Seven: Advice

Broken Link
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You awakened the next morning feeling completely refreshed. “Good morning you gu-” You frowned when you were met with the sight of an empty room. You thought they were supposed to keep watch over you for every second of the day? Shrugging, you crawled out of bed and into the bathroom to prepare yourself for the day. As you walked down the long staircase, the first person you caught sight of at the table was Sehun.

“Good morning Sehun! Have you found out your pow-,” you instantly cut off the end of your sentence the second you caught the look on his face. He hadn’t.

“Wow, I’m surprised you came down all on your own,” Kai called out with a smirk. “I was about to come get you myself.”

“I decided to save you the trouble,” you said dryly, taking your position at the long table for your morning meal.

“How considerate of you, although I really don’t mind our morning sessions,” Kai responded cooly as he buttered his toast.

You immediately understood how many different inappropriate ways his words could have been interpreted as. You choked on the gulp of water you had been attempting to swallow, Kris yelled out an angry, “YAH!”, and even Soar seemed to be mildly interested in his words.

“I take it that you are adjusting quite nicely, then?” Soar asked with a raised eyebrow when a blush crept all the way up to your ears.

“Y-Yah! Ahjusshi!” you barked, but he simply laughed at his joke.

“You took a while coming down, Haemi. Now your food is cold,” Sehun stated, attempting to change the subject to save you.

“I can help you with that!” D.O grin proudly. He raised his hand slowly and soon a dim fire flickered to life above your meal just close enough to warm it, but not burn it.

You were about to thank D.O until you took notice of Sehun’s expression. He looked bitterly and sadly down at his half eaten plate, ashamed to have not realized his powers yet.

“You’re adjusting quite well then, I perceive?” Soar asked D.O with a satisfied expression.

“Thanks D.O, that’s enough. So, when are we going to go out and train? I’m excited to kick D.O’s again!” you grinned, attempting to change subject to this time save Sehun. He noticed your efforts and gave you an appreciative gaze.

“My injury has healed wonderfully, so that won’t be happening again,” D.O snorted. “And besides, this time I have my fire ability to put you into your place!”

Sehun’s expression visibly darkened again, and he stood up from his seat with a loud clatter. “I’m going to go finish my chores before we start the training.”

You watched as he left the room in a rush, and instantly began funneling down your breakfast to chase after him. The others watched awestruck as you finished everything on your plate in a matter of seconds, and stood up quickly to be excused as well.

You were about to wipe your back with the back of your sleeve, but was interrupted when a napkin did the job.

“You can’t get your sleeve soiled, Haemi,” Baekhyun said with a kind smile as he pulled away the napkin. “Now, go after Sehun.”

You nodded with a light blush before resuming your chase after the said boy. You found him sitting on the front steps of the tower, bitterly petting a rabbit.

“Sehun?” you called out gently.

He looked up at you with surprise, but then turned away. “You should go back and finish your meal, Haemi.”

“I’m already done,” you laughed, taking the seat next to him. You held out your hands to take the rabbit from Sehun, but it refused to nudge. “It likes you,” you laughed.

“That’s not going to help me find out my ability,” Sehun replied flatly.

“Sehun,” you sighed, wrapping your arm around his shoulders. “Be patient, it’ll come in due time.”

“It’s not! I’m starting to doubt that I even got any of those stupid powers!” Sehun exclaimed as he threw his hands in the air. “I’ve tried everything to see what my powers were! I tried getting the hyungs to attack me, I tried meditating, I tried doing my activities in different ways – nothing’s working!”

“And all that’s happened since then are all these stupid birds and rabbits and raccoons following me around everywhere when I’m trying to do the morning chores!” Sehun exclaimed, stopping his foot angrily. “They just poop and get in the way of things!”

“Birds, rabbits, and raccoons? Animals?” you said slowly. You snapped your fingers and looked up at Sehun. “Sehun! I know what ability you’ve been given!”

“Really? What

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Aish, seriously, when is AFF going t get their crap together. I would update anyways, but I'd have 5 chapters missing.


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Will this ever be updated??
Chapter 29: This story is really interesting!!! I like it so far. I hope you update this again soon. (:
Flower- #3
Chapter 29: Wow. So the first of your stories I read was True Beauty and I loved it so much, I even bought the book and read it over and over again.
But because I desperately need other stories, I started to look up the others you wrote. Though I'm occupied with Ultimate Balance (how can you even come up with all these amazing storylines??), I was waiting for a new chapter so I looked through your other stories and thought I'd start with this one.
And can I just stay that I f***ing love you? Seriously, how can you be so awesome, think about all the plots and create amazing stories? I loved Broken Link ever since I read the first chapter! Hanmis personality is freaking cool and it's nice that you gave the guys a different power, cause it really did become overused with Chanyeol = fire etc.
I also love the bickering between the boys or/and Hanmi, how she met others along the journey and you make me squeal everytime when there's a Kaimi or Baekmi moment because really, how can anyone NOT love these guys?
I'm curious about how the story will go on, which obstacles they all will encounter along the way, what other people they'll meet and how this will end.
I know that you're still kinda on a hiatus but I do hope that someday, you'll be able to continue this story and also continue to lead us on the journey through Exoim.
Take care!
lateilovr #5
Chapter 29: true beauty that one i'll nevr forgot and dis super duper good kai's such a cutie...
Chapter 29: Please continue this... I'm begging you... The suspense is killing me!!
bella2211 #8
Chapter 2: please continue the story. . many of us are very interested in your stories
Mai-chan803 #9
Chapter 29: Wow wow wow! I love it! Keep going with the awesomeness! :D