Meeting Heechul

Break It Up [on hold until further notice]

'Oh yeah you go to the same school as me. You're always hanging out with Leeteuk and Henry.' he knew Henry?!?

'Henry's my brother...'

'I know. He told me. See you around.' he said turning around.

'Wait!' I said reaching out and grabbing his arm.'

'C'mon Hyuk we gottta go.' the girl who bumped into me earlier said pulling him.

'What is it Donghae-ssi?' he asked. The girl peeked at me and looked me up and down.

'He goes to our school, right?' she said to Hyuk. He nodded as she stepped forward.

'I'm Crystal. Nice to meet you, but we've got to go, his boyfriend's waiting on him.' My heart skipped a beat and I let him go. Boyfriend... great.

'Smooth. You didn't even get his number.' Teuk said smacking me on the back.

'Teuk are youu blind? That was Hyukjae. He goes to our school and has a boyfriend.' 

'Oh yeah, he prefers to be called Hyuk or Eunhyuk.'

'Who're we talking about?' Taemin asked trying to follow our gaze.

'Hey look! It's Heechul and Wookie!' Taemin said running over to two guys.

'Awesome! Heechul's the leader of Suju. He's.....'

'Different.' Kibum said finishing for Leeteuk.

'Whoever they are, they're coming over here. Who's that tall guy?'

'That's Zhou Mi, he must have been in a store or something."

"Hey! Donghae. This is Heechul, our leader. This is Ryeowook ,we call him Wookie and this is Zhou Mi, we call him MiMi."Taemin introduced us.

"So your'e Henry's brother?"<--Heechul

:Wait! I know you, aren't you dating my brother?" I asked Zhou Mi

"Yeah, uh....I'm his ...boyfriend." he smiled. I knew I'd seen his face somewhere. Besides Henry never stops talking about him and sowing me pictures. He reminds me of myself back when I was dating Onew.For future references Wookie is my childhood friend I already knew him.

"Yah! I said are you coming to the club?!?" Heechul yelled in my ear while knosking on my head.

"Oh yeah, I uh. Yeah." I said coming back to Earth.

"Hey Heechul, where's Hankyung?" Taemin asked.

"Somewhere doing something." Heechul answered sounding more pissed off than before.I wanted to ask who Hankyung was but decided it would be best to find out later.  Heechul was immediately put into a good mood when I let him pick out some clothes for me. The seven of us hung out until about 8:30, then we left because the members of Suju left to go to practice their routine and get ready for tonight.


Hello!!!!! Nice to meet you I'm missboss721.*bows* .I'm actually American but once I discovered Suju I fell in love and discovered all types of bands and music. My bias is Eunhyuk I seriosly love him!!!!!Even thouh I'm a EunHae shipper this isn't a EunHae story :( This is my first fanfic so if you like it please subscribe!!!!!!

I totally know I have 2 subscribers but no comments I'm so happy and this chapter is so short 0-0 The next one will be long. I promise!!!

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sorry for not updating...


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Han-hyunWoo-Eunhae #1
Chapter 11: Ohhhh I'm so freaking curious. ..Please update as soon as possible
Chapter 8: it's interesting.. and i just found it... come on.. update this fic.. heheh
Chapter 1: 1.-Finally I could come here and read. Lol kyu and his comment of a hae getting a life xD
Cute, the end was cute!!
2.-So, no eunhae *nods* I love Hyuk too *squeals*
3.-Kys, cute Hyuk, and nerdy glasses >u< kya~ but what I liked the most was Eunhyuk blush
4.-Jonghyun is very important in what Hyuk does, but still... I'm for some reason a bit puzzled about Henry
5.-Erased what I said of Jonghyung, how can he cheat on hyuk? *daggers to jonghyung ¬¬* keke kibumhyuk making out *drooling*
6.- I'm confuse *whines and pouts* but somehow I like the make out *slaps her face* TT^TT
7.-Kibum, I love you!!!!!!!! I knew there was something with Henry, oh my poor baby, he is love but is unrequired T__T and Kibum, please fight for Hyuk, eh? Hae. Ah, my heart and mind is a puzzle. It can't be everyone x hyuk? *crazy mind in fangirl mode*

I liked it ^^