My name is DaeHyun

The Older Brother You Had Always Wanted [HIATUS]

Daehyun sighed. Maybe she just didn't see him. 

After 3 excruciating long hours of Geography and Maths, lunch had finally arrived. Daehyun packed his bag and began to leave the classroom when he felt a hand on his back. 

"Hey Daehyun!" Jongup grinned. "What a nice friend to ignore us," he said sarcastically and gesturing to YoungJae and Zelo. (I know that their not the same age in reality)

"Mianhae," Daehyun flashed his killer smile at them.

"Eurghhh, don't try that with me, i won't buy it," Youngjae retorted.

"So much for my work. I wasted lots of muscles for that smile you know," Daehyun said.

"I know how much the three of you love argueing but my poor tummy is grumbling. Can we go for lunch now?" Zelo pouted and gestured to the cafeteria.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Youngjae said and dragged Zelo by his hand, the rest laughing and following behind.


"Yeah we're finally done! Let's eat! I'm starving!" Suzy said.

"I'm not hungry. You guys go ahead," you said.

"Why? Follow us!" Kaera said. 

"Nawh.. you guys go. I want to stay," you smiled.

"Okay then," the whole group of them headed towards the cafeteria.

You sat on the seat closest to the window and stared outside. You were very bored. You puffed your cheeks out and stared blankly into space.

*Maybe I should have followed the others. I feel so bored now*

With nothing else to do, you turned around and laid your head in your arms and went to sleep.


The bell rang and you had not woken up.

"~~~~~~~!!!" you heard Kaera call your name.

"Otteoke?" you said, still blur from your sleep.

"It's time for the next class!! Hurry up and get ready for the next class!!" LuSae called out.

You immediately sat up straight with your eyes wide open.

You glanced at the clock and saw that another student was standing beside you, waiting for you to get up. Recognition flashed across the student's face.

"Hey! ~~~~~~! Rememer me?" the boy said.

"Yeah! We met at the library yesterday. DaeJun right?" you smiled.

"Daejun?" Daehyun looked confused. "My name is Daehyun, not DaeJun."

You chuckled in embarrassment. "Oh. I must have gotten your name wrongly."

"Its okay," Daehyun said.

*She don't even know me enough to remember my name. Am I that insignificant to her? After all, I spent a day with her yesterday* Daehyun thought sadly, dropping his head low.

"Ehem, I believe its enough chatting for now. Its almost time for our next class!" Suzy said.

"Oh..." the both of you said in unision.

Both of you realised what happened and chuckled at each other. 

You immediately got off the seat and went back to your original seat to pack your things.

Before leaving the classroom, you smiled at Daehyun, who had been looking at you all the while, and went off to your next class.


You almost fell asleep while the teacher went through the lesson.

You jerked back up when your body realised that it was going to fall. However, your brain just stumbled a bit and went back to its sleepy state. 

Boys giggled as they stared at you. Girls stared at you in admiration.


Mr Oh slammed the ruler onto your table. 

"Yahh!! What are you doing?! Who do you think you are to slam my table?!" you shouted, looking up slowly.

You gulped and looked at Mr Oh.

"Well, Miss Lee, I think I AM the teacher and I also think I AM in charge of who does what in this very class. I also think I have just caught you sleeping during my lesson," Mr Oh glared at you, trying to control his anger.

He was red in the face and literally had steam pouring out of his ears. You looked at his expression and stifled a giggle.

Unfortunately, Mr Oh heard you. 

"Miss Lee, if you think this is so funny I think a two-hour detention session is suitable for you," he smirked, glad to have made you pay for your actions.

You inwardly groaned and bored your eyes through his back as he continued the lesson gleefully.

After all, no one else could win other than him.

The bell rang and you were about to head home when you remembered that you had an excruciating long two hour detention session waiting for you.

You sighed and headed of to the detention room. 

You were allowed to bring your work into the room to do while waiting for your time in the detention room to end.

There was no talking allowed in the room.

You reported to the teacher in charge sitting at the table at the front of the classroom.

*I hate this room. It looks boring and moody. Who would ever be able to survive in here?*

You shuddered as the teacher asked for your name. "~~~~~~." You said in a monotone voice. The teacher then allowed you to go and find a seat.

You turned to the classroom and looked around. It had the size of an average and normal classroom.

But the contrast was, there were no colours. Everything looked dull.

It was imaculate and neat. You were afraid to touch anything in case you messed up.

Other than the tables, already occupied by students, the place looked like it had never been touched before. 

You looked at the students. There were only a few. Say three of four. You sat at the farthest end and occupied yourself with your work.

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--doyouhearme #1
Chapter 3: DaeHyun! ^^
To my beloved friend,
Please please update soon! I am soooo looking forward to the next chapter!
From your dear friend ^^

It's March holiday soon~ ! XD Hehe
Chapter 3: It's my DaeHyun! Update soon! ^^ I can't wait for the next chapter~
Inspirit7_love #4
Awwww poor me! Detention!!! =_= aish... TROLOLOLOL Mr Oh omg sounds familiarrrrr~~~~~~
zelo sounded so cute in there aigoooooo e's the maknae after all <3
Detentions ... I hate it ... As much as I now hate Mr Ong >:( Stupid him !

Hehe , brought fact into fiction ~ (B2ST !!! ♡) Lol , Mr Oh just remind me of Mr Ong XD

And seriously ??? DaeJun ??? How can she forget DaeHyun's name ??? My poor DaeHyunnie ~ :(
Inspirit7_love #6
awwwww! Daehyun don't worry~ Maybe she just shy kekekekeke xD FASTER UPDATE!!! :D <3
Poor DaeHyun ~ Dont be too sad ~ I bet she remember you ! Just that she didnt ... see you ? I dont know , but if it was me , I am sure I wouldnt forget you nor not see you ~ Hehe ^^
ailisu #8
aww~~ DAEHYUN <333
Aww ~ DaeHyun is sooo CUTE and ADORABLE ! ♡♡♡

I couldnt stop smiling ~ •﹏•