Yesung's POV

Saranghae, Baby~~

My mom left Siwon and I in the living room while she made us lemon tea. 

"Siwon hyung, what are we going to do about your parents?" I asked him, staring at the now fading handprint his father left on his face. That must have really hurt.

"We'll go back to them later", He said like he all ready had it all planned out.

"But hyung what if he hurts me . . . or the baby? Siwon, I don't want to go there." I really didn't, but Siwon didn't seem to understand. He just held my head and let me drop my head on his shoulders. 

My mom came in with two cups and set them on the coffee table in front of us. "Do you want me to go with you, Yesung?" 

"No, you can't go", I said to her. I turned to Siwon, "Why do I need to go? It won't make any difference."

"It might. I mean, if he sees how much we love each other . . ." Siwon started, but he didn't sound like he believed it either. 

"All right, I'll go. Let's go now", I stood up slowly and went to the door followed by my mom and Siwon. We left my mom and began our way to his house.


Siwon's parents' house was bigger than I thought. With its double doors and long driveway. I sighed as we walked up the driveway. Siwon's sweaty hand grabbed mine as he pounded on the front door.

"Ewww...", I mumbled. 

The door opened and a young woman in a black and white dress looked at us. "Welcome, Siwon." She bowed as we entered.

I whispered, "You have maids?" He just smiled softly and squeezed my hand. 

The maid led us down a long hall and we finally made it to a room where an older woman sat. She looked up, then when she spotted me, her eyes grew large.

"Siwon!"She stood and said his name firmly. I'm guessing this is his mom. Siwon bowed to her and I followed.

She stalked up to us and grabbed Siwon's ear pulling him down to her face. She grumbled in his ear, "Siwon, you get out of here right now before your father sees you! And take this boy with you!" 

"Mother, I came to talk to him and make him change his mind." Siwon said rubbing his ear. She opened to argue, but closed it and gasped. She was looking behind us.

We turned to see a built man standing in the doorway. He glared at me. "Siwon." He said, without ever taking his eyes off of me. 

"Ne, father?" He answered.

"I told you, you are not having this baby. Not with this boy."

If someone calls me a boy one more-

"He's having this baby. It's ours, I'm the dad and he's the mommy", He smiled slightly. I smiled and blushed and looked down at my evergrowing stomach.

"You're disgusting", his father retorted. "This is sick. If you have this baby-" He stopped to walk towards us until he was right in Siwon's face. "I'm going to take it."

My heart stopped for a second and I screamed, "No!!" I wanted to take it back as soon as I said it. His father turned to me and looked about ready to kill me. Siwon pushed him back and grabbed me, pulling me behind him. 

"If it's a boy, I want him. I'm taking him. Maybe I won't go wrong with that one", he continued.

"You're not taking the baby. He's ours and you have no right-", Siwon started. 

"Oh, yes I do. I always get what I want." His father smirked. I couldn't believe this man! He was going to take my baby, and for no reason!

"Please don't take my baby," I started crying, uncontrollably. Siwon's father seemed not to care, but it hit Siwon. He turned and held me against him, looking as miserable as I felt. I didn't want to cry and I didn't want to plead, but I couldn't help it.

That's how I dealt with torture.

"Get them out of here!" He called and two maids escorted us out. 


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398 streak #1
Chapter 15: Damn again, such a cliffhanger, and no next chapter button T^T
398 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn, Siwon's father just soooooo cruel
398 streak #3
Chapter 1: first chapter and it's a LOL how happy I am LOL
KcuLL22 #4
Chapter 15: Oh ur back! Siwon and his lazziness, he should listened yesung 1st hahaha
Wasurenagusa #5
Chapter 15: Oh my, author-nim!! you always know how to waken my curiosity and interest :P the ending is so WOW! Cant wait to read more. i hope siwon is alright. i wonder who the unkown messenger is?? nice update ^__^
Chapter 15: OMG WHAT HAPPENED TO SIWON?!?!!?!?
Chapter 15: poor siwon I wonder what happened to him thou?
cloudy91 #8
Chapter 15: so someone try to hurt siwon!!
hope he'll be okay..
yesung should've insisted to tell siwon about that note...
joanna20 #9
Chapter 14: yesung should tell siwon the note!!! please update soon!
Chapter 14: yesung should tell siwon about the note!
maybe siwon would take him away from the people that trying to hurt him and his baby~