The Ring (One-shot)

Yuri's P.O.V

I was walking by the park. The day was beautiful actually. The sun made something on my hand shine. I smiled. It's the ring that Minho gave me...



"Yul, could I ask you something?" Minho asked.

"Neh..." Yuri said.

Minho pulled out a shinning and beautiful ring and put it on Yuri's finger.

"I'm not good at these things, but I don't want to loose you. I promise, I'll only love you" Minho simply said.

Yuri's eyes were filled of tears of emotion. She imediately hugged him.

"I know. I also want you to be mine forever" Yuri said.

Minho smiled and hugged her back.



I smiled. I still remember his face clearly. His smile was my light when everything was dark. His hugs were consolation whenever I was depressed. His love and his friendship were everything I needed to smile. Why did this had to end up like this!



"Yuri, let me explain!" Minho said, while chasing her.

"No! No! I saw everything! I hate you! I hate you! We're over!" Yuri shouted while crying.

Minho was faster and he hugged her from back. Yuri's tears were flowing. She letted go of his arms.

"I can't trust you anymore! You seem to love Krystal more than me! Even if you deny it, I can't believe it!" Yuri cried.

Yuri pulled of her ring that Minho gave her.

"You can have this" Yuri said and gave him the ring.

Then, she walked away towards the road. Minho eyes were bigger.

"YURI! BE CAREFUL!" Minho yelled.

But it was too late. The driver of the car was trying to stop and was honking, but he couldn't. Yuri closed her eyes, waiting for the end of everything, but then, Minho jumped in and hugged her. His intention was pushing her to the other side, but the car was too close and hit them both.


"Huh? Where am I?" Yuri found herself on a hospital bed.

She saw a pretty woman coming on her direction.

"Annyeonghaseyo! I'm doctor Lee Jieun! Glad you woke up, Yuri-sshi!" the doctor smiled.

"Where's Minho, doctor Lee?" Yuri asked.

"Minho-sshi is on the ___ room. You can see him if you want. He's in a worst situation, because he was in front of you" the doctor said.

Yuri nodded and went to Minho's room. Tears started to form when she saw his status. She sat on the hospital bed and found something on his hand. She opened it and her eyes were more full of tears. It was her ring. He slightly opened his eyes.

"Yuri?" Minho asked.

"You're awake" Yuri softly said.

Minho wiped her tears and held her hand.

"Sorry if you mindunderstood. I was just helping Krystal with her work" Minho said.

"I---" Yuri tried to say.

But then, Minho closed his eyes. Yuri's tears rolled down her cheeks. She took the ring and put it on her hand.



It's all my fault. If I did just care about that stupid road, he could have survived. Tears started forming on my eyes. Why am I a horrible person? Why did he had to die because of me? Just because of a stupid mindunderstood? Krystal must be feeling so guilty and always says sorry to me, it's not even her fault. If I only did trust in him. I suddenly felt an arm on my shoulder. I turned and I saw Krystal.

"Annyeong unnie" she smiled.

"Annyeong Krystal" I tried to fake a smile.

Her face turned down.

"Are you sure that you're ok with it unnie?" she asked, concerned.

"Neh, I'm alright" I smiled.

"I'm sorry by what happened" she said.

Let's see, it's what? The 15th time.

"It's ok Krystal. It's not your fault anyways" I smiled.

"I hope so. Wait! Minho oppa left something on that day, when he helped me with my work" Krystal said.

She pulled something from her bag. I saw a cockroach notebook, self-decorated I guess. Then I remembered. It was my Christmas present for him, because I hadn't money for more and my parents were in a travell. I only passed time with Minho, only. I remembered how Minho sacrificed time with his family to be with me. We were friends only that time.

"Here. I guess it belongs to you" Krystal said and gave it to me.

I thanked her and she went back home, to finish her works. I sat on the bench and I read it. On the first page was wroten in a beautiful sticker: "From my bestfriend and forever love, Kwon Yuri". So, he kept it even with a low quality... And I only did broke his heart with a stupid mindunderstood... I continued to read the notebook. It was filled of his memories. I giggled. He's so cute. Then, I came to the time we met. It was filled with thoughts about me... Then Minho loved me since we were bestfriends... I feel so bad, I only did killed him. Oh yeah, this makes me remind of how we became a couple. When he gave me that ring... My dear bestfriend Tiffany, amazingly talented, wrote a song about that. I took out my MP4 and Iistened to it...


How sparkling it was
The beautiful day
When we made the promise of our love
I couldn’t breathe
Couldn’t say a word
At the ring you put on for me
Only tears were dropping

I was like the lonely star that lost its light in the dark
You’ve become my light

The promise with you that is engraved on my hand
Becomes the best flower
It will never change

My love
This moment is heaven
Happy tears keep flowing like a fool
Today, then tomorrow, even when time goes by
Forever you are the gem in me

I was like a flower that lost its scent, full of tears
You’ve become my scent

The promise with you that is sparkling on my hand
Becomes the eternal light
It will keep shining

My love
This moment is heaven
Happy tears keep flowing like a fool
Today, then tomorrow, even when time goes by
Forever you are the gem in me

Do you know?
You in my heart
Though I’m a fool that knows nothing but you
But there’s this one thing that my heart knows
That without you
I can’t become me
That without you
I can’t become me


My eyes were full of tears... Tiffany really wrote what I feel. If I did only trusted him... Then I felt another arm on my shoulder. I turned and saw Nichkhun...

"Thinking about Minho again?" he asked.

"Neh" I said and smiled. fake of course.

Nichkhun smiled and turned better to me.

"Yuri, Minho is dead. You'll never see him again. You have to move on" he said.

His tone was really weird. Then, he approached me and his smile became a smirk. Please don't do this...

"Please, Nichkhun" I pleaded.

But he ignored me... I can't do this... I can't... I have the ring, it means the promise we both made, I can't broke it... I still loving Minho, even thought he's dead, even thought I'll have to suffer everyday... I'm his, only his... MINHO! PLEASE HELP ME!

"Hey, let go the girl" someone said.

I turned my head and... it was... no it can't be... It can't be Minho... Nichkhun smirked.

"Oh yeah, who are you to stop me?" he asked.

Minho punched him hard and made a huge burn on his arm. Minho grabbed my hand and we both ran away. I had so many questions in my mind... How is he alive? Didn't he die?

"Mi-Minho?" I asked.

Minho nodded and looked to me.

"The death was a mistake" he explained.

I didn't knew what to do. I missed him so much, I know that the entire fault is all mine. I hope he'll forgive me... I imediately hugged him. He hugged me back.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault" I said.

I could feel my eyes hot of tears. Will he ever forgive me?

"It's not. I know it's not" Minho tried to console me.

I feel well now. I saw the ring shinning on his hand. Tears of joy were placed on my eyes. He loves me. He's still loving me. I knew that he was still mine. Even thought he was gone, he still mine. The ring is the promise engraved on our hands. I'll love you always. I'm yours forever, Choi Minho.

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yulgotitall #1
Chapter 1: He's not dead! Minho's not dead!

I can't contain my feelings for this couple.
Waaaa <3
@FlamingPeral_isLOVE: Nah, he was not dead. How could I kill my dear Charisma Froggie? His death was just a mistake, I don't understand medicine, unnie XD
AdifaSince1495 #4