Our last seven days together

Our last seven days together
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Try listening to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLY2mzjPuWM while reading this :)




"I can't stand seeing you with her Taeyeon! If you really love me, then leave her and be with me. I love you Taeyeon. We belong to each other..."

The very words repeated on my head like a broken record as the huge drop of rain started to fall from the dark sky.

Sighing, I took no concern of the water drops soaking my suit and aim for the remaining footsteps towards my house.

As I finally got inside, I saw my wife, Tiffany, preparing for our dinner.

And for the first time after several months of not having any skin contact with her, I held her hand and said, "I’ve got something to tell you".


"Dinner is ready..." she forced a smile then brushed my hand away. "Kyungsan isn't here. Mommy borrowed him for tonight..." she continued, obviously diverting the topic.


And it made me upset.

"You've got to listen to me, Tiffany!"

She sat down and began eating quietly.

And I observed the hurt in her eyes as she probably sensed what I wanted to say.

Suddenly I didn’t know how to open my mouth.

The hurt in her eyes made me feel guilty.

However, I had to let her know what I was thinking.


I raised the topic calmly. "I want a divorce, Tiffany." I said, trying to sound as casual as possible as if what I was asking is just a simple request.

She didn’t seem to be annoyed by my words, instead she asked me softly, "Why?"

"I'll arrange our divorce papers. All you need to do is sign it." I replied, my voice purposely blazed.

She doesn't have to know the truth so I avoided her question and walked upstairs...

This made her angry.

She threw away the chopsticks and shouted at me, "I won't give you what you want until you give me a valid reason Taeyeon!"


I just ignore her...

There's nothing she could do anyway.

I made up my mind.

I will leave her.




That night, we didn’t talk to each other.

And it's not really new to me.

It has been months ago since we became distant.

Months ago since we lost the intimacy we once had.

I saw her on our bed, body curled into a ball, face buried in her palms and her body was slightly shaking.

I knew she wanted to find out what had happened to our marriage but I could hardly give her a satisfactory answer other than the painful truth that...



She had lost my heart to Sunmi.

I don’t love her anymore.

I loved her once, but now... I just pitied her.


With a deep sense of guilt, I drafted a divorce agreement which stated that she can have our house, our car, and 30% share of stocks from my company.

Knowing that she's still awake...

I called her attention and show her the paper.

She glanced at it; eyes were swollen from too much crying.


Her expression darkened and she tore the draft into pieces.

I never seen her that mad before...

I never thought that she's capable of being mad...

The woman who had spent five years of her life with me had become a stranger. A complete stranger.


Somehow, seeing the pain in her face made me felt sorry for her wasted time, resources and energy but I could not take back what I had said for I loved Sunmi so dearly.

She wanted us to be together...

I'd caused her too much pain for being my other woman and I can't stand hurting her anymore.

I want a divorce so that I can live happily with the woman I truly love.


Tiffany cried loudly in front of me...

She collapsed on her knees and held my hand tightly...

And that was what I had expected to see.


To me, her cry was actually a kind of release.

"Why Taeyeon... Why?" she asked, body somewhat shaking as she weeped harder.

"I'd made up my mind Tiffany. I'm sorry..."


The idea of divorce which had obsessed me for several weeks seemed to be firmer and clearer now.

Whether she agree or not, this is our end.

All I need is her signature.



The next day, I came back home very late and saw my son, Kyungsan, sleeping on his room.

I tiptoed, kiss his forehead then went straight to my room.

I found that Tiffany was still awake and she was writing something at the table.

She looked at me in the eyes and I saw the pain in there...

I gulped then turn my back on her, dived to our bed and went straight to sleep.

I fell asleep very fast because I was tired after an eventful day with Sunmi.


When I woke up, she was still there, writing at the table.

I just did not care so I turned over and was asleep again.



In the morning, Tiffany asked for us to have a talk.

Irately sighing, I followed her on our room and she presented her divorce conditions: she said she didn’t want anything from me, she said she didn't want my house, my car, my money but all she needs is a week notice before she signs the divorce papers.


"Just give me a week. Just a week..." she said weakly. "And in those seven days, we should both struggle to live a normal life as possible. Like any other normal couple..."

"What!?" I gave her an incredulous look, totally against her petty conditions. "Why? We don't need to do that Tiffany! It’s just a waste of time!"

"You badly wants to leave me, huh?" her voice that filled with pain quiver. She compressed her lips tightly before she parted it again and say her simple reason "Kyungsan has his exams in a week’s time and I don’t want to disrupt him with our broken marriage."

Realizing her point and because it was agreeable to me, I finally nodded.

But she had something more...

She asked me to recall how I had carried her into our bridal room on our wedding day.

She requested that every day for that week’s duration, I should carry her out of our bedroom up to the front door every morning.

I thought she was going crazy.

That's plainly...ridiculous.

But just to make our last days together bearable, I accepted her odd request.



I told Sunmi about my wife’s divorce conditions and she laughed loudly and thought it was absurd.

"No matter what tricks she applies, she has to face the divorce. She has to accept the truth that you don't love her anymore! Oh my god! She's pathetic!" she said scornfully.

Somehow, I felt the urge of defending Tiffany.

Like how I used to be her protector...

But I ignore that strange feeling inside of me.

I don't need to defend her...

In due time, she won't be a part of my life anymore.




Tiffany and I hadn't had any body contact for quite long so when I carried her on the first day, we both appeared clumsy.

It felt awkward to have her in my arms now unlike how comfortable it was when I carried her on our wedding day.

Having her in my arms doesn't seem right anymore.

Our son clapped behind us while doing a little silly dance on the bed.

"Taengoo Umma is holding mommy Tippani in her arms... You are so sweet Umma... I want to be like you to my wife someday!"


Somehow, his words brought me a sense of pain.

I took a quick look at Tiffany and saw that she had her eyes tightly shut and her lips were curved into a little smile.

I wondered why her eyes were shut so tight.


From the bedroom to the living room, then to the front door, I walked over ten meters with Tiffany in my arms.

Still with closed eyes, she said softly; "TaeTae... I- I mean... Taeyeon... Please don’t tell our son about the divorce."


She's the only person who calls me that.

And somehow, it feels like it has been a long time since I heard her call me that way...


I... I missed hearing her call me that.

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ebatwise #1
Chapter 1: (╥﹏╥)
Chapter 1: So heartbreaking T.T *crying like a baby*
martianyoo #3
Chapter 1: tears fell like waterfall
Chapter 1: I've already read it before but it still makes me cry T_T
i know this is siwon and tiffany but taeyeon made me cry so much when i read it with siwon i did not cry but when i read it with taeyeo and heck i'm listening to exo m's baby while reading this
chocolattae #6
Chapter 1: *try not to cry*
*cry a bloodyhell river*
ladashi #7
Chapter 1: i saw this story before with the cast of tiffany& siwon..but with taeny cast this story more touching,and here iam,crying out loud like a hungry baby...
taenyeveryday #8
Chapter 1: i have read this fanfic more than i dont know i lost count but you can still make me cry a river ;'''')
Ssmaknae07 #9
Chapter 1: oh ! you made me cry TT^TT aisshhhh :'( ='< I think my heart shuttered into pieces :<<