Lee Minah

H o l i d a y P a r a d i s e | | | A p p l y F o r I d o l | | |

@everyone: I'm super sorry for the slow update!!! TT a lot of things have been happening to me these days...boys, love, school, family...i have too much things to do so im super sorry for the late update!!! TT for those tht applied for my b2st fanfic, you probably think im lying since i update tht fic regularly ^^ but seriously, that's only because that fic just began and this fanfic is at its ending stages ^^ so, sorry for that xD

@hinamomochan: i changed the place your from because i already have a girl who is from london ^^ ur from vancouver ^^ and i added a scandal to your intro so...check it out ^^

ps. no minor characters anymore ^^ xxx


pps. i will hurriedly choose a girl who eunhyuk asap ^^


PD: Welcome back to Holiday Paradise’s FOURTH pre-episode. There are FOUR more girls left to get introduced to you all so, keep track! Now, shall we welcome the fourth girl?

Minah: Annyeonghaseyo! I’m Lee Minah from Vancouver Canada!

PD: Annyeong! Seems like Korean’s isn’t your first language? I can hear it in you!

Minah: Aniyo. I’m actually born in Korea so I’m a citizen however I went to Vancouver when I was young because of my dad’s job. Ever since I’ve moved there my parents wanted to adapt to the English so we don’t really speak Korean at home.

PD: Then how come you can speak such fluent Korean even though it’s a bit accented?

Minah: (laughs) I have a lot of Korean friends at school so with them, I speak Korean and when I say something wrong they correct me so that’s why my Korean is okay. My parents speak Korean to each other when I’m not around…they kind of forbid me to speak Korean.

PD: I see…well, today we’re not here to discuss your family or anything. No offense.

Minah: No, it’s fine, seriously.

PD: Well, this time, you are here for MIR am I right? Of MBLAQ?

Minah: Majayo.

PD: So, you know the drill?

Minah: Definitely. I really like MIR of MBLAQ because of his personality. I think that that’s the main reason. I like it how he’s so funny and no matter what he says I can always smile. Which to me, is a good thing because of my personality. He’s not like some idols and lies in front of TV, I think he’s always trying his best to tell the truth which is more than I can say for some other idols.

PD: I kind o missed what you said about your personality. Is there something we should know about?

Minah: Well, my personality is…weird I guess you could say. My personality changes. I guess you can call it that I have a split personality. My normal personality is like this, easy to get along with and friendly but when my other personality comes along, I start getting much more aggressive and violent. I take pills to keep it under control…

PD: I see. Now that we are on the subject of your personality should we continue it or did you want to finish the topic as to why you like MBLAQ?

Minah: I’m just going to finish it now. I like MBLAQ because all their songs, I feel like I can relate to all their song lyrics and that is what makes their songs capture me. I feel like when they sing, it’s real. Well, the other artists still sing songs that sound real, I just feel like when MBLAQ is sing, I’m more convinced than when others sing. I have no idea if that makes sense or anything but that’s just the way I feel.

PD: Okay. I’m sure the other fans will understand. Shall we continue the discussion about your personality?

Minah: No problem. Is there anything you want to know then?

PD: Well, perhaps you could go a bit more in depth?

Minah: Like?

PD: …Umm…

Minah: Okay (laughs). Never mind. Well, to start with I’m born with maturity. My parents said that to me since I could understand. I guess when you’re at a young age and parents tell you that your more mature that other kids, you’re proud of yourself for making your own parents proud. But once you get to understand things a bit more like during your teen years, you’ll realise that being mature is a burden because your parents would always require you to be mature. That’s the way I felt when I was a kid and when I became a teen. Around people I’m close to, I can get ahead of myself and start nagging and becoming a mother because I always feel like being around them makes me feel comfortable. My friends are always giving me so much but I never give them much in return, so, in a sense I’m repaying them.

PD: What about when you’re sad?

Minah: Well, when I’m sad I usually start distancing myself away from people. It’s against my conscious to show others my weakness. Which is why I like to talk to myself when I’m alone, sad. I also like talking to my two cats that I left back at home coming here. They’re my only companions when I’m alone, especially at home since both my parents work.

PD: Seems like you’ve been through a lot of things huh?

Minah: (laughs) I definitely have. In a way all the things I’ve been through a great experience however in another way, it means that my childhood ended earlier than expected which I will definitely miss when I become an adult.

PD: But you’re an adult now already aren’t you? You’re 20! And in Korea, that means you’ve reached adulthood.

Minah: Oh really? I didn’t know that! (laughs) I’m more comfortable with the western concept which is you’re an adult once you’ve turned 21. It’s the way I’m brought up. (laughs)

PD: Well, in that case, I guess you’re still a child then!

Minah: (laughs) Definitely!

PD: I’m going to be going into more in depth questions, do you think you can keep up?

Minah: (laughs) I’ll try my best!

PD: Okay, so, what are you habits, good and bad and what do you enjoy to do during your free time?

Minah: (laughs) Are those really in depth questions?!

PD: (laughs) Well, they are for you since you’re not an idol and you don’t usually appear on TV. Are they not in depth for you?

Minah: Well, not really…their pretty basic by themselves (laughs again)

PD: Well, since their basic, you should answer them!

Minah: I shall~ (laughs) Some of my habits are pretty much girly habits. For example, whenever I see a guy I like or crush on, I begin to blush and giggle even if the people around me aren’t talking! Usually when that happens I scare them away! (laughs) I’m a clean person. A SUPER clean person and I care about hygiene more than anything! So, I guess when I do things, everything has to be in place before I can do what I’m supposed to do and you know when I said the nagging thing? [PD nods] Well, I usually nag most about my friends hygiene problems (laughs) which always gets them rolling their eyes.

Both laugh.

Minah {continued}: And as for hobby wise, the biggest one in there is music. Anything music related I really enjoy so like, singing, dancing, composing lyrics. Their all things I do. I have a whole stack of my own composed lyrics at home that I never let anyone see (laughs). It’s a fun hobby because I can put my emotions into the lyrics.

PD: So basically you really like music?

Minah: (laughs) You make that sound like a bad thing!

PD: What?! No! That isn’t what I meant!

Minah: I know (laughs)

PD: Okay, moving on, what is your dream date and dream present?

Minah: Uhh…I’ve never really thought about this question…

PD: But don’t all girls usually think about these things?

Minah: (laughs) I’m not too sure about all.

PD: In that case, can you come up with something on the spot?

Minah: I guess…ah! I got one! I don’t know if you’ve ever watched Hana Yori Dango which is this Japanese drama. The first season, it kinda ends with Domyoji and Tsukushi kissing each other at the airport with the sunset. I kinda want a dream date like that however, instead of the airport, I would like it at the beach. I also want a picnic before the sunset!

PD: I thought you said you haven’t thought about it before…

Minah: I haven’t! I’m just getting more and more detailed! (blushes)

PD: Okay, I’m going to stop making you turn red now!

Minah: (pouts)

PD: Going on, what’s your dream present?

Minah: Obviously a couple necklace and ring!

PD: (mutters) I thought you haven’t thought about it before…

Minah: (oblivious) But more specifically I want a coupe ring with a cute Hello Kitty design! It would really make me feel that the boy is very caring and attentive! (laughs)

PD: I guess you have thought about it then!

Minah: Have not!

PD: I’m not believing you! Okay, so, what are the types of people you get along with the most?

Minah: Because of my personality and the fact that my emotions are really unpredictable, I want a girl who will stand by my side no matter what personality is getting emitted from me. I have a best friend back at Canada who was like that.

PD: I hear a story!

Minah: Well, one day, I forgot to eat my pills in the morning which usually controls my personalities long enough for me to get home. That day was pretty normal until it got to lunch where a boy suddenly started to make fun of my friend. Forgetting that I didn’t take in my pill, I suddenly got really angry. When that happens, I usually forget everything…it’s like the memory in between is gone. And then, when I woke up I was at the hospital and lying next to me was my best friend with a really long scar that cut through diagonally on her face and through the bridge of her nose. I was feeling guilty and from then on, I began to take more pills than usually making sure something like that never happened again. She forgave me easily but I could never forgive myself. Whenever I see her, I tell myself that I’m going to do all I can to repay her. She’s a teen model and since then, she stopped her life long dream.

PD: That must’ve hurt…

Minah: (smiles bitterly) It definitely did. I still have nightmares about it. A friend like her, if what I always try to find in people but whenever my hidden personality gets revealed in front of them, they are too frightened to ever come near me again.

PD: Well, that’s okay! The other girls in this program is sure to be a friend like that!

Minah: (laughs) I know they will. I can already feel it!

PD: (laughs) Now, what’s your rival type? People you never tend to get along with easily.

Minah: Cute girls.

PD: Wow, it seems like all of you guys so far dislike cute girls!

Minah: Well, at least I know that they don’t like the same type of people as me!

Both laughs.

PD: Well, do you not like girls who look cute or who act cute?

Minah: Girls who act cute. Girls who just look cute are usually the girls who dislike being cute. (laughs)

PD: Okay, I think I know now. I’ve got a good feeling that you and the girls so far chosen will get along perfectly.

Both laughs

PD {cont.}: Now, where have you been and where do you want to go? Do you travel oversea’s often?

Minah: I’ve travelled to a few places in the United States but outside of that boundry, I’ve also been to Japan but I heard that theres problems there and I hope they’ll solve it soon!

PD: Since you’ve been to some places in the United States I’m guessing New York, Washington DC, Las Vegas and Los Angles? Their like the most famous places to the US!

Minah: (laughs) You only got New York and Los Angles right.

PD: (laughs) I see. So, where else do you want to go? China? Around Korea? Europe?

Minah: I really want to go to France. It’s a country of love andd I really want to go and experience the French culture and their food too!

PD: Fried Frog Legs?

Minah: (hesitant) Uh...Not that I don’t think.

Both laughs.

PD: Well, it’s been a fun time talking to you.

Minah: Same here. I thought that it was going to be really awkward! I kept on worrying!

Both laughs.

PD: Well, welcome abroad Holiday Paradise and I hope you will do well!

Minah: Ne! Kamsahamnida~

PD: (laughs) Now, with 4 more girls left to be introduced, who will be next and will we ever get a girl who besides disliking cute girls on this show? Watch out for next week!

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plz update, we miss ur stories...
(y) !! <3 !!
MyLoveIs2ne1 #3
^3^V !!!!!!!! wOw
minka_ichigo911211 #4
oh.. Good luck with it then:) Hwaiting!^o^/
-xminhye #5
Hwaiting :)
HinaMomochan #7
GdNee43v32 #8
i was about to apply, but when i saw ur last chapter that u'd just carry on with 5 idols..-_-<br />
how bout the other applicants who've been waiting for the result for the other 3 idols? im just asking anyways:)
angelica-swagirl #9
omg i thought you were gonna delete it!!! :O
angel6 #10
I applied as Jung KyuEun (:<br />
Good luck~!