

“You know you are beautiful” confessed Kyuhyun without thinking, the words just slipped from his lips and Eunhyuk took it like a joke but he was happy, because he was called beautiful by the person he loves and he show a gummy smile, very bright.

“But Sungmin-ssi is more, I know” and he giggled even when he felt like dying inside, Kyuhyun force a grimace and walk with the man at his side, holding still hands.

“I wish to marry the person I love” murmured Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk watched him confused.

“You will, tomorrow” it was in that moment that Kyuhyun let go that hand, walking to the palace ahead of Eunhyuk, with his back at the blond man.


Eunhyuk just watched Kyuhyun’s back, he wanted to go and hugged him, but that wasn’t his place.


The next day at the wedding ceremony; Sungmin was again showing symptoms of being sick and Kyuhyun was stressed, not only because the wedding but because his love almost brother was ill again, and Kyuhyun went to Eunhyuk chamber and shouted, letting go all his frustration.

“You are a liar, Sungmin’s is sick again!!” and he shook Eunhyuk by the shoulders.

“I hate you, you lie to me!! You are an impostor that can’t heal anyone, you trick me!!!” and Eunhyuk just bit his lower-lip, holding his tears and his sadness.

“I’m sorry” was all he said and Kyuhyun felt guilty but his mouth continued shouting words that he didn’t really mean.

“Heal him!!” Eunhyuk stood and the silent tears were falling like pearls, he smiled softly at Kyuhyun and walked to him, caressing his cheeks and kissing him softly, just a slight touch; Kyuhyun were muted for some seconds and stood stunned for even minutes, his heart was almost jumping out of his heart, when he opened his closed eyes, he saw no one.

He went to the aisle but nobody was there and when he was for walk to Sungmin’s chamber, Donghae grabbed him by the shoulder, saying with a grin.

“Sungmin is already and very stunning. I envy you” Kyuhyun went to the church and walk to the front, he searched with his gaze the man he really loves, but never saw him and his heart started to thump erratic, feeling his chest sank for some reason, the music started, and at the entrance of was Sungmin with a white suit, walking smiling and healthy and Kyuhyun regret shouting those things to Eunhyuk, how can it be that Sungmin was fine now if an hour ago was almost dying, he showed a hurt expression.

The cleric started the ceremony when Kyuhyun took Sungmin’s hand.

“We are reunited here…”


Meanwhile Eunhyuk was on Sungmin’s chamber, breathing hard, panting and touching his chest like if with that he will erase the pain and the angel of death was at his side, trying to comfort him but he knew was futile because the soul of Eunhyuk was being ripped and he now had the illness of Sungmin, so the pain was too much for someone to handle, even for an angel like Eunhyuk.

The blond being in human form released his white wings and the feathers started to fell one by one, loosening his bright slowly, when they were touching the floor and Eunhyuk scream of pain, falling to the floor and cuddling himself, his eyes were teary and his teeth were clenching.

No words even could be pronounced because he was suffering so much.


“If somebody has an objection, talk now or…” 

Kyuhyun let go Sungmin’s hand and he watched him confused.

“I’m sorry” said Kyuhyun and Sungmin smiled sadly.

“Me too” when Kyuhyun turn to left, Sungmin told him “He is in my chamber, he was the one who heal me” and Kyuhyun nodded, running away under the amused stare of the presents that were murmuring something and Sungmin smiled at the guests.

“We accord to not being married, because I want to create a new kingdom” and the guests weren’t conformed but agreed, after all, Sungmin was a prince too, even so, the man left a tear fall, because he knew Kyuhyun will never come back to him, not in a lover way but maybe in a friend one.

“Be happy”


When Kyuhyun was near Sungmin’s room, he ran to open the gate when he heard screams of pain and he widened his eyes surprised.

His beloved one had two rotten wings and Eunhyuk was shutting his eyes very hard while clenching the blankets until his knuckles were white, and Kyuhyun ran to him, but he couldn’t touch him, because the broken angel was fading into nothing and when he saw Kyuhyun, even when it was painful, Eunhyuk smiled to him and try to touch him, but his body now were untouchable and he chuckled bitter; because even on his last moment he couldn’t touch Kyuhyun and tears fall from the angel.

“I love you” was all Eunhyuk manage to said before disappearing into nothingness and Kyuhyun embrace the air with tears on his eyes.

The angel of death watched this and clenched his fist, watching the empty space when once were Eunhyuk and when now the crying man were holding into nothing and he wanted to cry too when he heard a soft, hurted whisper:

I love you too.







Thank you for reading *hugs* and I want to thank you to the ones that subscribed, it really means a lot to me and a thank's a lot to; ladyharu & kyuwifey for comment, that really motivated me :D thank you!!

And I apreciate if you left a comment ^^ 

saranghe!! :)

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Chapter 1: this is so sad....TT_TT
Chapter 1: I was choked up reading this...especiallybthe ending. :(so heart breaking, yet beautiful...
MiyuLisis #3
You kill my hyukie! You bad woman! I really loved this thing
MiyuLisis #4
You kill my hyukie! You bad woman! I really loved this thing
EunHaeShipper #5
you are killing meeeee, author-nim!
poor hyukkie TToTT
THats really sad...

Sungmin had let go of Kyuhyun but why it was to late??

I'm crying :"(
I like it ,, thanks ~
please...make the sequel....please please PWEEEEEEEASE *puppy eyes*
uwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! T^T
y-y-yo-you s-still killed m-my baby hyukkie

you made me cry and sad but still thank you this story