And One Of Them Is You & Me


A sequel (more like a drabble) to Some Things Are Meant To Be! 2min fluff ahead!


Slice of life drabble of Minho & Taemin after they got together in Some Things Are Meant To Be.

Pretty short, 852 words but more drabbles may be posted up after this. For now, enjoy! :)

Author's Note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE TAEMIN! I hope you'll stay happy as how your character is in this story, that you'll continue to shine and make more people fall in love with your perfection, and that you'll always be the Lee Taemin we all love so very much. This story is also dedicated to ghost666, myshineelovee, hyukjae_minho and everyone who was looking forward to more 2min fics from me. I cannot express how thankful i am that you sweeties like the way i write. i hope this wouldn't disappoint you! ^^


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Chapter 1: I really love your stories..
Please update more of the drabbles
Chapter 1: T_T bunnies hahahah~ seriously i love your fluff T_T
Chapter 1: hahahahahaha wow! OH please i want to see 2min with Minho bottoming! Please make that wish come true for me. I havent read stories where he bottoms :( more like where Tae is allowed to top Minho. Its sad like that :(
@boondoks1 that's right! haha, he'll only love Minho. ;) thanks for loving this! and always commenting. i hope to write more soon! ^^
boondoks1 #5
omg,,even though taemin's first kiss is not minho's,,,we all know that taemin's FIRST and ONLY LOVE is MINHO,,,kekeke love this so much,,it started kinda EMO then CUTE then Y,,,kekek just like 2min,,,kekeke love this,,wanna read more,,,kekeke
@schaver :) thanks for commenting~ and reading!
@Vampire_Diamond thank you! ^^;;
yuu_sama #7
hwaiting, author-nim! ^^
yay, hurrayyy :D