Fan Mail, Fan Service, and Fan Fictions?

Everything Happens For A Reason

Hoon's POV

Everyone slumped onto the couch, tired from today's schedule. Dongho was already on the verge of passing out, his head resting on my lap. Jaeseop and Soohyun sat in the kitchen talking about...lord knows what. Probably a knew song. Kiseop played with his phone, while Kevin and Eli began cuddling up on the other couch. I looked over at my hyungs in the kitchen, catching Jaeseop glancing at Kevin and Eli every now and then. He still loved Kevin. What happened between them exactly? 

"Hyung...HYUNG!" Dongho shouted. "Your phone is ringing!"

Everyone looked at me as my phone blasted Man Man HaNi.. why did I even have this as a ringtone? I answered the call, hearing our manager on the other end. "Yah, open the door! I'll be there in two." Before I even got a chance to say anything, the other line was dead. Making a face at my phone, I got up, making the maknae's head plop onto the couch. 

"Who was it?" Soohyun asked.

"Manager hyung, he said he's here." I said, opening the door. 

Our manager had walked in with two bags full of...stuff. "W-What is that?" I questioned, taking one bag from his hands and looking inside.

"Fan mail." He said. "I'll leave it to you guys now." Placing the other bag in the middle of the floor, he walked out again, closing the door behind him. Everyone had gathered to the living room, going through the bag, trying to find their own mail. Soohyun had carefully dumped everything out of the bag, packages, letters, toys, and plenty of other stuff, scattered on the floor. Eli picked up the first fan mail to him, opening it and reading it. 

"Dear Eli, ...I really think you and Kevin make a cute couple. Please kiss on stage one day." He read. 

There was an outburst of laughter from all of us... except Jaeseop. "What's this?" Soohyun questioned, picking up those big, yellow envelopes. "It's so big..." ( That's what she said ) 

"Who's it for?" I asked, looking for a name. "...AJ?" 

"Me?" Jaeseop questioned, pointing to himself. He took the envelope and opened, pulling out a bunch of papers neatly tied together with green ribbon. 

"Ah..there's another one for you..." Dongho said, handing the kitty another stuffed, yellow envelope. 

"Oh.. over here too..." Eli said, handing yet another one to him. "What are they?" 

Jaeseop had gone through them, sifting through the pages. "...Fan fics..." He mumbled before putting them back into the envelope. "I'm going to go read these. You guys can just leave my stuff here." 

"Arasseo." Soohyun said, continuing to go through the mail, already sorting out Jaeseop's stuff. 

I watched as the kitty go off to his room, stumbling back as Dongho shoved a stuffed bunny in my face. "It's for you!" He said, cheerfully as he continued going through the fan mail. Everyone knew that Dongho was happiest when we got fan mail...he was just so..chipper and happy when he read the letters and received gifts. 
The next couple of hours were spent just opening envelopes and packages. There were plenty of Elvin fans out there, asking the pigeon and fish to do some fan service on stage one day. 


Where are all the SooHoon fans?

Jaeseop's POV

Goodness these fans are writing me novels. They might as well get it published.. I went through the fics, trying to see who they were pairing me up with. Probably Kiseop... that's who I always got paired with. The first fic was a 2Seop fiction with the basic plot. We loved each other, but Kevin or any of the members would try and ruin our relationship. Sighing, I placed that one aside, picking up the second envelope. Pulling out a pile of neatly stacked papers, I read the couple name. "...Jae...Li?" I mumbled. "Who the.... Oh God ew..." 
Tossing that one aside, I picked up the last one, already expecting it to be 2Seop. By the size of it, this had to be about forty, long chapters. I pulled out the papers, which were tied with pink ribbon. I looked for the couple name. "JaeVin...?" I mumbled. 


Tossing everything aside, I had begun reading the story. Was there someone that actually saw us as a couple? I sifted through the pages, trying to get a glimpse of what was going on. I heard the door open and close, looking up the ulzzang had come in with his pile of fan mails. "Are you reading the stories?" He asked. 

"Yeah..." I said, reading the Jaevin fic. 

"What's that one about?" He asked, making his way towards me. 

Quickly backing away I said, "It's one where the fan ... is the main character. You can read that one." I said, pointing to the 2Seop story on the floor." If he knew that I was reading a story about Kevin and I, he'd burn this fic and throw the remains in the ocean. Kiseop gave me a look as he picked up the story from the floor. "Goodness, this is like...longer than Twilight..." He said. "I don't think I'll be reading this..." 

Putting it back on the floor, he went over to his bed, going through his letters and packages. Not able to read with all the rustling of the paper, I left the room and headed for the practice room. Going through the living room, everyone was still there, opening letters. I sat at the piano once in the practice room, continuing to read the story. 

Jaeseop had grabbed the wrist of the latter, stopping him in his tracks. Turning around, Kevin looked into the eyes of his hyung...his eyes which were filled with...sadness. 

"Hyung...waeyo?" Kevin asked, his voice coming out as a small whisper. He didn't understand why Jaeseop was acting this way.

"Don't go..." Jaeseop said, looking straight into the younger's eyes. "Please...don't go..."

"I-I have to..." Kevin mumbled, trying to break away from his hyung's grasp. "E-Eli is waiting..."

"Can you forget about Eli for two seconds?!" Jaeseop snapped. "Can't you just... look at me...even for a little while...?"

Kevin was dumbfounded. He didn't know what to do...or say... He stared at his hyung, completely speechless. He watched as the older slowly brought his hand to his chest, and Kevin felt Jaeseop's heart beat. Kevin looked back into Jaeseop's eyes, finding it extrememly hard to breathe. Jaeseop took a few steps closer to Kevin, almost closing the space between them. 

"In here..." Jaeseop whispered, squeezing Kevin's hand a little. "In here it'"

"Kevin, I like you..." I mumbled, putting the papers down. I had read almost half the story in that little while. I needed a break. "Dear..lord..." I tapped my fingers on the piano, staring blankly at the packet of papers sitting right in front of me. Sighing, I took it in my hands again, continuing where I left off. 

"Kevin, I like you..." Jaeseop said. 

Kevin stopped breathing for a second after hearing those words escape his hyung's lips. He felt his heart pounding against his own chest, feeling it was ready to burst out at any moment. 

"I've tried so many times to tell you,'ve never once looked at me... not even for a split second." Jaeseop murmured. "It hurts to see you with someone else..."

Slowly, Kevin took his hand away from the older's chest, bringing them up to his cheek softly. He knew deep down he loved Jaeseop as much as Jaeseop loved him, but he lived with the fear that his hyung only had feelings for Kiseop. But knowing Jaeseop's feeling now, Kevin had nothing to fear. Closing the space between them, Kevin pressed his lips against the older's, catching him by surprise. A small smile had come across Jaeseop's face, and he carried the slim boy bridal style and...

"...carried him back to his bedroom..." I shook my head, taking the images out and put the story on the piano again. "Aigoo...these fans have some wild imaginations..." I mumbled, rubbing my temples a little. "...If only..." 

Slipping a piece of paper between the pages, I went back up to the living room, only to see Kevin all alone...organizing my fan mails? "Ah, Hyung..." Kevin said, a hint of...nervousness in his voice. "I was just... cleaning this up for you, since they just...threw it around." 

A small smile came to my face. "Thank you..." I said, going over to the dongsaeng to help him.

" that the fan fiction?" Kevin asked, pointing to the packet in my hands. " read that much already?"

"Y-Yeah..." I said, rubbing the back of my neck a little. "What can I say? I like to read...and this really good..." 

Kevin chuckled a little, and gathered the letters for me. Smiling, I took them from him, my fingertips brushing against his hand a little, causing the younger to blush. "Y-you got...quite a lot." He mumbled, putting his hand in his back pocket. "W-Well...I-I'll see y-you tomorrow..."

I watched as my stuttering dongsaeng scurried off to his room, quietly closing the door behind him. I sighed, taking my pile of letters back to my room and placing them on my desk. Kiseop had fallen asleep already, his gifts neatly piled in one corner. Turning off the lights, I crawled into bed, and faced the wall, where my lover was right on the other side. 

"...If only you knew..." I mumbled before closing my eyes.

Dongho's POV

"Noona~ Did you send me any food?~" I said, in an aegi voice as I opened my packages.


Well, I finally got rid of that writer's block...and..I must say, I actually like this chapter. A little. It was kinda hard to think of a small a fic..
It's like...friggen.. Inception right there.
Anyway, ... uhm... yeah... sorry for my mistakes as usual..
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Chapter 18: I want a whole chapter of just Dongho POV. Hopefully it'd be a nice reprieve from all this drama. But this is good. Update soon.
Chapter 4: So today I watched ukiss on weekly idol so I can learn about the others besides Kevin and Eli. One of the members was asked to knit something.

Then I find your story on random. I literally laughed out loud. "I sat in my room all day. Knitting."
Akeykeu #3
Chapter 18: nice , i think we all had loved this!
ahahah Dongho xD
Update soon ^^
Dongho hahaha xD
UnmeiFate #5
Chapter 18: HOMG UPDATE!!!!!

This was hot! And the usual Dongho lol moment at the end xD poor baby
i-love-seoppie #6
Chapter 18: Love that !! :3
Sgug478 #7
Chapter 18: You can always count on Dongho for some comic relief ;) Great job!
Chapter 18: I have no words, just this: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Agniecha1991 #9