Chapter 1 [Part 1]

Under the Stars


"Dude! Hurry up!" Baekhyun yelled, honking the car horn vigorously, "The party started two hours ago! Hurry up!"

            Chanyeol fumbled with his house keys as Baekhyun screamed like an old, deranged man that feared someone would snatch his disability parking at the bingo joint. The loud and obnoxious sound of his car's horn disrupting the peaceful atmosphere of his neighborhood. He hated when Baekhyun treated his car horn like a punching bag; it was just plan rude, not to mention insanely annoying. Chanyeol shook his head as he struggled; the sun was barely setting and Baekhyun didn't understand that the party was probably just getting started.  After a multiple of tries, he finally locked his house; pushing on the door to check. Stuffing his keys into his pocket as he walked towards the car.

            "Finally." Baekhyun sighed. "What the hell took you so long?"

"Sorry," Chanyeol replied as he flung the car door open, "I was getting ready."

            Baekhyun rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Really? How long do-" his eyes widened as his friend flopped himself into the car; revealing the mess of curls on his head.

            Chanyeol stared back at him, "What?"

A wide smile spread across Baekhyun's face, letting out a monstrous laugh, "Your hair!" he chuckled. "You curled it!"

            Chanyeol's face grew hot, "So what?! Lee Minho had curls in Boys Over Flowers!"

            "Well excuse me!" Baekhyun laughed uncontrollably, slapping the steering wheel. "What have I done to deserve being in the presence of the great Gu Jun Pyo?"

Chanyeol scowled as the laughter continued, slamming the door shut.

"Oh god, that's why you took so long." he exclaimed, wiping away nonexistent tears.

"I don't see what's so funny about my hair," Chanyeol spat tossing his hood over the curls, "at least I don't wear eyeliner."

            The laughter quickly faded as Baekhyun shot a deathly glare at his friend; a low growl rumbling in his throat. It bothered him when people made fun of the fact he wore eyeliner; wearing it made him feel confident in his appearance. Annoyed, Baekhyun smacked his lips and looked in the rearview mirror; checked his make-up, then started the car.

            "Awh c'mon dude," Chanyeol started, noticing then sudden change in mood, "don't get all hurt. I'm sorry."

            Baekhyun ignored the apology, gradually pressing down on the gas. An uncomfortable silence washed over the car as the two headed for Kyungsoo's house.

"To be honest it didn't feel great to have you laughing like a hyena about my hair."

With his peripherals he saw Chanyeol staring out the window; arms crossed over his chest as he let out a long sigh.

            "I'm sorry too." He reached over and pulled the hood off his head. "It'll get messed up if you leave your hood on."

Chanyeol let out a small chuckle and smiled, shifting his view to his best friend.

"It looks good." Baekhyun reassured him. "You'll have everyone lining up for your number." The grin returning to his face.

Chanyeol laughed, "Just shut up and drive."


"Oh god," Baekhyun shrieked after ringing the door bell," twirling to face Chanyeol, "how's my eyeliner? Does my hair look good? Does my outfit look stupid?" Beads of sweat appearing on his forehead; the sound of muffled music pounding against the closed door.

"You look fine." Chanyeol stated placing his hands on the shorter boy's shoulders, giving him a little shake. "What are you so nervous about? You were so excited when Kyungsoo invited you."

"That's why I'm nervous!" He squealed. "He's so cute and when I'm around him I get all flustered. I forget how to speak and stop breathing."

"But isn't he with that Jongin dude?" Chanyeol questioned in confusion.

Baekhyun's eyes shot out of their sockets, "Oh my god is he? Oh crap. Chanyeol why am I here. Let's leave. I don't know why I thought I'd even stand a chance with that fancy dancer as my competition." Frantically trying to push Chanyeol towards the car.

"Stop it." Chanyeol objected, "You are Byun Baekhyun! Master of eyeliner! Now go and show Kyungsoo what he's missing out on!" Shaking him like a can of spray paint.

"You're right." he agreed. "I am Baekhyun. Master of eyeli-Dude what the hell?"

"I don't know," Chanyeol said flailing his arms, "I thought it'd boost your ego."  

"Yeah, like going around screaming that I'm the master of eyeliner will really make me feel powerful. Gee, thanks." he said sarcastically.

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry that wasn’t the best but just be con-“  


Chanyeol’s eyes expanded as he spun Baekhyun around, “Just be confident and everything will be fine.”

            A series of snaps and clicks whispered as someone began unlocking the door. Baekhyun closed his eyes hoping to calm his nerves; sinking his teeth into his bottom lip. His eyes flew open as the sound of the screeching door reached his ears. The door opened slowly at first; the rhythm of music creeping out, lingering around Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Suddenly the door flew wide open, Baekhyun's eyes becoming perfect circles with a ridiculously large smile plastered on his face, revealing Kyungsoo himself. Baekhyun felt himself grow weak in the knees, wobbling at the sight of Kyungsoo.

            "BAEKHYUN!" He exclaimed, throwing up his left arm as his right held a plastic red cup; most likely containing alcohol. "You made it!"

            Baekhyun stared in awe as nerves washed over him, forgetting everything he and Chanyeol had discussed. His mind going blank as he continually stared at the man in the doorway. Behind him Chanyeol stood horrified, jabbing at Baekhyun's lower back.

            "Ah!" Baekhyun sputtered. "H-hey Ky-Kyungsoo." His eyes blinking uncontrollably.

            Kyungsoo giggled at Baekhyun. "You brought Chanyeol too!" A smile spreading across his face, "Come in, come in!" His free arm extending out and wrapping around Baekhyun's shoulders, escorting him inside.

            Chanyeol tried containing his laughter as Baekhyun's body tensed at Kyungsoo's touch, closing the door behind him. He trailed behind the two, not wanting to ruin the moment for his friend. They walked through the front room; soft orange flames illuminated the walls, setting a calm vibe despite the loud music that blasted from somewhere deep within the house. Two couches furnished the room, holding the outlines of bodies snuggled together; curiously Chanyeol gave a closer look to find couples deeply engrossed in one another as their lips never parted. Shocked, he quickened his pace until he was behind Baekhyun and Kyungsoo. He could hear Kyungsoo babble happily about Baekhyun coming to the party and all the fun they were going to have as they rounded a corner leading into what looked like a dining room. The bitter fragrance of liquor filled their noses and the sound of the music grew stronger; the bass rocking their bodies.

            "Drinks and snacks are in the kitchen," Kyungsoo called, looking over his shoulder to ensure Chanyeol heard him, "we got beer pong and other games going on in the garage, some people are dancing over there." He pointed his chin towards another room.

            Chanyeol smiled and nodded, informing that he heard. Kyungsoo returned the smile and fixed his gaze back to Baekhyun, adjusting his arm around Baekhyun's waist as he muttered something about getting him a shot. Baekhyun looked back at Chanyeol, his expression relaxed and happy but apologetic for being whisked away. Warmly Chanyeol smiled, mouthing "go ahead" to his friend who's eyes curved into crescents as he shot a vibrant grin back at him. They soon disappeared into the crowd, leaving Chanyeol alone in a house full of people he barely knew. 

            Bobbing his head to the music, he looked around the dining room; he recognized faces but none that he was quite familiar with. He continued to stand awkwardly as he towered over everyone; pressing his lips into a thin line, causing a small dip in his cheek. As his eyes wandered carelessly, he stumbled upon a tall being. He stood behind the counter, focused on mixing drinks and pouring shots for those crowded around him; the fringe of his blonde hair falling over his eyebrows. Pulling up the sleeves of his leather jacket to avoid an accidental spill, laughing in the process. The small mouth tugging up into a gorgeous smile as his eyes nearly closed. Chanyeol stared in admiration, tilting his head slightly as his lips relaxed; he had never seen someone so good looking in all his life. Underneath the leather jacket, a white v-neck stretched across his chest; it's snug fit caressing the shape of every curve and line. The v-line cut revealing soft, milky skin with an occasional peak at collar bones as the jacket shifted with his movement. He watched as strong hands wrapped their long, slender fingers around the bottles they poured; gently brushing against others as he passed the drinks. Chanyeol swallowed hard as vivid thoughts crashed through his mind; lazily moving his eyes up the blonde's torso. He was completely bewitched, unable to tear his eyes away from the stranger; unconsciously staring with his mouth agape. Studying every inch of his face and marveling at how handsome he was. Suddenly his body grew hot as the blonde lifted his eyes; catching Chanyeol off guard as their eyes met.

             A confused look washed over the strangers face to find a towering, curly haired man staring at him with his mouth hanging wide open. Frazzled, Chanyeol looked at his feet as his cheeks began to color. He moved quickly out of the room, practically running, towards a new destination. The champagne haired man stood startled watching his admirer vanish, missing the cup as he poured the alcohol onto his hand. His attention snapping to his hands at the feeling of cold liquid splashing against his skin. Quietly he cursed in search of a towel, still confounded by the bizarre encounter.


            Chanyeol huffed, plopping down into a vacant chair. He glared at the ground, hissing sounds escaping his throat as his palm met his forehead. How could I have been so stupid? His fingers running through the curls furiously, turning them into a frizzy mess as he angrily stomped his feet. Acting like a five year old child who wasn't able to get the candy he wanted. Throwing his body forward as his fingers combed through his hair again, sharp elbows sinking into this thighs. Chanyeol grumbled, oblivious to the fact that he was drawing more unwanted attention to himself.

            "Um," a foreign voice filled Chanyeol's ears, "are you okay?"

            Chanyeol froze, suddenly remembering that he wasn't at home in his room. Slowly he turned his head towards the voice, his eyes bugging out in embarrassment. He flashed a weak smile at the dark haired man next to him. "Yeah, I'm fine."

            "You sure?" He replied. "You seem pretty upset."

Nodding, Chanyeol swallowed. "I was just shocked. But I'm alright."

            "Shocked?" The dark haired stranger asked. "Why did some guy try to grind up against you while you were dancing?"

            Chanyeol shot him a puzzled look. "What?"

            "Well you did come running frantically off the dance floor." He explained, making air quotes as he said dance floor.

            He ripped his gaze from the stranger to find a crowd dancing in the middle of the floor; he didn't even notice that he had run through all those people. The strong bass of the music pounding against his chest as he inspected the large room. A disco ball spun from the ceiling, sending sparkles all around as a DJ mixed strong techno beats that blasted through the speakers. Bodies moving perfectly against one another while others jumped and struggled with their two left feet. He couldn't believe his eyes; it was like he had run into a club. Amazed, a smile formed on Chanyeol's face; Kyungsoo sure did know how to throw a party.

            "I'm Jongdae by the way." Chanyeol's eyes reverted back to person next to him.

"Chanyeol" He replied, the smile still plastered on his face.

            Jongdae chuckled. "You seem impressed. Is this your first time coming to one of Kyungsoo's parties?"

"Yeah!" Chanyeol laughed, a little more than he should have. "This is crazy! It's like a club!"

            "Mhm," the corners of his lips curling up, "Kyungsoo always goes all out."  

"I can tell." His eyes widening as he looked around the room once more; dancing in his chair.

            They two conversed for a while; laughing at guys who got rejected as they tried to grind against a cute girl and admiring those who's dancing skills were godly. Sharing the basics like what their interests were and how they knew Kyungsoo. Chanyeol briefly explaining that his best friend was a friend of Kyungsoo's and dragged him along to the party; purposely leaving out the fact that Baekhyun fangirled over everything Kyungsoo did.

 Jongdae on the other hand turned out to be one of Kyungsoo's closest friends; describing how their friendship started since they were babies. Smiling brightly as he relived the many fun memories he told Chanyeol who would slap his legs in amusement as his deep laugh boomed. Explaining how Kyungsoo actually threw the party for him, welcoming him home from his year abroad in China. Chanyeol sat amazed as he showed the humble amount of Mandarin he knew; clapping excitedly after Jongdae would say sentences.   

      "Can I ask you something?" Chanyeol questioned. "If it's too personal you don't have to answer it."

Jongdae squinted his eyes. "Alright, go ahead."                                              

           "Is Kyungsoo with Jongin?"                

Almost instantly Jongdae busted up laughing, shaking his head at such a comical idea. "No, no, no." He started. "You see, Jongin believes that he has Kyungsoo wrapped around his finger. That one eight count will leave Kyungsoo breathless and wanting him desperately. Don't get me wrong, Kyungsoo loves his company but he just doesn't feel that way towards him. He hates it when people think that they're a couple."

Chanyeol's face lit up from the information he had received; instantly thinking of Baekhyun. "Ah, I see."                                                                                  

Jongdae cocked his eyebrow at Chanyeol's reaction. "Why? You got a thing for my best friend?" Nudging at Chanyeol's ribs with his elbow.

        The familiar wide eye look returned to his face. "No!" He objected, waving his hands in the air as if trying to push the idea away. "My friend," panicking not wanting to blow Baekhyun's cover, "s-she's had a crush on him for years and always thought he was with Jongin."

"Alright, alright." he exclaimed, putting his hands up. "But let her know she's gotta work hard. Kyungsoo's got his eyes set on someone already."

        "What!? Who?" he shrieked.

Jongdae smirked. "Are you sure you don't like Kyungsoo?"

       A blank stare washed over his face, lips turning into a solid line as his nostrils flared. There was no way of getting the information he needed without exposing Baekhyun to Jongdae, whom was oh-so-positive that Chanyeol was the one with the crush on his big eyed friend. Chanyeol slumped in his chair puffing air out like an aggravated child, his curly bangs flying up. Ignoring the sound of Jongdae's laugh, he thought about what he did know. Crossing his arms as he thought of the conversation they had before Kyungsoo had opened the door; looking like a mad man as he laughed to himself.

Jongdae stared at him, confused as to why he kept snickering. "What the..." He whispered, wondering if this strange, curly haired friend was on something.

Chanyeol slapped his thighs, the image of distressed Baekhyun flashing through his mind. "How does my eyeliner look?" Thinking out loud.

        Still he stared, astonished at how Chanyeol could entertain himself. Finally he nodded, concluding that he was defiantly on something.

        Unaware of Jongdae's silent judgment he continued, the sounds of Baekhyun's nervous questions echoing in his head. Proceeding to mumble non sense phrases as he erupted with laughter. Clutching his stomach he sighed, taking slow breaths to calm himself; turning his head towards Jongdae. His expression was a mixture of confusion and shock, yet he looked slightly disturbed. Again Chanyeol laughed, his hands pushing against his thighs as he stood up.

"Well," Chanyeol smiled, "it was nice meeting you Jongdae, but I have to try and locate Baekhyun."  

         Jongdae's expression completely changing at the sound of the name that rolled off Chanyeol's tongue. "B-Baekhyun?" The familiar name he had heard Kyungsoo talk about often.

"Mhm." He nodded in response, curls bouncing everywhere. "He's my best friend."  

         An awkward smile appeared. "Ah, I've heard a lot about him." Looking away as he cursed under his breath.

      A questioning look spread across Chanyeol's face, wondering what he had meant by that. Uninterested he shrugged, giving Jongdae a casual nod of the head as he turned in search of his friend. Within five steps he stopped in his tracks, hearing a familiar voice yell; loud enough to be heard over the music. Chanyeol panicked, it was Baekhyun's voice; roughly he jerked his head in every direction, unable to locate the source of his voice. Again his voice rang over the music, accompanied by another. Worried thoughts racing through Chanyeol's mind, continuing to search among the sea of people.

"I swear Baekhyun," He growled, "if you got yourse-"

        Suddenly every light in the room was drained. The energy becoming stiff as angered shouts and cries fought against the music. Chanyeol dared not to move through the pitch black darkness, his feet cemented to the floor. It was impossible for the power to have gone out, the music blaring against his ear drums. Without warning the lights popped on then disappearing again. The motion repeating slowly at first, but gradually growing faster and faster. Someone was playing with the light switch. Chanyeol only knew one person who was notorious for his obsession with light switches, the Master of Eyeliner, Byun Baekhyun. And there he was, behind the DJ's turn tables, rapidly flicking the switch on and off as he swayed from side to side. Next to him was Kyungsoo, dancing like no one was watching, hands in the air as his body convulsed in a strange matter. The last time Baekhyun had done this was three years ago, he had a few friends spending the night and they decided to have a dance party; Chanyeol even filmed it and posted it online. Instantly Chanyeol's hand found its way to his mouth, laughing uncontrollably at the two; they had to be drunk.

          He danced his way through the crowd, headed towards the two. Within a few steps of them a tall figure approached Kyungsoo, snapping him out of his groove. His large eyes flipping open as the tall man crouched down to whisper something, Kyungsoo nodding his head in response. The man rolled up straight, turning to Chanyeol's direction. Chanyeol's heart jumped at the sight of the man, long fingers running through his golden hair as he his lips; eyes fixed on the floor as he strutted towards him. He began to panic as he inched closer and closer, his gaze slowly lifting. Suddenly Chanyeol felt the world around him become a blur, pushing through people, trying to remain unseen by the gorgeous being. His frizzy curls bouncing with every step he took in his desperate escape.

          Again the blonde was left dumbfounded, confused to why he always catches this mysterious person staring. He watched as his head bobbed up and down among the large crowd, grabbing small eye contact as the strange man frantically looked behind him. He chuckled at how his eyes could stretch to an abnormal size, his skin suddenly growing hot. Awkwardly he scratched the back of his neck, feeling his cheeks color. Something about that guy made him curious, he wanted to know who sat underneath the unruly curls. An odd sensation filled his stomach as he continued to watch him run away, contemplating whether to follow him. He began to move his feet, mimicking the same route as his heart began to race. Questions raced through his mind, but he shook them away focusing on not losing sight of the curls. He laughed thinking back to that funny wide eyed look he always gave, making his heart beat even faster; something about that look made him smile. But what was it? Oh, it was flat out cute. 

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unnie your writing is amazing. I'm jealous XD
erinooh #2
dlskdlskdlsdkdl bribri omfg this was like the best omfg my tears omg <
SweetSkyStar #3
wow. I have no words... I... WOW.
it's so beautiful;;___;;
omg ////leaking////
Loving #5
I just want to say, you write really well ;_;
Loving #6
Omg ;_;