Love Is Unnecessary

GiKwang P..O.V

Surprise: To come upon a discovery suddenly and unexpectedly 

People look at a surprise as something wonderful, something they least expect. However,not all surprises are good or consisted of a thing to be wanted. Not all of them entailed ones sundden happiness. Sometimes surprises left one feeling more confused than  before the sudden shock of having a surprise ed upon them.

Well good surprise or bad surprise one thing that they both carry in common is the fact that now the cat was out of the bag, for better or worse.


Scurrying down the stairs as fast as i could, i held out hope that maybe, just maybe HyungSeung would still be on school grounds.

Even though he usually left right after the bell rang, unless he was waiting for me. So the fact that i didn't see him around campus wasn't too much of a surprise at all. Sighing i decided that i would just ask him tomorrow. Deciding to head home i stopped short of the gate when i realized that i would be late to tutoring.

Ah crap. 

I know that i should head home but that would look even more suspicious. I never missed a single day of school and if i started down people might worry, or at least teachers will, and that by itself spelled trouble.

So inhaling i turned around and headed back inside school.

With each step of me getting closer to the library i knew that my original reason for staying at school wasn't entirely because i was afraid that a teacher would all of a sudden become suspicious from me missing one day of school and then they would check my attendance to see that i was in first period, for a while, and hopefully they saw that i went to tutoring. Thus helping me to clear any thoughts of me being sick or injured.

Yeah all that wasn't entirely the reason for me going back.And as i made my way infront of the library i finally admitted to myself that i was here for my study buddy. I was here to get some eye-candy! from JunHyung of course.

Preparing myself to enter i inhaled and exhaled until i noticed that my watch told me that i was now twenty minutes late for tutoring. Bussaling in through the library doors i hurried as fast as i could, without hurting myself too much, to where JunHyung would be waiting for me.

Reaching our table in the back i noticed that he was there all by himself looking extremely bored. For some reason the fact that he stayed there waiting made me feel rather happy.

So hiding my smile i made my way over to him.

Upon getting close to him i hadn't noticed the random girl sitting opposite of him. As she batted her fake eyelashes at him and smiled rather suggestingly towards him i couldn't help but react negatively.

Jealousy: Vigilance in maintaing or guarding something.

I can totally agree with jealousy. I felt the need to push the bimbo away from JunHyung's presence and make it extremely clear to her that her hoe-iy-ness was not needed here.

However after i thought that though i immediately felt dejected. I shouldn't be having feelings of jealousy over something as trivial as this. And so sighing i decided to head back.



I think that i just heard a God speaking. As my name rolled off of that tempting mouth of his i enjoyed the way he said my name with a feeling of sureness to it. He made my name sound gruff and manly. Oh how i enjoyed that mouth of his and everything that came with it.

Turning around i was taken aback at the pair of eyes on me.

Fist up was the hoe that looked at me like i had just interrupted something special, but then as she looked at me again her eyes immediately glazed over to lust.

As for JunHyung his pleading eyes is what took my breath away. He looked at my as though i was there by some magical miracle, ready to save him.

So deciding from his expression i went on to get rid of the girl.

"Excuse me miss but your services are no longer needed. I am the tutor of this young man so if you will, please excuse yourself."

Even though i said all this, with my eyes staring straight into hers, my attention never left JunHyung.I knew that he was looking at me with curious eyes this time.

Luckily though the girl didn't argue as she flustered her way to the front of the library.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Oh crap.

"Oh im sorry. I thought she was bothering you. Do you want me to go get her back?"

I looked down to the ground as i spoke these words because for some reason i felt like crying.

"Im not talking about that useless hussy whos make up was like a clowns and whos perfume was giving me a headache."

Then what the heck was he talking about?

"Im sorry i don't un---"

"Look GiKwang are you okay?"

Gulping down bits of oxygen i didn't like where this was headed. Why was he asking me these questions?

"Why you ask?"

I was still looking down until he said something that made my head shoot up.

"Well i was there in the bathroom stall when you and your...friend were having that conversation. But um yeah after you passed out in the bathroom i kind of took you to get bandaged up,hope you dont mind. But yeah i also kind of changed your shirt."

Looking down i realized that i didn't have on my raggdy blue shirt that was too big for me. Instead i wore a snug Red Hot Chili Peppers' shirt in its place.

Not thinking i said the first thing that came to mind.

"I like the Red Hot Chili Peppers too."

Then for some reason i broke down and started crying. I was crying cause i was embarrassed that JunHyung found me passed out in the bathroom. That he had to see my hideous scars and that he got to touch me with out even me being half awake to enjoy it. 

Silently sobbing into my hands i felt all of a sudden tired. And before i knew it i was falling sideways to the floor. I didn't even feel like trying to stop myself as i toppled over. The last thought that crossed my mind before i passed out for the second time that week was that I wished HyungSeung would have been the one to bandage me up.

Then i wouldn't have to feel so damned embarrassed and frustrated.

But i guess we don't always get what we want. I hadn't thought it would have been JunHyung to find me. And i can now honestly say that i hated ing surprises!


Sorry this is as much as i can update for today

Ill try agian soon so wish me luck!

Sorry its so short!!!!

plz comment and subscribe i enjoy both of them


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Ledooki #1
Chapter 19: I hope you update soon T.T
thuryaasif #2
Please complete it i wanna know what will happen
neon_fighter #3
Chapter 19: This is really good!!! Will you continue to write this or did you stop? You probably did since the comments are from last year :( aw it's ! I really wanna know what happens next!
tanyJeffer #4
I really love your story. Your writing is great, the best I've seen so far in this fansite. Your plot is complicated, but the way you write make thing so clear and clean. Really admire you.

Hope you update soon.

p/s: use everyone POV make my emotion interrupt. Why don't you use 3rd person for all?
Asianallday #5
So good! Please update!
um are you still writing this??
Woaah~~ I love this story.<br />
It's one of the best! update soon.<br />
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Take care.<br />
I shall be the first to say HAI!!!! Make the blog. Even though I don't get online alot it would still be convenient to be able to ask questions, comment or complain about your story and get a reply asap.<br />
Blondie is freakin' awesome. LUV him!<br />
Robot got served and in my opinion he is like Tsuyoshi from Very Very Sweet, he's like a mirror, he reflects how much people treat him. So if Kiki pretends around Robot then Robot does the same to Kiki.<br />
I'm glad Kiki is takin' Blondie's advice.<br />
And "OH JAEJOONG" Poppin' Dragon needs to get a damn clue.<br />
Lookin' forward to your future.............................. updates?! :P<br />
<br />
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DBSKforelove33666 OUT!!!!!!! ^^..