New Toys:

What a Trip!

~New Toys: "Poki Gallo" 녹아웃 ~


       *shake !BAM!


       Mun-hee turns around facing the door.

Mun-hee: What was that? Come on Lex get up already, something is going on out there.

Lex: Uggh.....I don't wanna,'s like two in the morning in America.

Mun-hee: So? Your in Korea now remember? it's 8 A.M. here so you need to get up already. I promise you can take a nap after my brothers leave,k?

       "What did you do to her?!!"

Mun-hee: What in the world? Now I seriously need to check. I bet my brothers are being stupid 'cause girls are in the house.

        Mun-hee try's to drag Lex off the bed from her feet. Lex jumps up automatically screaming.

Lex: Ah! No don't touch my feet! I'm up now. I wont go back to bed. Just don't touch my feet please!!

Mun-hee: Uh,....Okay sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.


       Shin starts taking some nibbles from a plate of omurice while Nam-kyu is gone. Looks around the room then......(in his eyes) an angel comes out of the hallway with beautiful light hair flowing down her shoulder's and blue crystal eyes in a white long gown. -------reality-->Her blanket over her, still in pajamas, unbrushed hair with a zombie expression walks into the living room.

Lex: Yo! I'm Lex, nice to meet you.

       Plops onto the new sofa falling asleep again. Shin just stands there not knowing what to do. He didn't think there would be a girl that would make him feel that way. Or at least a real one. All the ones he had seen like that were from Manga's. But for now it's best if he didn't look at her he thought. At least until he figures out what to do with himself.


(conversation in Korean):

Mun-hee: ...........................wa.a..........why is Zuna on the floor?!

Nam-kyu: Now before you get mad I just wanna say--

Mun-hee: AND you made Cece cry?!!

Nam-kyu: No no no no no no no no,wait!

Mun-hee: No you wait! Why did you do this to me? Humiliating me in front of my friends! You even got someone hurt!

Nam-kyu: Mun-hee wait I didn't mean to, I mean I didn't know she was there and when I came I was--

Mun-hee: Shhhhh!! (while putting up her hand at him) Why don't you just leave so I can take care of this by myself. You've done enough.

          Nam-kyu has a serious face on now.

Nam-kyu:  Fine.........I'll go.

         He walks back down the hallway with angry footsteps. Passes down Lex not knowing she's even there. Goes straight out the door while telling Shin " Let's Go!"

Shin: But weren't we gonna have break fest with the girls?

Nam-kyu: Shut up Shin and let's go

Shin: bu...

Nam-kyu: NOW!!


        Back by the bathroom, Cece has calmed down now that Mun-hee is there to help her. She has stopped crying like she did at first but just has occasionally little snobs.

Mun-hee: Okay now help me get her up slowly so we can put her on the bed. Don't worry she's going to be okay. You just need to concentrate on helping me. If you do that, everything will work out.

       Cece nods while still wiping away some tears left on her eyes.  They flip Zuna over to check if she's bleeding from somewhere. There's only a scratch on top of her eyebrow. Nothing major though. Mun-hee gets her upper body while Cece gets her legs and they lift her up onto her bed. Cece decides to stay by Zuna's side waiting for her to wake up.

Mun-hee: Stupid Nam-kyu. (mumble,mumble) Where's Lex at? I haven't seen her since we got out of your guy's room and saw the disaster outside.

Cece: I don't know I didn't see her at all. I guess I was too busy crying.(says with a shy face)

Mun-hee: She probably fell asleep again. I did tell her she could after they left.

Cece: Can I ask you something?? I'm just concerned about it.

Mun-hee:  Sure go ahead.

Cece: What happened with you and your brother? I don't wanna be nosy but you guys sounded pretty bad,though I couldn't understand most of it since you where talking fast.

Mun-hee: Na, don't worry.....We'll be fine. It's not the first time we fight like this. I thought we wouldn't anymore now that I moved out but I guess some things just never change. Anyways, you still want to eat??

Cece: No thank you. I kinda lost my appetite. Maybe later.

Mun-hee: I'm sorry this happened. I promise I won't leave you guys alone with them again. I'll call later and see when they can bring the rest of the stuff. Without any mistakes this time.

Cece: Yea hopefully we can have everything settled before we have to go to the concert. I can't wait to see all the artists. I would've come sooner to Korea if I could, just to go. All we got back home we're the Kpop-con's which didn't start so long ago.

Mun-hee: I'm gonna buy Zuna whatever she wants when we go to make it up to her. But I'm pretty sure I can guess she's going to want Taeyang or Kai stuff. (laughs)

Cece: I know, imagine if we see up close Big Bang, Exo, Suju....eeeekkkk!!!

Mun-hee: Shhh....Zuna 'member?

Cece: Sorry. I'll keep it down.

         Both laugh and continue fangirling the rest of the time. While still trying to keep it down for Zuna and Lex, where ever she may be.















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Thank you! I'll try to get back on writing it more often. I miss it :( . Anyways keep up your good work too! ^.^ Im looking forward into reading more of your stories too
haesong21 #2
Chapter 5: Omg this was such a good chapter!
haesong21 #3
Chapter 3: Soooooo good!!!! Keep it coming!
haesong21 #4
Its soooooo good!!!! Update soon!
AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Unni!!!!!!!! i love it!!!Can't wait for more.
Looks like a fashionable killer. I knew you were going to use that unni.
OmG Unnie!!!! I love it already! can't wait to read more!!
haesong21 #8
Your doing soo good unni;) keep up the good work and update soon:)