
Cows, Foxes, Tigers, Froggs and Chickens oh my!

“Forever,” you mumbled through half lidded eyes, that were rapidly closing. You sighed in frustration as you paced around SHINee's empty apartment, trying to stay awake. But you haven't seen you Taemin in months and he was three hours late. Everyone else was away busy with schedules and only Tae was left at the apartment. Except for now, because he was late. Again.


You look around the dark apartment and wonder when he would come back. It was 10pm and you were tired from all your touring and live performances. It was starting to get difficult now that your singing and acting career was getting to its peak and Taemin his. You never had time for each other anymore. 'I always thought falling in love would be easy, and when you do nothing would get in the way, but the reality of being in love and making it work we're two completely different things' you thought as you stared out the glass door to the balcony over looking the busy night life of Seoul.


 You also missed his smile so much that it hurt. You loved the way his thin body would move when he danced, and the cute face he would get trying to concentrates on dancing. You loved his soft, fluffy hair that you would always ruffle, when you two would play around, but loved it even more when his silky hair would spring back into place. His hair was perfect. He was perfect. All the way down to his perfect nose bridge, to his moist rosy lips, to his soft milky whit skin, to his personality. It was amazing when he laughed. He would do this thing, only when you were with him, where he would let his guard down and smile. He would throw his head back like a little kid and laugh joyously, flashing his straight pearly white teeth. He was also super funny. He was always romantic and says the cutest things. He hates being called cute. EVERYONE knows that when you call Lee Taemin cute he does this little face and creases his eyebrows and looks toward the ground, pressing his lips together in an annoyed fashion. But when you tell him that he is the cutest guy you have ever seen, he will blush like a 5 year old and put on the cutest aegyo he can muster to make you smile even wider, if that was possible.


Taemin always did something, and no matter what it was it made you smile. But it wasn't’t just because you saw something funny or the way you smiled for a picture. It was a smile of love, of pure undeniable love. When you smiled because of Taemin you smiled at him. You smiled because he was perfect. You smiled because of his perfect face and wonderful personality. You smiled because you knew everything you ever needed was in front of you, smiling back at you with the same goofy smile. Taemin said he loved the way you would smile at him, opening your mouth into a wide grin, with you’re eyes sparkling and laughing.  He gave you this feeling. It was something almost indescribable. It was because Lee Taemin loved you. No one else. Just you and you felt like your heart was going to burst.


You love he way he made you feel but he was always gone. Of course you loved him and wanted him only but you wanted the hurting in your heart, that only Taemin could fill, to stop. You never thought about breaking up with him because you immediately shoved the thought away, but you weren't sure if your heart could afford to break again.


Riding in the dark car Taemin sits quietly with his head against the window, street lights passing and cars rolling by. He receives a text from you


Where are you?


He sighs and closes his eyes. He knew that he had been hurting you and that you were trying to hold onto your patience.


I'm almost there. Wait for me?

 he replied.


You yawn and check your phone. And read the text form Taemin, your phone glowing up the dark room.


Of course you respond letting a small smile creep into your lips.


You scrolled thought the long list of texts to Taemin but most of them came from him.

Sorry I'm going to be late.

Almost done 1 hour left.

30 mins left.

I'm coming home!

I'm really sorry it has been pushed back again! Maybe we can meet in an hour?

You sigh and fall to a thump on the couch. Your eyelids grew heavy as you think of his bright smile and his sparkling eyes that captivated you from the very beginning. You knew you couldn't live with out him but you didn't know how much more you could take with him. You were growing more tired by the second and decided you would just wait for him. ' I don't think he would mind me taking a nap on his couch' you think as you fluff a small square pillow and spread your legs out on the couch.


He grinned when he read your text but then slowly bit down on his teeth creating a grimace and closing his eyes. He knew that many times he had hurt you and thought about just ending it and giving you the relationship that you wanted with someone else. But he couldn't because he loved you. And he wanted you to know that


A dark figure quietly shuffles through the door and closes it with a small click. The figure steps into the middle of the room into the moonlight revealing the flawless face of Taemin. He spies you on the couch sleeping peacefully and he walks toward you. He sits down on the couch being careful not o wake you. "Aigoo, she's so cute when she sleeps." Taemin whispers to the dark, smiling.


He carefully sweeps a piece of hair out of your face revealing your beautiful features in the moonlight. Suddenly you stir and blink your eyes open, to Tae sitting on the couch. "You’re late." you say softly , your voice shaking, tears in your eyes."I haven't seen you for months… And you’re late Tae…" you whisper, your voice cracking. "I know. I’m so so Sorry. I never meant to hurt you. Practice ran late....” said Taemin blinking, caching a tear that falls from your cheek. You look at him and your teeth scraping at the bottom of your lip. "_______" He said quietly not looking you in the eyes. "I want to give you the love you deserve... And I know that I can but I'm making you pay for it....  I can't hurt you anymore... And I'm sorry and...... "



" I know I haven't been here for you when you need me but I want you to know that from now on until forever I will be. And I don't ever want to leave your side " he pulls something out from his pocket. "Will you be my sunflower and only look at me? Because I will always look at you" he smiled. It was a bracelet. It had tiny pearls, blue beads with pink flowers and blue stars. You sit up and just stare at Taemin. You just bring the tips of your mouth up into a closed smile as tears run down your cheek. "Jagiya!" said Taemin pulling you in a tight hug "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you upset!"


"No! No" you say tears of happiness falling even more. "I love it so much!" you smile Taemin bringing your forehead to his. He stares at you for a couple if seconds and you break the silence "Taemin, I love you." you smile and he puts his had on your face and lightly kisses you on the lips. "I love you, my sunflower" he said his eyes shining like crystal orbs.


You laugh a he carries you bridal style to his bed, your head in his lap as he plays with your silky hair. And somehow you both stay there for the whole night. Taemin’s warm scent and soft body enveloped around you, protecting you. When you wake up sunlight invades your eyes and you turn around to find Taemin smiling at you and you both giggle as he pulls you into a warm embrace. 'Just the way it should be' you think. The whole morning was perfect, just like your Taemin, just you and him snuggled into your true love. And through out the rest of your days you turned over in the bed and found Tae’s smooth figure being illuminated by the sun. You only looked at Taemin and he always shined brightly at you. He was the sun and you were Taemin’s sunflower. And that's how it stayed. Forever.

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vivi18 #1
Chapter 2: Awwwww!!!!! That was Sooooo cuteee!!! ^^
justnormalme #2
OMO! Loved it!!!!!
LovingKPop4Lyfe #3
Awwww sooo Adorable!!!!! i love the ending!!!
It´s so sweet, I loved it. And i like the fact that it´s very realistic too, because dating when being famous must be difficult. Great first fanfic, keep on writing!
Awwww that's so cute! My wish come true... To be taemin's sunflower!