My life with SHINee


You will meet ur brother you've never known that he exists. You want to meet him... ! Your 19 years old and live in America with your dad and step-mother. Your real mom lives in Korea because she unmerried your dad you never saw her again. After that he moved to amrica with you where he married someone else.... But what will happen when you meet / see your brother what will it be like or his reaction? And are you going to meet your real mum???


SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just read and find out dun wanna say sth...~~^^ because when I do you will find out who's ur brother and and and just read!^^


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TeenLoveIzInfinite #1
och ne das ist jetzt nicht euer ernst ich raker mich hier voll ab(ich und mein englisch und ihr spricht hier deutsch^^) <br />
ich muss mir alles aufschreiben wer hier deutsch ist und wer nicht^^
TeenLoveIzInfinite #2
new reader^^(i know i am very fast) <br />
it was interesting,amazing,...(i can't describe my emotion)^^ <br />
love it very very much
i really like this story ..
@queenoffire bathers = sowas wie badehosen xDD schwimmboxers wie sie die jungs imma habm xDD
queenoffire #5
Was meinst du mit "bathers"? Das ergibt für mich im Deutschen keinen Sinn. Es sei denn, es gibt eine andere Vokabel außer "Badegast".
NOOOOO you cant end it....its toooooo good