Love Triangle or Square?

Destiny and Future

What Bom did not see on the news that morning before she left for her vacation.....

Prince Choi Seung Hyun announced to the public minutes before his wedding that he will not get married yet.  He seems to have someone else that he likes or he just wasn't ready.  We are not sure on the details yet but right now the whole nation is going wild.  He disappeared after his announcement and is no where to be found. What will the Prince do now?  Stay tune for more information.

*Seung Hyun dial Bom's cell phone*

"We're sorry. The person you are dialing has turned off their phone at the moment. "


What is she doing? I need to talk to her but her phone is off.  Bommie!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't even go out in public, not with all those people looking for me.  I just have to hide for now...



"Will you do me the honor of being in my fashion show?" Jiyong asked me.

"Yes! This will be fun!" I am super excited about this.  

"Thank You.  Please go backstage to get ready."  

I followed the assistant backstage and they are fixing my hair and makeup for the show.

I can't believe this is really happening and I was making a joke about it a few hours ago.  Pshh..

It was almost the end of the fashion show and I am about to get on stage.  My nerves are coming back just like when I auditioned 2 years ago.  

Please let me do a good job and not trip on stage.

"You're up." The assistant cue for me to get ready to walk.

Jiyong introducing Bom, "And now for my final dress, I have a special guest who I've just met wearing my one of a kind dress.  This dress was designed for only a special someone because only one person can fit this dress perfectly in the world.  I have yet to find someone to wear this dress until tonight.  Please give her a warm welcome. *Clap*"

Here goes nothing! I got on that stage and I see all eyes on me and lights were flashing like crazy.  I felt like a celebrity walking on the red carpet.

I strut down the runway and stopped at the end and posed.  Then I made a turn to walk back but my dress was long that I tripped over my dress...

I can feel my body moving off the stage towards the floor.  Everything was in slow-mo so I felt so much worse.  How can this be happening to me at an event like this.  I just closed my eyes and hope that someone was there to catch me during this embarassing moment.  Anyone?

Just then I felt a strong force holding me in place.  Everything stopped.  Everyone was gasping..........OO0ooohhhhhh..........Clapping

I opened my eyes slowly to see what is happening.  I turned my head to see who was behind me and found a handsome, tall looking stranger holding me.  My face turned red as a tomato matching my dress.  

He didn't say a word to me and helped me balance myself on stage.  He went back to his seat and I had to finish my runway walk.  

It wasn't that embarassing, I mean it's just tripping in front of a few hundreds of people and there were cameras everywhere.  No BIG DEAl!! LOL

They don't know me anyways so it doesn't matter.  I won't ever see them again after tonight so I could care less about what they think.

The only thing that I am embarrassed about is for Jiyong and the handsome guy that caught me in time.

The show ended and I was still sitting backstage in the dressing room.  I felt so bad for ruining Jiyong's show.  Clumsy me....

Jiyong is walking towards my chair and took a seat down next to me.  I can't even face him right now.  How embarrassing am I? 

With my head down, "I'm really sorry I ruined your show...."

"AYY, It's nothing.  I thought it was interesting and fun.  A good twist for the ending. hahaha but are you ok?"  He was so cool about it like he enjoyed it.

"Yes, I'm ok.  I'm too embarrassed to face you right now."  I couldn't help but look down and just play with my fingers.

"That's good that you're ok.  There's nothing to be embarrassed about! You're not a real model so you don't have to worry about people knowing you.  They probably already forgotten about it."  Jiyong gave me a smile that can light up a whole stage.  

I couldn't help but smile back.

"You'll stay for the after party right?" He asked while giving me his puppy eyes.  How can I resist that? lol I know no one can.

"I guess but I don't know anyone here..."  I was hoping that I get to meet my savior there.

"You can follow me and I'll let you meet some important people."  He said and got up.  He extended his hand out for me to hold.  He lifted me up and we walked to the after party.  



It was so crowded with people and everyone was looking at us when we walked through that door.  I don't know if I should be embarrassed or feel like a princess.  

I whispered to Jiyong, "Everyone is staring at us. Are you sure they forgot about me tripping on stage?"

He whispered back, "It's because you're beautiful!!"  I just couldn't help but smile after what he said.  He sure knows how to make a girl happy.  

I'm a er for sweet talkers like him.

Jiyong was greeted by many and he would introduce me to them.  I felt so honored to be here.  

Jiyong then turn to me when there was no one near us and said, "Now let's go meet your savior."

"Do you know my savior?"

"You can say we have a special bond."  *Smile*

How can his smile look so devious but yet so attractive.  I just can't resist but to blush everytime.



"Hey You! Thanks for coming!" Jiyong said to my savior and I just stood there quietly.

"Hey. I just happen to be by the neighborhood." My savior replied while keeping a straight face.

"Well I would like you to meet a new friend of mine which you saved today." Jiyong turned to me and introduced me to him.

"H---Hi" I kinda stuttered because I was so nervous.  He look so handsome close up!!!! 

He didn't say anything to me but just smiled.  What does that mean? He's pretty cold.

"Thank You for saving me.  I would have fell if it wasn't for your quick reaction."  I thanked him, hopefully he will reply back this time.

"Don't mention it.  I was just doing my job as a person." What a cold answer.... 

"I would like to treat you to dinner if you don't mind.  If there's anything you need please don't hesitate to let me know."  I don't know how to repay him for saving me.

"You don't have to.  I have a busy schedule so I won't have time.  Thanks for the offer though."  His answers are always cold but yet just enough to make him sound like a gentleman.  He is so distant.

"Can I at least know the name of my savior?"  I need his name to repay him somehow.  

"I'll let you know the next time if we ever meet again."  He walked off.

WAHHHHH he is so mysterious!! He's a very interesting person....

"Jiyong, who is he?" I couldn't help but be curious about him.

"He's a famous model in the fashion world and for his name, you heard the guy, he'll let you know if yall meet again."  He smiled.

"How come he's so cold when he talk to people?" 

"Well he's just like that ever since I've known him.  Once you get to know him more, he gets mushy.  But in front of strangers he is very distant and serious."

Let's go meet some other people.



Just like that, the night ended and I was in bed after washing up.

Hmmm... I met 2 great guys today. 

Thanks for answering my prayers. LOL

But both of them are so mysterious.. maybe it's just how they are around here.

Well hopefully I get to see them again.  

I should call Hyun Joong and tell him about this.  

No maybe not, he might laugh at me.

My thoughts kept coming until I fell asleep...



Where is Bom? It's been a day and her phone is still off.  Sigh.....

I think I am about to go crazy right now..

All I want to say is "I Love You" but you're no where to be found.

PS. Can you find Bom for me?



Author: How do you like this? =D 


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Final Chapter for Destiny and Future!!!!! Enjoy!!!!! =D


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haneul024 #1
Chapter 16: ♥♥♥♥♥♥ thanks for a lovely story
SpringTempo24 #2
Chapter 16: woohoo...the ending is daebak!!!and the story is so awesome!!!
angelin #3
Chapter 16: thank you authornim..... great story :)
Chapter 16: the ending is really nice :"
Chapter 16: wow.. it finally finish.. hahahahaha.. i feel kind of pity with jiyong and siwon, well at least bommie has her happy ending.. thank you author nim..
SpringTempo24 #6
Chapter 15: the story finish??or you just mistakenly put the complete mark??aaww..this is one of the nicest fanfic i have ever read
SpringTempo24 #7
Chapter 9: this chapter is so amazing
Chocathy #8
Chapter 15: Oh oh oh what would happen next? So curious.
hmmm...jiyong is going to be crushed, the moment seunghyun arrives in paris.. siwon is in the house!!!! hehehe..