Mechanical Butterfly

Love Is Unnecessary

Gikwang P.O.V

My daze was slipping away.

I knew that my mom would never let me go just like that. I knew that i would never be allowed to stay at someone elses house.Thats when an annoying thing called reality clicked in.

Seeing as how JunHyung had left my house unharmed and my mom was smiling let me know that something had happened.Though i couldn't wrap my head around what exactly.

"How long do you plan on shooting daggers at me like that?"


"Im sorry. I didn't mean to it just that...well i cant figure out exactly what you did to my mom to make her act like that."

"Heh. Dont worry about it too much."

Thats when it all came into place.

"This is a joke isn't it?"

It turns out that i had caught JunHyung off guard because his mysterious black eyes darted to mine within seconds only to have them flicker back onto the road ahead of us.

"Why do you think that?"

"So im right!?"

About to tell him off i was caught off guard when Junhyung suddenly braked to an immediate stop on the side of the road.

Catching my breath for a second i turned my shooken up torso to him to see exactly what his problem was, however i was caught off guard by his petrifying gaze.

"Why do you think that?!"

For a while i was at a lost of for words. On stuttering like a fool i finally got out a decent sentence.

" um...because you and my were...?"

Trailing off i went to staring at my shaking hands. I couldn't finish what i wanted to say because of his intense stare. That and i really had no idea what happened between him and my mother, but wasn't that what i was trying to figure out?

I could hear a deep sigh escape from JunHyung's lips which almost made me look up to him and see exactly what might be the cause of it, but then again i knew that i was the reason.

"Im sorry to trouble you so much JunHyung you don't have to do...this...whatever it is you're doing for me okay?"

Still looking down at my hands which rested in my lap i heard a soft chuckle seep from JunHyung's perfectly pouty lips.

"Whats up with that?First you believe that this is some joke and then all of a sudden you're apologizing to me. Seriously whats up with that?"

Another soft chuckle was heard.

"Look GiKwang, look at me."

Hesitantly i looked into the eyes of the JunHyung,which at that moment  held wisdom and experience.

"This isn't some joke that someone decided to pull on you and you don't need to apologize to me for anything. So just relax until we get back to my place and from there ill explain everything that you want to hear."

With that JunHyung tore his attention from me as i shifted back in my seat to looking out the window. Once again everything passed in a hazey blur as JunHyung sped along the streets, weaving in and out of traffic like a mechanical butterfly.


I tried fighting the overwhelming feeling of sleep but as JunHyung flew through town,the smoothness of the car ride, whispering sounds of wind passing by and an immerse sense of relaxtion, i had to give in.

In doing so however i couldn't recall ever arriving at JunHyung's place.

When i had re-awoke, though i was in a bed that was unfamiliar to me. So was the different types of paintings on the walls and carpet that felt impossibly soft, this whole room was unfamiliar to me.

I hadn't deluded myself that maybe i was in a dream, a dream that my cruel mind had thought of so that when i awoke i could suffer from the cruelness of reality, no i hadn't done that. I knew that i wasn't dreaming and yet everything that had to deal with JunHyung felt like a dream.

Speaking of him...actually thinking of him i was beginning to wonder where exactly was he?

As if on que the door to the unfamiliar room opened and inside stepped a very pale looking boy. He looked nothing like JunHyung, with his blenched blonde hair that held a hint of brown to it. His face,you could say,resembled that of a baby. 

"OH! Youre awake! Goody! Alright well just wait here and ill bring you back something to eat alright?"

Just as soon as he entered he exited. I was left once again and this time feeling a bit more out of wack.What the heck had just happened?


Yoseob P.O.V

Wow. JunHyung really knew how to pick 'em. 

"JunHyung. Youre boy toy's awake."

"Huh? He's not my boy toy...whatever the heck that is."

"God youre stupid."

I couldn't help mumbling under my breath but i guess i didn't mumble low enough.

"What was that Yoseob?"

"Nothing.Just talking to myself."

As i headed to the kitchen to fix....what was his name again?

"Yah! JunHyung!"


"What was your boy toy's name again?!"

"His name is GiKwang and hes not my boy toy!!"

Okay so im fixing GiKwang's dinner and dealing with a complete idiot.

Im not going to lie.I love JunHyung and all but sometimes i couldn't believe how stupidly dense he was. Heading up the stairs with GiKwang's dinner in hand i decided that i would get all the details from him.

Knocking on the door this time i called for GiKwang to open up,seeing as how my hands are full.

Before long the door was open to present me with the cute face of GiKwang.Oh i could see why JunHyung picked him as his boy toy.His perfectly shaped eyes and lucious lips only contributed to his features.Even though he was shorter then me,i didn't mind.Luckily for me however i already have lover.

"I brought you food."

Bowing slightly he thanked me and then let me in.

"Alright so lets get down to business."

Glancing up at me with confused eyes and a worried look on his face i couldn't help but be in to his cuteness.

"Um.What business are you talking about...?"

"Yoseob.The names Yoseob but you can just call me Yoseob.Anyways i already know your name,its GiKwang am i right?"

He even nodded his head cutely.

"Yes that my name but how did you---"

I cut him off.

"Doesn't matter how i know just know that i know your name and you know mine.So now lets conduct business.How long have you been dating JunHyung?"

He must have been startled by my question because he choked on the piece of food he was placing in his mouth. After he was done choking mostly i waited for his reply. However he must be just as dense and dumb as JunHyung because he looked at me with bewildered eyes.

" arent....arent"

Wow. I never knew a persons face could turn so red.

"Youre really cute ya know that?"

Whoa. His face turned even redder than before.

"Look you dont have to be embarrassed. I already know that you and JunHyung are an item so theres no reason to lie to me."

"No you have it all wrong. Truthfully im not sure why im here but besides that i dont believe in love,whether its boy or girl."

Instead of stuttering this time he was rather quiet.

"You don't need to believe in love to date do you?But anyways you cant tell me that you dont have a physical attraction to him can you?"

He was quiet for a bit before he answered.

"I might have a physical attraction but that doesn't mean anything. Its not love and i dont plan on making it be. Besides that i guess you can date without feeling love for the other person but even still i dont want to take any chances when it comes to something as silly as love."

Okay well now this is going to get interesting.

"I guess i can see what you mean. But you should really talk to JunHyung and find out why exactly you are here."

"Yeah.Thats what i plan on doing.Can you tell me where i can find him?"

"Oh yeah no prob. Just go down the hall and make you first right and you'll see his room. And if hes not in there just wait for him."

"Alright then thanks for everything Yoseob."

Waving goodbye to him as he made his exit i couldn't help but wonder how their meeting would go. Seeing as how now is the time that JunHyung takes his showers. Oh im such a match maker. HEHEHEH.



Yes i know that this is ubber short but i wanted to give you guys something that let you know i

am still writing this story

anyway enjoy as much as you can and plz bear with me

comment and subscribe if youd be so kind


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Ledooki #1
Chapter 19: I hope you update soon T.T
thuryaasif #2
Please complete it i wanna know what will happen
neon_fighter #3
Chapter 19: This is really good!!! Will you continue to write this or did you stop? You probably did since the comments are from last year :( aw it's ! I really wanna know what happens next!
tanyJeffer #4
I really love your story. Your writing is great, the best I've seen so far in this fansite. Your plot is complicated, but the way you write make thing so clear and clean. Really admire you.

Hope you update soon.

p/s: use everyone POV make my emotion interrupt. Why don't you use 3rd person for all?
Asianallday #5
So good! Please update!
um are you still writing this??
Woaah~~ I love this story.<br />
It's one of the best! update soon.<br />
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Take care.<br />
I shall be the first to say HAI!!!! Make the blog. Even though I don't get online alot it would still be convenient to be able to ask questions, comment or complain about your story and get a reply asap.<br />
Blondie is freakin' awesome. LUV him!<br />
Robot got served and in my opinion he is like Tsuyoshi from Very Very Sweet, he's like a mirror, he reflects how much people treat him. So if Kiki pretends around Robot then Robot does the same to Kiki.<br />
I'm glad Kiki is takin' Blondie's advice.<br />
And "OH JAEJOONG" Poppin' Dragon needs to get a damn clue.<br />
Lookin' forward to your future.............................. updates?! :P<br />
<br />
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DBSKforelove33666 OUT!!!!!!! ^^..