The Great Arrival

What a Trip!

~The Great Arrival~


              (Voice over) *Flight 102 from America has landed in gate 36*


Mun-hee POV:

         This morning I woke up extra early to get everything ready for my foreign friends. I even made sure to get the foods they usually eat from America. Which was a bit hard getting for Zuna since she likes more spicy things to eat. It still feels like a dream to me that I will finally get to see my best friend in person. The idea is exciting yet I feel worrisome of how this will affect our friendship. Will Zuna and her friends look at me differently after these months to come?


*buzz buzz*~♪~♫~♪~I don't wanna be without you girl
                                      Majimak insaneun
                                         Jeobeodugil b​arae
                                            Oneul dan harumankeumeun
                                               I don't wanna be without you girl
                                                 Nae seotun maeum
                                                   Kkaji ango gajwo I love you I need you girl
                                                      Baby baby baby~♪~♫~♪~...*


Mun-hee: Oh! my phone where is it? Where is it?!? Hello, hello?

Zuna,Cece,Lex: Annyong Mun-hee!!!

Zuna: We just got off the plane but we are going to the bathroom first so just wait for us a little bit longer.

Mun-hee: Okay but what gate did you come in? I wasn't paying attention to the flight screen, sorry!

Cece: No it's fine you must be tired from waiting for us anyways. We are by gate 36, Lex and Zuna already ran to the nearest bathroom so I was automatically left on "taking care of luggage duty". See you in a bit Lex just got out and I need to use it too. Annyong!

Mun-hee: Okay, annyong.

         As soon as Mun-hee hangs up the phone, she catches a glimpse of paparazzi following a black SUV in front of the airport. It was too late to see who they were trying to get pictures of but she remembered that the festival was near. Meaning it could be any idol at this point not just BigBang.

Mun-hee POV:

         I wonder which idol it was. It would be so cool to see them just before the concert! Ah my heart can just explode of excitement right now! Good thing Shin and Nam-kyu are typically shy of girls they don't know.That way they won't bother us that much from coming by the apartment twice every two days like they do now. I'm finally gonna have some girl time without worrying about brothers storming in while I have on my facials. They be like "Eww! What happened to your face? Did you fall on mud or are you turning into a monster? Uh! My brothers drive me insane. Why couldn't my parents let me have my lock on besides when I change?! It's surprising they haven't called to check up on me. Aww! Can't wait to fangirl with them too!

Zuna,Cece,Lex: !Mun-hee!!!!

Zuna: Oh my God ,is it really you?!!

         The three girls run towards her and Zuna hugs her to death. Though there is a few people around finding the scene a bit noisy. They decide to try and keep their excitement as low as they can. Which is quite impossible for they have finally made it to their "promised land". The only thing holding them back is the jet leg.

Lex: Man those were the longest 14 hours of my life, but I would still do it again in order to get here. I can't miss out on my K-pop,K-rock and the FOOD! Though there are no Reese's here which makes me very sad.

Mun-hee: So I am guessing you didn't use the pill or the tranquilizer for Lex if she was awake during the flight ,did you Zuna?

Zuna : No I forgot to give her something before getting in the airport. They don't allow those inside or aboard. Which is really bad because these two will be all over South Korea's hot guys non-stop and I was hoping to use those to calm them down.

Mun-hee: Too bad ,but we will figure something out. Lex,don't worry about the Reeses, there is plenty of delicious foods here in Korea you will love. I'll take you to my favorite places while you are here.     

          By the time they arrive at the apartment after looking around the airport a bit, Zuna took so many pictures she used up all of the cameras memory that was left. Cece memorized street and sign names, and Lex well, let's just say she made quite an impression by her looks she gave people being tired. All the while outside and in the car Mun-hee goes off about how happy she is, the places she is gonna take them to, and about her brothers in between subjects.

          Their apartment is located on the corner of a main street. It's the left one on the second floor (only has two floors). There is a white gate in front of the apartments with parking places. Also stairs to the left side that goes directly to the apartment door. Inside the girls split the two rooms of who is gonna share with who. Zuna obviously decides to share with Mun-hee so they can get to know each other some more. Leaving Lex and Cece the other room across the "hallway" that has the window facing the main street. Each room has two single mattresses on the floor, a lamp, and a vase of flowers Mun-hee picked out.

Mun-hee: Feel free to decorate as you please. Except the walls though, landlords rules. I'll introduce you after you finish unpacking if you girls want.

Zuna: Um,....yea that sounds good but it's gonna have to wait till tomorrow. I'm falling asleep and Lex needs to rest since she wasn't feeling that great on the plane.

Cece: True but I think tomorrow we are gonna be busy getting some furniture or at least some drawers to put our clothes in.

Mun-hee: Don't worry about that, those were suppose to be in before you got here but my brothers should be coming early tomorrow to bring them. My parents have their own furniture shop so they are lending me some new models that just arrived.

Cece: Oh well they don't have to be new we can just do with spares or something. (Zuna nods agreeing.)

Mun-hee: Na, it's fine,they actually want us to try them out and give them reviews about the furniture so they have an idea of what customers might like.

Zuna: Awesome! We will make sure to take care of them then. Gomawo Mun-hee.

Lex: Cece!Zuna! Come in the room quick!

          They all rush inside the room that is now of Lex and Cece. Lex is all awake now pointing out the window with alert eyes.

Lex: Look over there! It's the YG building!!! I can see it from here!

           Zuna and Cece"s jaws drop and remain speechless for two minutes.

Zuna: Mun-hee,why ....why..didn't you tell us that our apartment was so close by?! There!

Mun-hee: (huge smile) Well I wanted it to be a surprise that's why I drove around our way here so you could see it from the apartment first. Do you like it?!

          The three burst out in fangirl status and get up and trample Mun-hee on the mattress like a herd of elephants. Mun-hee barley able to breathe tries to squeeze out at least enough to let her lungs get some air.


Zuna, Cece: Sorry!

           Lex is still holding on to her by the hip and has her legs wrapped around hers. Zuna and Cece try to pull her away before she snaps Mun-hee into two. All it took was to tickle her feet and arms and Lex wiggled off laughing like the night before.

Mun-hee: Aw finally some air and personal space. Do you all get that excited over BigBang?

Cece: We do love them but we actually have never gotten this hyped up before besides the time when we got to go to their concert when we were younger.

Zuna: Yea but it's because now we are going to live in front of the YG building ...sort of , I mean it's still kinda out there but it's there! Though we might not get to see BigBang, it's still really cool! Huh Lex?!

           Lex is now dead asleep on the mattress next to Mun-hee curled up in a ball with a huge smile on her face. All the energy that was left of her from the flight drained out in those few minutes and is probably now dreaming of Daesung.

Mun-hee: Maybe we should just let her sleep now and you girls should get some rest too since we have to wake up early tomorrow for my brothers. I'll wake you guys up in the morning and have breakfast ready before they get here. I'm gonna go do a few things now since it's still early afternoon Jal ja.

Zuna,Cece: Jal ja. (As they give each other hugs)

           Zuna leaves with Mun-hee to the other room and closes the door. Mun-hee starts getting ready to head out. Before unpacking and resting Zuna calls back home and let's everyone know they have arrived safely to South Korea. 













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Thank you! I'll try to get back on writing it more often. I miss it :( . Anyways keep up your good work too! ^.^ Im looking forward into reading more of your stories too
haesong21 #2
Chapter 5: Omg this was such a good chapter!
haesong21 #3
Chapter 3: Soooooo good!!!! Keep it coming!
haesong21 #4
Its soooooo good!!!! Update soon!
AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Unni!!!!!!!! i love it!!!Can't wait for more.
Looks like a fashionable killer. I knew you were going to use that unni.
OmG Unnie!!!! I love it already! can't wait to read more!!
haesong21 #8
Your doing soo good unni;) keep up the good work and update soon:)