First Day

Broken and Run Down

I woke up at 6:03 am, not by my alarm clock, but by my body. I had to pee very bad so I ran to my bathroom and tinkeled then went downstairs. My Appa was the only one awake.

“Hello Appa.” I smiled and waved as I sat across from him at the small kitchen island.

“Hi Dannica, you’re up early.” He said and smiled, looking up from the thick newspaper in his hands. I cringed a bit from a cold breeze flowing in from a small open window by the back door.

“Yes I am. I woke up at 6:03 because I had to use the restroom and I came downstairs because I didn’t know when school started.” I said and rubbed my arms trying to warm them up.

“It starts at 8:00, you should go back to sleep for now.” He said and looked at the paper again.

“Do we have to wear uniforms?” I asked.

“No, only on certain days.” He said and smiled.

“Okay thanks Appa!” I said and left. I walked up to my bed room and closed the door behind me. I went straight to the trampoline and started to jump on it. I heard a knock on the door.

“Come In!” I said and continued to jump.

Daniel came in with fuzzy curly hair. His bead head was cute. He plopped down on my bed.

“Hey Dannie. You’re up early!” He said and yawned.

“Yes I am. I had to tinkle and didn’t want to go back to sleep!” I said and giggled at his cute sleepy face.

“Huh?” He said confused.

“You’re cute with bed head!” I said and smiled. “I bet girls would kill for a guy like you!”

“Yes. Plus I’m famous. It ruins my chances of getting a normal girl.” He said and sighed.

“Girls can be crazy; you just have to find the right girl. Like Zhui!” I said and spazed a little bit on the inside.

“Who’s Zhui?” He asked.

“She’s my best friend. She’s still in that home though.” I said and let a tear slip down my face thinking about that hell hole.

“Let’s go steal her.” Daniel said seriously.

“Okay!” I said excited. We both ran downstairs and went outside to Daniel’s car quietly.

“You know where the home is, right?” I asked him.

He nodded.


We were at the home and I was climbing the fire escape right next to Zhui’s window. I pulled it open and climbed inside.

“ZHUI WAKE UP!” I whispered and shook her.

“Huh? Dannie! Why are you here?” She said.

“I’m getting you out of here. Let’s go, now.” I said and pulled her out of her bed. We crawled out of the window and down the latter. We got into the back seat of Daniel’s car. He drove off.

“Dannica! What the hell!” Zhui yelled.

“You can’t stay in that house anymore. I’m sick of that and I’m sick of you being hurt! I can’t let you stay there. You’re staying with me.”I said and hugged her. She was bawling in my arms now.

Zhui isn’t a weak or wimpy girl who cry’s a lot. She’s a strong girl who never cry’s. Ever.

But now she was and I felt bad about it.

“Thank you Dannica.” She said.

I looked at Daniel. “What are we going to tell Umma and Appa?” I asked.

“The truth, duh! They won’t care!” He said and continued to drive. We arrived at home and told Umma and Appa everything. My Umma seemed very excited about it. She said Zhui was welcome and that she can stay here as long as she wants!

“We will put an extra bed in your room Dannica.”  Appa said and I thanked them again and again then went upstairs with Zhui. I left her to explore my beg room while I got ready for school. I wore a pair of white skinny jeans with a blue t-shirt and a cute light blue sweatshirt, with these shoes [].

“Oh my gosh!” Zhui squealed when I walked out of my closet.

“What?” I questioned.

“You look very y; boys are going to be all over you today!”

“Really? Should I change then?” I asked.

“No! Don’t change!” Zhui urged “It looks good.”

“Okay.” I said and blushed a bit “Your turn.” I said and shoved her into the bathroom. While she was taking a shower I laid out a pair of bright pink skinny jeans with a chocolate brown t- on my bed with a pair of bright pink heels to match her jeans. She came out in a pair of white frilly undies and a matching bra I had thrown into the bathroom for her. I threw the clothes at her and she slipped them on I found a brown belt for her and pit a white one on myself and gave her a brown sweatshirt.

“All set.” I said and Zhui nodded. I found my backpack and another one for Zhui and we went downstairs. Halfway down I stopped.

“Mittens and Hats!” I said and went back upstairs. I grabbed a pair of white mittens and a brow pair of mittens and a blue beanie hat and a pink beanie hat.

“All set now?” Zhui asked as I handed her the brown mittens and pink beanie hat.

“No. Jewelry.” I said and pulled her into my room and put a necklace and a ring on and threw a necklace to her. She put in on. “Now we’re all set.” I said and left my room and walked down the stairs.

When I reached the bottom I found all the boys facing the large window towards the street. I’m sure none of them had seen me. I coughed a bit and they all turned to look at me. Their jaws all dropped. They were all staring at me, well except Daniel. He was staring at Zhui, and L.Joe was staring at his phone.

“What?” Zhui yelled.

“H-hot!” someone said and I turned around and tried to run upstairs, Zhui stopped me.

“Introduce me to them.” She said.

“Hey guys this is Zhui. Zhui, this is Ricky, C.A.P, Chunji, Changjo, L.Joe, and you already know Daniel.” I said and looked at the boys.

I went up to Ricky and decided to tease them all. I got closer to him and whispered “Oppa close your mouth.”

Then I walked up to Chunji and asked how I looked, he whistled as a reply. I walked up to Min Soo.

“OPPA!” I sort of yelled at him. “I’m here! Not on the floor!” I said and tilted his head to look in my eyes.

“Are you crazy?” I asked.

“No…” He said confused.

“Good, cause your too cute to be crazy!” I giggled and walked up to Changjo.

He looks sooo hottt!!!!! His skinny jeans look so good on him! Wow im spazing a little bit here.

He was wearing a pair of grey skinny jeans and a white sweatshirt that had Y.O.L.O on it. (Y.O.L.O means you only live once or you obviously love owl’s if ya didn’t know ^v^)

He had this cute smile plastered on his face and he just looked very hot.

I linked arms with him. “Shall we go?” I asked.

“Lady’s first!” He said and motioned toward the door. I happily walked out and walked with him.


“Those too?” Zhui asked and pointed to the smiling Dannie and Changjo.

“Yes Probly by tomorrow.” I said and sighed to myself.

Today was going to be hectic.


Hello lovlies ^-^!!

Im vurry sorry for not updating yesterday! My laptop was taken by my parents and i juststole it back so i can updaye 2 times in the night!

Okay so the next chapter is a little harsh with punching and a bad thing but dont worry it gets better and Dannie will be okay!

Im sorry if this story big time but bear with me! It will most likley get better!


So heres some gif's! P.S i dont own them sadly...

Heres my cuties face

I wish i could go up to teen top and say this:

But i cant so i just cry and immagen this cuttie ^-^

Then i make this face in the mirror!


ahh just immagen...

this is how my spazz attacks go....

Except im the scaredd cat! Dont steep on me!

Hehe <3

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Very cute! Can't wait for more :)