"I Love You too, Yobeo"

"I Love You too, Yobeo"

It was late. A gentle rain pattered softly against your bedroom window, illuminated by the soft beams of moonlight that filtered through the blinds. You stirred, awakening from your deep slumber to the desperate cries of your newborn daughter in her crib. Rubbing your eyes, you wearily glanced over to your sleeping husband and poked his cheek playfully to check he wasn’t pretending. No movement. Babo. Grudgingly, you pulled yourself out of bed and quietly padded over to your daughter, careful not to startle her. Your heart swelled with love and pride. She was beautiful. You beamed, gently reaching down and scooping her into your arms. She fussed, however seemed comforted by your touch.

Yawning, you made your way over to the old wooden rocking chair in the corner and began to sing, rocking her back and forth. As the smooth notes filled the air, her cries died down and her body relaxed.

However, unbeknownst to you, your husband Nichkhun, had woken to the sweet sound of your angelic voice. He instantly smiled. Propping himself up on his elbows, he cocked his head adorably to the side to take in the heavenly picture before him and sighed contently. In this moment, he was truly happy.

Suddenly, an idea popped in his head. Silently, he slid out from under the covers and reached over to collect his guitar from its stand and began to gently strum in time with you.

It was such a beautiful moment. A moment outside space and time, one that would forever be etched into the others memories as long as they lived. One they would always treasure.

Surprised, you looked up to meet his dark orbs. They glowed in the moonlight, filled with love and happiness. You both smiled lovingly, savouring this special moment together silently. The soft notes lulled your daughter to sleep, her lids sliding closed, a dreamy smile on her lips.

After returning her to the crib, Nichkhun took your face gently in his hands, his fingers softly tracing the outline of your features. You closed your eyes, feeling their roughness glide over your skin, the sensation of his touch sending shivers down your spine. Nichkhun leant in and pressed his soft, warm lips against yours tenderly.

‘I love you Yeobo’ He whispered. His hot breath ghosted along your face, causing it to flush despite the cool night breeze.

You opened your eyes and took his hand in yours, entwining your fingers together.

‘I love you too Yeobo.’

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ilabya11 #1
70V3LY #2
Chapter 1: Cuteness overflow! ^^
Sweet :D See i feel like I want a husband like that lol