they tease me, i like you


i like you but it's wrong...


i like you but i can't...


hi there^^


i know i should be writing up the last part of Someone, but this idea popped in my mind..and i have to write it down...

should be posted days ago but an author unnie's one shot distracted me..i mean the fic has a great resemblance with what happened to me the past week....mostly the's's not scary..



BTW this is a DRABBLE and i have no plans of turning this into a decent one shot..


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that was nice, but i sincerely hoped to have a YY ending and now there's too much questions in my head like, who is Yuri's girlfriend and such..keke..don't worry, it was still a good read..thank you for the story..everything YY is relevant..haha.. :)