The sword

Half Bloods


Tiffany P.O.V
My brother was right. New York was way too hot. We walked down the streets of New York with our tongues hanging out. 
" Can we take a break? " Taeyeon complained. " Besides, we're just walking aimlessly... We have no idea where to go or what to do. " 
I sighed. She was right. Here we are in New York, but we have no idea where to start looking. 
" Fine. Lets go into that departmental store." I pointed towards the huge mall that was just ahead of us.
Thinking of the cool aircon awaiting us, we walked with newly found vigour towards the mall. 
As I walked into the mall, I felt a shiver went down my spine. I shook the feeling off and walked in. 
We started to window shop, going into several shops to look at clothes and shoes. But as we walked on, something felt wrong. The huge quiet mall was filled with all kinds of shops. But something was missing. 
It was way too empty for a new mall in the middle of the afternoon. I looked through the glass doors and saw people walking pass the mall with no idea that a mall was right in front of them. 
" Guys... This does feel right. " Donghae said, his voice echoing through the close to empty mall. 
I nodded. " Let's get out of here. " 
We ran towards the double glass doors. As we approached it, the doors disappeared. We banged endlessly at the glass doors but no one heard us. We even tried to break it using out swords but the glass didn't even crack. I leaned in and felt the glass. It was cool on the outside yet warm in the inside. It was a material that was used all over Poseidon's palace. I cursed. 
" It's glass adamantine." I turned to my friends. " Made of glass and adamant, burned  at a 1000 degrees to form one of the hardest materials ever created. " 
They looked me eyes wide. " It's harder than diamond and totally soundproof. " I said simply and walked past them to find more exits. 
As we walked, I heard sounds of shuffling. 
" Behind the pillar quick! " I pushed Donghae behind a pillar as I saw taeyeon and Siwon scrambling behind another. 
I sneaked a peek and the sight that greeted me as not a pleasant one. Two snake like ladies walked past shops. If having a head of a snake wasn't enough, they had two. One on each end of its body. 
Donghae gasped beside me. " Amphisbaena, the two headed monster, feeder of corpses. " he looked at me. " They fed off the dead soldiers from Cato's army. They used serve Kronos. But they were sent back to Tartarus after we defeated the titan army last year. What are they doing here? " 
I stared at the monsters as they continued to shop. But I freaked when one turned towards me and stared me straight in the eye. A forked tongue came out from its mouth as the other head too turned to face me. 
I didn't dare move. Those two pair of yellow eyes bored into me. It nudged its counterpart and now is as faced with two scary two headed snake ladies. 
" ημίθεος ( Half Bloods ) " it hissed. I quickly turned to Donghae. 
" Time to run! " I grabbed his hand and ran towards the elevators. Taeyeon and Siwon followed close behind. I heard the slithering of the Amphisbaena right behind us. We ran for our lives. 
But we had another surprise. Two pale ladies stood before the elevator doors. I halted in my tracks. 
" Lamia. " I spat out. The two scary ladies smiled and their legs started to change. Slowly, a slimy scaly tail replaced their legs. It was green and the end was pointed and armed with a sliver spike.
" Lamia? ( Children eaters ) What are they doing here? Shouldn't they be locked up?" Taeyeon screamed as we got cornered from both sides.
The Lamia scorned. " Daughter of Athena. You are too slow to know that the next rise of a new king of titans has raised. The world will burn when he rises and no one can stop him. Not even the GODS. " 
" Kronos has Fallen. He can't rise again. " Donghae said. 
The monsters around us laughed. Their eyes glowed menacingly. " Ignorant Son of Zeus, who said our king was Kronos? It is someone more powerful than him. But its sad that you cant see the day of the new age. Because...your gonna die here. " 
They advanced. We had our backs together. Donghae took out his gold chain and a huge golden bronze sword appeared. The monsters hesitated as Donghae swung the sword twice, a humming sound filled the air. But their hesitation didn't last long. A lamia rushed him, it's claws made contact with the blade. An awful screeching sound was made as the two fought to gain dominance. 
Taeyeon and Siwon got busy with the two Amphisbaena. Both trying to get in a strike. The knifes in their hands were a blur as they sliced and parried. The  Amphisbaena didn't retreat but continued to attack with their really sharp fangs and poisonous venom that came out of one mouth. Thank the GODS that it did no effect on their knifes. Or they would have been poisoned to death by now. 
I heard the swinging of a dagger behind me. I whipped my head around and came face to face with the last Lamia. In her hands was a bronze dagger, glowing faintly. She stepped forward as I slowly retreated, my fingers on my ring. I pulled it out and threw it into the air. 
In a brilliant burst of blue light, Storm appeared in my hands, sharp and powerful. I gave it two swings as the sea water inside my sword glowed radiantly. 
It was as if time had stopped, all the monsters stood still in their tracks. The Lamia attacking me jumped back in shock. 
She gasped. " That sword... " she took a quivering step backwards. I stood there, staring at Storm, clearly not able to find out what the hell was wrong with my sword. 
The monsters gathered in a line in front of us, not able to take a step forward. I swung Storm twice, the humming sound was evident, but this time, the hums were more profound, louder, more powerful then I've ever heard. 
" What's going on? " I asked Donghae. But he simply shrugged as he refocused on the monsters in front of us. 
The lamia hissed. " That sword... It was shown in the last great stirring that the wielder of that sword will either bring the downfall of all monsters and evil in the world or cause the world to burn in an eternal fire. " she bored her eyes into my mine. " Our master will be satisfied when we bring you to him. But funny.... Daughter of Poseidon. You don't smell like a Demi god. You smell more human.... " 
I took the opportunity and slashed forward, my blade making contact with the lamia's neck. With a hiss, she burst into golden dust. 
Donghae took my cue and summersaulted through the air and landing on top of the Amphisbaena. He brought his sword high above his head and swung down. It's head rolled as the other lunged to attack. Donghae swung his sword in reverse and the blade sliced the other head off. He jumped off the crumbling monster and ran over to aid Taeyeon.
Siwon shot an arrow through the eye of the Amphisbaena. In midair, the tip of the arrow went ablaze. Soon, fire consumed the monster, turning it into ashes and dust. 
Taeyeon charged the remaining Lamia. But before she could launch a fatal blow, I stopped her. I pointed my sword at the Lamia's throat. " What do you mean by the wielder of the sword will decide the fate of the world! ANSWER!!! " 
My friends stood by me but I could clearly sense that they were wary of my anger. I had never felt this angry before. Blue fire danced in my eyes. The water in my sword turned to tsunamis, huge waves crashing into each other. 
The Lamia before me just smirked. " You will be our biggest ally. YOU will bring the downfall of the GODS and be our master's right hand man..." 
My hand dropped to my side. I shook my head slowly, not processing what she just said. " No... " I murmured. 
The Lamia took the chance and sprang forward. 
" Tiffany! Look out! " Donghae shouted, rushing to my aid immediately. 
I raised my sword and with a downward arc, I sliced off the monsters head. It burst into a shower of golden dust. 
As we walked out of the departmental store, I was strangely quiet. I didn't know what to say. Why did the Lamia say that? Is it true? Am I a monster meant to destroy? Am I not meant to salvage? 
Millions of thoughts went through my mind. I felt a reassuring hand on my shoulder. 
" Tiffany... Relax. It may not be true... But I think it's high time you talk to Chiron. It's time you know about the prophecy. " Taeyeon said. 
Hi I know it's been a long time so I'm bk! This story requires a lot of research.... So it takes a longer time to update.... Sry hope u enjoy this update! Subscribe and comment!
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Nice story! Fighting author nim!! XD
Strawberry2013 #2
Yayy I love percy jackson I've read all of the books,but the part that I hate is haefany cuz I'm a Taecfany shipper
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
k-popsone1116 #4
Chapter 21: An epic story has just ended D':. I really loved your story, too bad it had to end...... Please write more HaeFany fanfics! ♥.♥
Chapter 21: Waah, it ended! Aww, I really loved your story! It gave me so many feels :D The ending was so cute! Do make more HaeFany fanfictions ^^
Chapter 21: This was awesome!! ^^
Chapter 20: the back wash will be ten times stronger than the swash

Geog ah:p
Chapter 14: The arrows means the number of up votes!!!
Bubblyfany #9
Chapter 20: I'm gonna die of your story. You're really amazing!!! <3
basfan #10
Chapter 20: lol I like your story more than then movie :)