say i love you

say i love you


It’s the word that always running through my mind everytime I knew there’s a schedule for our SM Town concert. It’s because I know that when we do that, there’s always a stage for the two of us, just for us.

You must’ve never know that everytime I touched your hands, grab yours and molded into mine, I’d always felt that we’re meant to be. Maybe when I was younger I thought that destiny is when you’ve met your half and fell in love at first sight, but I must acknowledge that it’s not always the way. For me now, destiny is when I held your hand, and knew deep in my heart that you supposed to be mine.

Even if there’s a thousands, even millions eyes that watched us, I’ll became obliviated about my surrounding, for the most important is that you were with me. Not at stage, but in my heart.

I knew you for a long time now, I watched you through your up and down, watched you grew, from a little girl to a lady, a very beautiful lady. Even when no one recognize you for your silence, I do.

Maybe it’s my all my fault. To be a stupid guy that never even realize his heart is fall deeply for a girl, just because she’d always there. That he always certain that she is just a dongsaeng. Cute dongsaeng  that he’s comfortable with.

And there you are, fall in love with someone else. Even you’d never talked about that, nor even thought about that, I guess I know. Because I’d always watching over you. Like a fool, that always looked for your back.

At first I thought it’s simply an oppa worried, because you are our precious dongsaeng, pretty and naïve dongsaeng.  But to watched you drawing near to him, it’s more than a worried, it’s feared, it’s jealousy, it’s a heartache.

I know that it’s not me who taught you a difference about like and love, but can I be the one that made you feel it?

Can you hear me now, my heart that longing for you. My unspoken love for you.

Even now you don’t want to open your heart for anyone, can I wait for you? Always be your “unofficial couple”

I’ll be here, and one day, for sure, I’ll stood in front of you to tell you.

“There’s just one girl that I love,

and that girl is you. 

Be my girl as long as I live, that’s the only thing I want to tell you.

And with my unsure heart I want to tell you once again

Say I Love You




Is it “gee” that always running in my mind every time they arrange a special stage for you and I. For I always think that you is a sparkling person, sparkling oppa that have a good heart and mind. It’s maybe because you watched over me even when I didn’t say much, laughing over me, and made me laugh, and you’re the one that always say yes everytime I want to reaccustomed our stage, practice and practice, even though I know that you already tired of it.

For I always love your sweet voice that amazingly fit my voice. I know that my voice is not that beautiful, or powerful, or a voice that’ll win every competition. But your always support mine, and you never know how I thankful for that.

You a witty yet caring person, wise adult yet whining child. The spark in your eyes when you talked or amused, the way you treat me and your hyungs very differently.

You know I don’t even know like or love yet. For theory, yes maybe I’m an expert now, but have I ever experience it both to know the difference about that?

And then I held his hand, and I held yours. There’s a difference vibe that hard to explain. How I felt nervous but still professionally performed when I held his hand, that I can composed myself in front of someone that I tought already stole my heart. And how I felt my heart is beating faster yet so comfortable when you held mine, like there was supposed to be, in yours.

Way back into love, is it really the perfect song for us, oppa ? That somehow I find my way to you, the one that always be with me ?

Have you ever notice oppa? I’m not that your little girl anymore, I’m a lady now. And I willingly to be your lady if you ever know it.

Can you heart my heart. My heart that longing to you, and

Say I Love You….

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Stand4SeoKyu #1
Chapter 1: You know authornim, u have to make a sequel for this. Pleeaaaseeee??? ;)
milkyberry #2
Its beautiful :)
It's good. I love it <3