Jang Youngmi

H o l i d a y P a r a d i s e | | | A p p l y F o r I d o l | | |

@Lnasia: I took off you 'k' because the name didn't really sound flowy enough~! ^^ Sorry, hope you don't mind ><

@Everyone: This was VERY HARD! But I had to choose based on the pictures that I recieved and, also, the personality description ^^ Because I've already planned the personality of Onew's girl first hand so I know what I'm looking for ^^ Cheonmal bian~! And, another user has also gotten in even though she's only a minor. She's the sister of Jang Youngmi. Please read carefully. If I remember the name you applied as then your name will appear in this introduction~! -- to the people who didn't get in, I'm sorry and I'll understand if you unsubscribe ^^ modu kamsahamnida~ ^^


PD: Here we are, once again, in front of the camera’s that are filming like crazy for the second pre-episode of Holiday Paradise. Let’s all welcome the second girl, Jang Youngmi!


Youngmi: Annyeonghaseyo!

PD: You don’t seem very nervous!

Youngmi: I’ve actually been in front of the camera a few times before so I’m not as scared as other people when I’m in front of the camera.

PD: Jinjja? What did you do to go on camera?

Youngmi: I’m majoring in Dancing right now in Seoul Arts Academy and they have competitions all year around which is aired on TV. They do individual interviews before the dances.

PD: Ah, I see. Well, shall we begin the introduction?

Youngmi: No problem!

PD: Please, describe yourself. Everyone has good and bad things about them, what are yours? Please answer truthfully!

Youngmi: I’m a romantic all the way. I like it when I walk on the streets and see couples doing romantic things for each other to smile. I’m patient with most things and I’m always willing to apologise if I did something wrong. I think a bad point about me is my temper. Because of my temper, I don’t have a lot of my friends but I guess my appearance kind of helps too (laughs). When I said that I’m patient, I’m patient to the extent as long as the person doesn’t act cute or whiny. I’ve never been a type of person to like that kind of stuff. It really doesn’t go well with me. I hate it.

PD: Is there a reason why?

Youngmi: I don’t think so. I guess it’s just one of those things that you hate without knowing about it until you see or feel it happening to you.

--Both laughs—

PD: What’s the one thing you like most about your appearance?

Youngmi: I think it has to be my eyes. A few of my close friends always tell me that I have brooding eyes that looks like as if I can rob them of all their deepest secrets. They do me proud!

PD: When you’re bored at home and have nothing good to do, what do you do? Daydream?

Youngmi: Oh no. I don’t do that kind of things! I’m not the type of person to be sitting down for a long period of time without moving! I enjoy to go down to the nearest skate board park and skate for hours without stopping. I also like to shop! I guess all girls like to shop right? And baby sitting.

PD: Are you good with children?

Youngmi: I’d like to think so! I live in quite a baby filled apartment and their parents always ask me to look after them if they have to go our somewhere, whether or not it’s to work. I guess it works out for me. I like being around children and I’m getting paid! It’s a bonus!

PD: What things to you like? Dislike?

Youngmi: I really love chocolate. I’m actually in a club called the Chocoholics in college. It’s a fun club! To be specifically on what kind of a chocolate I like would have to be mint. I especially like that flavour of ice-cream! It’s like gum and ice-cream added together! I dislike anything sour because it makes my face feel weird. I guess it was because when I was young I didn’t really like it so I’ve kinda developed an allergy? I’m not too sure. I dislike kiwi’s. Their weird looking and disgusting too!

PD: Please, introduce to us where you’re from?

Youngmi: I’m Korean but my parents migrated to London in England the year they got married and then a year later I was born. So basically I’m English however, when I was 4, I came back, got my permanent citizen status in Korea and then moved back to England to finish my high school studies.

PD: Have you ever been overseas?

Youngmi: I have actually. I’ve been to France. Paris is really a beautiful city! I’ve also been to America and Japan. I’ve visited America before because my cousins and uncle live there. In San Francisco to be direct. And Hokkaido in Japan is truly a beautiful place. I hope I get to live there some day with my husband! Even though it’s always quite cold but I really love the lavender fields.

PD: Husband?

Youngmi: Yeah. I kinda have my whole love life planned out…

PD: Seeing as you’ve been to a lot of places, is there anywhere you still would like to go?

Youngmi: I really want to go to the Philippines and China. I really like being in Asian countries! Their culture is fascinating!

PD: Did you have any one else you know apply for this position? Like a sibling or a best friend?

Youngmi: I do actually. My sister. She’s not my biological sister though. My parents adopted her. I’m 3 years older than her but I feel like she acts like more of an older sister than I do!

PD: Who did you think would get into this show?

Youngmi: I seriously thought that she was going to get in! She’s really great. She’s really independent and childish at the same time. She has a lot of friends because it’s really easy to get along with her. I’m surprised that I got in to be honest. It’s kind of hard for me to socialise but for her, it’s like as easy as touching the ground. That’s a really bad simile but it expresses what she’s like well.

PD: What’s her name? If we did an episode where the sisters of the applicants gather together, would you want her to come?

Youngmi: Her name is Lee Mai. And yes! Of course! I would want her to be with me, even if it’s just for an episode! She’s good at creating moods!

PD: Does she like the same idol as you?

Youngmi: (blushes) She does…and I feel bad for being her with the same idol choice as her but there really isn’t much I can do about it.

PD: Who’s your idol choice?

Youngmi: SHINee Onew.

PD: What about him do you like?

Youngmi: I think I like his sweet personality the most. He doesn’t show much in front of the TV. Well, he shows enough for me to guess that he’s a really sweet guy. He has a gentle smile which makes me always want to cuddle him like a teddy bear. Just one smile from him and I could seriously be the happiest girl ever!

PD: Then what about his group? Did you come here saying that you love his group also?

Youngmi: Of course I love his group! However, I actually applied for a different group…

PD: Which group?

Youngmi: B2st…I applied for B2st…

PD: How come B2st and not SHINee?

Youngmi: Well…I heard that I didn’t have to choose the same group as my idol…

PD: That’s true. So what do you like about B2st?

Youngmi: I think I like it how in front of the camera, their not that much of an idol?

PD: What?

Youngmi: No! That’s not what I meant! I just meant, compared to SHINee who is always shining whether on stage or in front of the TV, B2st just feels more closer to me. SHINee’s great. Their lovely idols. But B2st always gives me a feeling that it’s really easy to get to know them all because their so friendly and it’s as if there isn’t a barrier between an idol and a fan.

PD: Oh…I see…

Youngmi: Their songs are always a variety to genre’s which is always giving us fan’s a different image of them like comparing Soom and Beautiful.

PD: Is there a member from that group you like the most?

Youngmi: They all have their specialities so I can’t choose. Without one of their members, B2st just isn’t B2st anymore.

PD: Describe each of their members in a sentence.

Youngmi: Mmmm…okay. Starting with their leader, Doojoon. I think although he doesn’t seem like he needs help or protecting, I always feel that he’s a guy that will listen to your problems and give you advice that is useful and will calm you. Hyunseung is really cute when he’s innocent and shy but whenever he’s dancing in front of the camera, he instantly turns into someone that can make your heart beat. Junhyung has such a powerful rapping voice which is really charismatic but when he isn’t on stage, he’s a nagger and it makes me feel that I can relate to him easily. Kikwang is really hot on stage even though he’s the not-so-bright member of the group, however, because of his personality, I find him attractive and I would want to make sure that no harm ever comes his way. Yoseob’s voice is jjang! He’s sweet on and off stage and I feel like he would make such a great cushion because I think he would never hurt anymore. Dongwoon is the maknae but he feels like he will always be taking care of the others around him, making the people around him feel special.

PD: Wow, seems like you have all of them figured out!

Youngmi: Well, I really like them all and I monitor them often.

PD: So, what is it that you want to know most about Onew? Anything particular?

Youngmi: To make it short, I want to know him. I want to know if he doesn’t get enough sleep, does he get grumpy. I want to know how he is around girls he doesn’t know well. I want to see different phases of him because on stage, all I, as a fan, get to see is his smiling and laughing face. That’s great but I want to see him with other emotions too!

PD: What’s your dream date then?

Youngmi: I want a basic date. I think, with dating, as long as the other half is there with you, holding your hand and going through the whole day with you, caring for you, that’s enough for me. I like it simple.

PD: Is there a particular gift you want him to give you during the date then?

Youngmi: A puppy. I know that isn’t really realistic but I really want one. I actually have the whole scenario planned out!

PD: What’s the scenario?

Youngmi: That’s a secret!

PD: Come on!

Youngmi: (laughs) No!

PD: (sighs) Okay. Then, what’s the type of girls that you don’t like and don’t get along with?

Youngmi: Like I said before, in the beginning, I don’t like girls who act cute a lot. Their annoying and I just can’t get along with them. I also dislike girls who are one way in front of a guy she likes but then completely different when he’s gone. Isn’t that a bit much, making a fake personality for a boy? Those girls are weird.

PD: What about your best friend type?

Youngmi: I think a girl who can make me feel like me. Most girls always look at me in one way and that’s hard to get along with but if someone tries to get along with me that I can be quite nice. A best friend has to be able to make me act not like myself. Like doing something I wouldn’t normally do in public. I should feel comfortable enough around my best friend.

PD: How would you like this holiday to go?

Youngmi: I want to make new friends. I want to be able to get to know my favourite idol better. I want to keep these memories in a safe place!

PD: Well, it seems like you will be able to do that!

-- Both laughs –

PD: Well, that concludes out second pre-episode for Holiday Paradise! This is Jang Youngmi! Let’s look forward to what kind of surprises she will bring for this program! Goodbye!

Youngmi: Goodbye! 

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plz update, we miss ur stories...
(y) !! <3 !!
MyLoveIs2ne1 #3
^3^V !!!!!!!! wOw
minka_ichigo911211 #4
oh.. Good luck with it then:) Hwaiting!^o^/
-xminhye #5
Hwaiting :)
HinaMomochan #7
GdNee43v32 #8
i was about to apply, but when i saw ur last chapter that u'd just carry on with 5 idols..-_-<br />
how bout the other applicants who've been waiting for the result for the other 3 idols? im just asking anyways:)
angelica-swagirl #9
omg i thought you were gonna delete it!!! :O
angel6 #10
I applied as Jung KyuEun (:<br />
Good luck~!