Kang Hyejae

H o l i d a y P a r a d i s e | | | A p p l y F o r I d o l | | |

PD: Annyeonghaseyo! This is Holiday Paradise! It’s that time of the year again. It’s the holidays and here we are, hosting a show for all the people that have nothing better to do this summer! We have chosen 8 idols from 8 groups to be with us this summer! We have also openly held auditions for the 8 fan girls that will be able to meet up with their idol! This is a pre-episode so that we can introduce you to the 8 girls. There will be another 7 of these for the next 7 girls. Now, let’s get down to business! Let’s welcome the first fan girl! Please introduce yourself to the camera.

Kang Hyejae: Annyeonghaseyo~! Kang Hyejae imnida!

PD: We’re going to be asking you a few questions so that the viewers can get to know you better. Please answer truthfully!

Hyejae: Ne~

PD: Please describe yourself in a few sentences. What’s a good thing about you and what’s a bad thing about you?

Hyejae: I think that I’m a responsible person who feels that I should be taking care of everyone around me, especially people who are younger than me. I’ve been independent my whole life and I don’t like relying on others that much because I don’t like being seen as a weak person. A good thing about me would be that I care about others safe being and I’m always there to help my friends out if they have problems or just want someone to talk to but, like that that's a good thing, it’s also a bad thing. My friends say that I’m a busy body and when they say that, our friendship usually ends on that note.

PD: What are your hobbies? What do you enjoy to do in your free time?

Hyejae: I like to read. I’ve always loved to read since I was born. I especially love romance books. I also love to write. I’m sure many fans know of a type of writing genre called fanfiction? Well, I’m an author of many fanfics online. I also like to watch dramas. Korean and Taiwanese are my favourite but sometimes I like Japanese dramas like Hana Yori Dango. Music is my passion also. Well, obviously, since I’m here. (laughs)

PD: What about your habits? Anything weird or interesting?

Hyejae: (laughs) Whenever I’m writing fanfiction and I run out of ideas, it’s called writers block, I like to stare out of a window out into the sky because I find it peaceful. I like it how when the sky is clear, the blueness of the sky just makes me head clear and soon I can continue on writing. Another habit of mine is that when I’m nervous, I bite my lip and sometimes, when I’m nervous enough, my lip ends up bleeding (laughs) I also have a habit of carrying a mirror, a comb and a nail filer around with me where ever I go but I’m sure I’m not the only one (laughs).

PD: Any foods you like or dislike?

Hyejae: I don’t particularly…actually, wait, I do dislike something. Coffee! I just don’t understand how people can like something like coffee! The taste is so bitter! I also hate the smell of petrol, and cigarettes. Some people like it but I just don’t get them! I also dislike fish. I think that’s the one dish I don’t enjoy what so ever. It’s mainly because my parents are always trying to make me eat it whenever they cook it and it’s not that they cook it bad, I just don’t like it! If I had to choose a dish I like it would be black bean paste noodles and a dish that my dad makes: egg and tomato’s! I’ve loved black bean paste noodles since I was young because my sister introduced me to it. My dads dish is my favourite dish because no one can make it like him. Now that I think about it, I haven’t had that dish since I went into college…

PD: Where are you born in? Is there anywhere that you want to particularly go to for the holiday season?

Hyejae: I’m actually Australian by birth (laughs). I’m not Korean either (laughs) I’m actually 100% Chinese, however, I can speak Korean and Japanese fluently as well as English. It's always been a passion of mine to be able to speak the top three asian languages fluently and now I can! (laughs) I’ve been to a few places in Europe as well as China so if I wanted to go somewhere…maybe to London? Hawaii? Singapore? I think Singapore (laughs).

PD: Wait…so, you’re Chinese?! Not Korean?! I thought you were Korean…

Hyejae: (laughs) Looks and voices can be deceiving!

(both laughs)

PD: What type of a person do you get along with?

Hyejae: I get along with almost everyone. Beware, the word is almost! I like people who at least try to get along with me. If someone sees me at first glance and just doesn’t like me that that means they don’t want to try. So then I don’t try either.

PD: I mean a type of person (laughs)

Hyejae: Oh! Woops! Sorry! (embarrassed) I think a hard working person who likes a few things like me. The phrase opposite attracts usually comes in. Most of my best friends are quite the opposite from me even if we have some common hobbies and traits.

PD: Then what type of a person do you not get along well with?

Hyejae: I dislike girls who are fake and wear revealing clothes. I mean, I wear pretty revealing clothes too but not 24/7 and throughout the winter time also. I know where my limit is and I never push myself out of my comfort zone to impress others. I also dislike people who talk about others behind their back. But then again, everyone does that but I just don’t like it when everything they ever talk about is the bad points of others. It gets on my nerves because no one in this world is perfect.

PD: If someone out of the 7 girls were like that how would you react to them?

Hyejae: I wouldn’t do anything. I don’t like causing trouble and mayhem so as long as she doesn’t case trouble for me or pick on my intentionally then I’ll just treat her as an acquaintance but it’ll be almost near impossible for her and I to ever be friends.

PD: What if they did something to you intentionally? What would you do?

Hyejae: That all depends on what they do, how serious it is and how it affects me. Growing up, I’ve become immune to many insults and names so it’s pretty hard for anyone to hurt me nowadays (laughs)

PD: You said that you are a responsible person before, if one of the girls were having a hard time trying to fit in, how would you help?

Hyejae: I’ve know the feeling of not being able to fit in my whole life even though my friends would disagree with that (laughs). I would probably spend some quality time alone with her and have her know that I’m always here to help. I don’t like feeling left out so I would know how that person feels. It isn’t a nice thing to keep out others when you’re in a group.

PD: Out of all the groups that SBS has chosen to be in the variety show, who did you apply for?

Hyejae: I applied for SHINee and B2ST. Both groups are equally important to me. (laughs)

PD: Who’s your favourite member and why?

Hyejae: I like Onew, the leader the most. I really like Onew the most because I feel that out of the 5 SHINee members, he and I are alike the most. We’re both leaders in a sense, me theoretical and he literal and we both keep the pains in our hearts to ourselves. We may be strong on the outside and towards others but deep inside, we’re as week as the snow. We’re both independent. I feel closest to him the most.

PD: What about B2ST?

Hyejae: I really like Junhyung. He’s the first rapper of a group I’ve ever liked (laughs) I guess it’s because of his rapping that I feel in love with him. His duet with Yoseob, the lead vocalist, was really nice. Thanks To in their album My Story.

PD: Out of the two groups, who do you like the most?

Hyejae: I’ve liked SHINee for a year since I was 15. And now I like B2ST.

PD: You’ve only liked them for a year? Why? Did they do something?

Hyejae: NO! They didn’t do anything! It’s just me…I’ve never really loved a group for more than 2 years. I don’t quite know why, it just happens like that. I still listen to their songs and watch their variety shows but my heart just doesn’t beat for them as quickly as before anymore. I’ve liked B2ST for 3 years now so, their the exception so far to my no more than 2 year rule.

PD: You know you’ve gotten chosen to be one of the 8 girls on the holiday and the show. When you see your favourite idol, whether it is Junhyung or Onew, what do you want to know about them from them?

Hyejae: I want to know them. I want to know the real them. The real Junhyung and the real Jinki. I don’t want them to put on a mask in front of me like they do through the camera because of their idol status, I want them to treat me as a friend and not a fan and be who they are in front of me.

PD: How do you plan to ask them to show that?

Hyejae: (laughs) Easy. I’ll just prove to them that I’m more than a fan. I have ways you know (laughs)

PD: But what if they choose not to show you?

Hyejae: (laughs) I’m spending two months with them. It’s bound to happen whether they like it or not.

PD: Their idols. Their cautious.

Hyejae: (laughs) Just because their idols, it doesn’t make them any different from a normal person. Being an idol is their job. Everyone has restrictions at their jobs except theirs is just that they are restricted from showing the real them in front of others. They should be tired of it and I want to be the person to be able to see the real them and give them comfort to at least know that there is always going to be a person that will support them, no matter what they do or what decisions they make and what type of a person they are.

PD: You seem to have it all planned out.

Hyejae: (laughs) Of course I do. Otherwise, why would I have been chosen right?

(both laughs)

PD: What is your dream date? If in the two months, your favourite idol and you went out on a date, where would you want him to take you?

Hyejae: Most people say the normal answers like an amusement park or something like that or watching a movie but I was watching this drama and in that drama, there was a scene where the boy took the girl out on a yacht and they sailed out into the ocean in the middle of no where and they spent the whole day there. It was like a picnic except it was out in the middle of a sea and no one can spot you. It’s really unrealistic but that’s got to be my pick of a dream date.

PD: Did you want to stay over night too?

Hyejae: (laughs) If I could, I would stay on the yacht for two days and one night. It gives me and the guy a chance to be together without interruptions. (laughs)

PD: Then what would be your dream present from the boy? Is it something unpredictable again?

Hyejae: (laughs) Of course not! It’s definitely predictable! Well, sort of anyways. My dream present from the boy would be that he making me a necklace. Of course, he’s going to get help but I want him to be doing the work. Because then that would show that he really loves me. And hopefully, it would also be inscribed with words and the words are his choice. (laughs)

PD: You sure do have a weird favour of things.

Hyejae: (laughs) You know, its sometimes good for a person to be different.

(both laughs)

PD: Well, that concludes the first pre-episode of H o l i d a y P a r a d i s e! I hope all the viewers have gotten to know Kang Hyejae well and we look forward in seeing you in the first episode of the show!

Hyejae: Thank you! 




This is how I'm going to show other people about who are being chosen -- through a pre-episode ^^

This is me~! xD 

Hope this intro gives you all and idea ^^ i havent been recieving applications for a while so i think i'm going to extend it...however much i dont want to = = 

anyways, hope it was good ><

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plz update, we miss ur stories...
(y) !! <3 !!
MyLoveIs2ne1 #3
^3^V !!!!!!!! wOw
minka_ichigo911211 #4
oh.. Good luck with it then:) Hwaiting!^o^/
-xminhye #5
Hwaiting :)
HinaMomochan #7
GdNee43v32 #8
i was about to apply, but when i saw ur last chapter that u'd just carry on with 5 idols..-_-<br />
how bout the other applicants who've been waiting for the result for the other 3 idols? im just asking anyways:)
angelica-swagirl #9
omg i thought you were gonna delete it!!! :O
angel6 #10
I applied as Jung KyuEun (:<br />
Good luck~!