
Two Love Stories

Wooyoung brought Taeyeon to his penthouse. He can't bring her to his family's house because it is midnight and she volmitted because of no reason.

Taeyeon: (Look at Wooyoung) Thanks.

Wooyoung: You're welcome.

Taeyeon: I can't wait to go to Paris.

wooyoung: Really?!

Taeyeon: Yeah. Wooyoung...

Wooyoung: Hmm?

Taeyeon: Thank you for supporting me.

Wooyoung: Hmm? Sure... But why thank you?

Taeyeon: My ex never supported me before. (Expression like the picture on top)

Wooyoung: (Expression like the picture on top) I'm always here with you.

Taeyeon: Hahaha! That's funny!

Wooyoung: Glad to know you, Taeyeon ah.

Taeyeon: Me too. Even, the way we meet is very weird. Haha!

Wooyoung: I think I like you. Or maybe, love?

Taeyeon: (Shock) Yah! I don't know you're very stupid. I can't be! We only meet for few hours.

Wooyoung: But...

Taeyeon: You must be drunk!

Wooyoung: Yeah, maybe. But... I feel funny also weird. I never felt like this before.

Taeyeon: Like what?

Wooyoung: My heart beats fast whenever I see you, I'm really happy to see you smile or when I'm with you. When I saw at the office, I'm reall happy to see you again. I really hope to see you again when we bumped at the railway station. And... I really wanna make you smile. Huh. I love this feeling somehow.

Taeyeon: Wooyoung... Have you dated before?

Wooyoung: No. (Shook his head) Why?

Taeyeon: Hmm... (Smile) It's funny, right?

Wooyoung: What so funny?

Taeyeon: That feeling. Hah! (Smile/little laugh)


Then Wooyoung saw Taeyeon's tears.


Wooyoung: Why? (Wipe her tears)

Taeyeon: Nothing. (Push Woo's hand away)

Wooyoung: Can you tell me?

Taeyeon: I'm tired.

Wooyoung: You're lying.

Taeyeon: Kinda. But I'm really tired.

Wooyoung: Is it because of your ex?

Taeyeon: Huh?

Wooyoung: Tell me so I know you better.

Taeyeon: Yes. Because of him, I had a scare to love again. 

Wooyoung: Oh.

Taeyeon: Can we go sleep? I'm tired. (Hide her tears) (Stand)


Suddenly, she felt that Wooyoung hug her from behind.


Wooyoung: I promise that scare will go off and I... I will stand with you whenever you go. I will never hurt you.  Eventhough we only met but...- I... will always love you and take care of you.

Taeyeon: (Remove Wooyoung's hands) (Face Wooyoung) Go sleep. (Smile)

Wooyoung: (Hold Tae's head and kiss her foehead) I will keep my promise. 

Taeyeon: Huh... Fine. Go to sleep.


After two weeks....

After finish cooking dinner, Yonghwa called Seohyun but no answer. He go and look for her inside his room. she's sitting on his bed. She's crying.


Yonghwa: Hyun~ why?

Seohyun: Yonghwa sshi... (Look at his face)

Yonghwa: Why?

Seohyun: Do you love me?

Yonghwa: Why did you ask?

Seohyun: Answer me. 

Yonghwa: Yes. I loved you so much.

Seohyun: Thank you.

Yonghwa: Why?

Seohyun: (Silence)

Yonghwa: Haha. Hyun~ You're cute. (Stand) Let's eat!

Seohyun: Thank  you for loving me.

Yonghwa: (Nods and smile) I always will.


Hyun hug him from the back.


Yonghwa: Hyun~

Seohyun: this is my first hug with a guy.

Yonghwa: Me too.

Seohyun: (Release him) hahah! Like I believe in you. (Walk in front of Yong)

Yonghwa: (Silence for a while) Hyun, will you marry me?

Seohyun: (Shock and stop walking)



to be continue...


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fluffy_Tales #1
Chapter 19: Update soon!!!
Chapter 18: is there any relation between wootae and yongseo?? because if isn't, why you telling the story about this 2 couples in 1 story?
cnsdGirl #3
Chapter 19: Hahahaahhaha!!! YongSeo did it?!! LOL! That question!!! >.<
After this YongSeo and WooTae will meet?! Yehoo!

Update soon! :D
Chapter 19: hahaha update soon~
Chapter 18: update soon~ wootae is so cute :D
luxubu #6
Chapter 16: Can we expect YS baby on the way? Kkekee
lakaransahrawi89 #7
Chapter 15: kyaa...
wooyoung propose taeyeon..
cnsdGirl #8
Chapter 14: Hahahahahhaha!! YongsSeo playing mildang!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!
abezface #9
Chapter 14: aish so short update soon
Chapter 13: Wooyoung was so sweet to tae x)