

An (planned) angst-lovely drama with Yuri and Yoona as the lead actresses.

It is kinda a dream for me to potray how wonderful sister love between Yoonyul :D

So, please welcome our KIM family (Kwon+IM=KIM)



Hi guys... :D

This fic is my first fic ever... And honestly English is my second langusge.

SO, please be understandable for errors and mistakes.

Please do comment and subscribe :D

Thanks for visiting :D



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YuKirei-- #1
Chapter 1: yoonyul,,,
hope you'll update it
another YY...yohooo...^^

I'm in..!!!

Why the hell Mrs Kim acted like that..Lol sorry my my bad languge..

Yul unware yet that Yoong was love her as a sist may be, she blind with her hatred for her Mom acted..:( [ I guess ]

Poor YY...

Dorki Taeng appeard..^^
Can't wait for another YY moment...><
Update soon...!!!!!
sorry for the late comment..^^